5 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 174.6 hrs on record (73.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Mar @ 11:29am
Updated: 7 Mar @ 11:35am

This is the shining example of how to take a difficult, fun, and all around good game. And how to turn it into a unfun, disheartening, and frustrating mess.

Priorities are backwards. Instead of fixing game breaking issues, having a way to report griefers/cheaters well, and adding content. They are more worried about nerfing the only viable options for endgame play. Increasing the difficulty and adding RNG ways for the environment to kill us...Do they play there own game??? dying can be a huge setback, enough to take a good run and turn it into a frustrating crawl out of the hole. To have that happen because of a meteor shower that happens 4-6 times in a mission or fire tornadoes, is so infuriating. OR to lose a mission because of one of these RNG events is pointless.

However i loved this game in the beginning and if they reverse on this negative and damaging path. i could once again recommend this game.

The kernel level anti cheat that requires special steps to uninstall was a huge red flag and enough reason to stay away from this game.
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