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2 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Men of War II is not the game I been waiting on. It is like some amalgamation of Company of Heroes and some very tenuous aspects of the previous Men of War titles. This honestly feels like its own standalone game that is unfortunately worse than the previous Men of War titles. If I wanted to play this arcade type war game I would have just purchased Company of Heroes. I didn't though because I was excited for a new Men of War game, been on my wish-list since its was announced.

Literally struggle to think of any that the previous versions of MOW don't already do better.

Conquest mode was exciting to see however, that feel flat on delivery almost immediately.

The graphics I guess are better... TBH though, couldn't really tell myself if there is a major improvement.

Online requirement to play ( Devs are fixing but still terrible choice for release)

Battles are arcade style, quick and very rinse and repeat ( I started by selecting the realism option before even starting any game play and it still is arcady and frankly bad. All in all realism option does not make it like older MOW titles this is something I see the Devs posting to every negative review. This is not the case so beware.)

Armor is very weak like paper tanks. Also, there is way too much armor that get called in and can be called in. So many tanks on the field at one time that it negates any infantry strategy/movement. Instead of previous titles where a tank on the field was a focal point of strength and strategy, now its just spam tanks... You Win! or enemy spams tanks on harder difficultly... They Win!

Infantry is less outfit-able than previous MOW titles which is huge for me as I loved that aspect in the previous MOW. They can't pick up enemy infantry weapons off dead bodies, they are extremely weak and get shredded quickly in any combat, they have terrible pathing issues, they get lost on map and are hard to find when micro managing other units, lastly they are just overall useless vs previous MOW titles.

Conquest mode is lackluster to say the least.. Attack than Defend rinse and repeat. Thought maybe there might be a Steel Division aspect but yet again disappointment. Highly looking forward to this mode too.

Multiplayer did not even try it myself as this is not why I play this type of game. Might be great who knows, as it seems as if they are trying to compete with Company of Heroes in the arcady cheese mechanics that has been implemented in this game. Understand why it was added but honestly feels like they lost their way trying to focus on this aspect and forgot why MOW is loved by players to begin with.


If you must buy this game, I highly suggest waiting for it to go on sale. Maybe around $15 max for what this game offers. Me personally would not spend anything as I don't believe this game is going to be fixed to the degree at which is needed. I recommend playing the older MOW titles and just be happy that we have them as this game is never going to meet those standards.

Overall Rating- 3/10 across the board. Hate to be so harsh but I just can't see how this is a Men of War title. I really hope companies start realizing that when you have a recipe that is loved universally by fans... Don't mess it up by making something completely new, add to the recipe we all love and innovate on it. This is just a whole new thing that says it's going to taste the same and is sold as the previous recipe but ultimately leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Posted 17 May.
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1 person found this review helpful
80.1 hrs on record
Expeditions: Rome is a truly wonderful and engrossing game. I can say without any hesitation, this game had me hooked from start to finish; all 80 hours on the dot I spent playing it. I felt like I was in a legit Roman story the whole journey, one that I was writing myself by the choices I made throughout. Some games say that that choices matter but fail to meet expectations, E: Rome did not fail in that regard.

I played the first Expeditions: Vikings and remember loving that game as well. However, they have gone and out done themselves with E: Rome. It had all of the same fun and engaging combat systems with even more added than in E: Vikings. It also had one of the best story arcs I have honestly got lost in, in quite some time when it comes to games of this nature in recent years.

To wrap it up, I can't recommend this game enough. To those who loved E: Vikings and for those of you new to the series, this game is exceptional to put it lightly. It is one that will linger in the back of my mind for some time after finishing it. I heard that they are already in the works for their next game in the series, to say that I will buy it instantly would be an understatement. Expeditions: Rome is a 5/5 for me, a must buy. My only regret is that I finished it and now have to wait for the next one.
Posted 30 December, 2022.
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9 people found this review helpful
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0.4 hrs on record
I don't post reviews hardly ever. That being said, Axis Football '18 was such a let down that I felt obligated to warn others who might fall prey to all the good reviews. First off I want to say that I love franchise modes in sports games, and especially American Football games. I have waited a long time for steam to put out a good PC American Football game with a deep franchise mode. However, Axis Football '18 is not that game, not even close.

I don't want to knock the developers too much, cause I apreciate the effort, but Axis is just not good. For those of you out there like myself looking for a good franchise football game, be warned this game has very little depth, and even less excitment one gets from franchise modes in other games. Honestly, this game felt dead and barebones style of doing things. I could completly overlook the very bad in game play, as I would be fine with just coaching the games or even simming, but the level of control over you team in franchise was horrible. I feel that the developers had a very good plan going into the creation, the team customization was very nice, but they must have just said F### it a quarter of the way through when creating the rest of the systems in place.

Scouting as far as I could tell in my less then 30mins, (and yes I know people will say that is not enough time to really get a feel for a game, trust me it was more then enough) but the scouting was not even an option. No player position moving or customization either once you have started a franchise. You could customize the standerd teams at the main menu, but after starting your franchise, forget any customization after that, not even allowed to change players numbers on your team. In closing, cause I could go on and on with all the things missing and wrong with Axis Football '18, I just wanna say I hope this warning helps future potenial buyers looking into getting this game. I could see with some massive updating how this game could change things for the better. As for now, I requested a refund and will wait on Gridiron Champions to come out.

I would also just like to appologize to the people who by some means liked this game, and a big appology to the developers as well. I can see that you had good intentions going into creating this game, but I'm very sorry to say it fell very far short of myself as a fan expect from a game like this. (btw: I would really appreciate if any and all fan boys of the game refrain from crapping all over this review. It's my honest take on the game, if you like it, great! You shouldn't have to blast me for my view. Just enjoy the game and relax.) -Cheers-
Posted 17 September, 2018. Last edited 18 September, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
59.4 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
Warning! Stay away this game will give you cancer. My rating is a -5 stars out of 18quadtrillion, ten thumbs down, and a solid 10 out of 10 on gamers remorse/regret. Please, be warned, and for all that is holy don't give Hello Games or Sean Murray any more money for this giant pile of poo!!!
Posted 2 September, 2016.
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7 people found this review helpful
13.5 hrs on record
I would not recommend this game due to the lack of casual gameplay on the easy setting and rigged AI dice rolls and turns. Alot of other fanboys will just say that I am bad or don't understand the game, however, I do get that the game is extreamly in depth and like that aspect, it is why I purchased it in the first place. With that fanboy garb set aside, really looking at the game there are tons of issues for new players and people who just want to have fun, not have to rage about cheap and unfair AI. The AI's dice rolls being rigged are the most frustrating part of the game bar none. If not for these rigged single player settings the game could be real fun. I have no problem with RNG in games in fact I love that aspect, however, this is not the case here. Yet again alot of fanboys and other will continuiously state that it is not rigged, that people just dont understand the brutality of RNG and statistics. but, I do thats the problem, and thats why I know that the game is rigged. In conclusion I would rate this game a 2 out of 10, some people may like the way the game AI cheats, but I think most casual gamers playing on easy just want to enjoy their experience when playing. If I wanted unfair and imbalanced AI I would play on hard setting, Overall, I got this game on sale for 75% off so you would think I cant really complain... but I just got my refund. So if your going to spend any money at all on this title I would suggest doing some research first. You will find I'm not alone in my review. Ok fanboys, let me have it now, you know you all can't contain your bias.

Overall rating 2 out of 10
main issue being rigged gameplay on single play mode
no casual settings just easy=hard normal=real hard and hard=brutal

ALSO BEWARE FANBOY BIAS, (they can't help themselves)
Posted 18 May, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
9.9 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
Tharsis overall is a great concept for a game. In fact Tharsis is fun to play, for the first hour or two. However it leaves you with a feeling of frustration and contempt, after about 7 or 8 playthroughs. I dont mind the RNG and the randomness that comes from it at times, but I would like that randomness to play into the players favor once in awhile. For instance mabye not have everything break the very next turn after the player just repaired that section. Mabye provide ship up keep for sectors, allowing for the players to be proactive not always struggling. All in all, Tharsis has potential for a great game, however without some changes for alot of gamers who dont have the time to study stradegy on youtube vids and on the forums, how bout just making it easier for the common gamer. I know, the fanboys out there hate when people ask for it to be easier, I just think it would appeal to a much broader audiance. In closing if you want to be challanged to the point of frustration and anger, then by all means Tharsis is for you. When I bought the game I thought people complaining just had short attiention spans, and could'nt be bothered to figure it out. However, now I realize how true the reviews were and hope other make smart choices. As of right now if I had to rate Tharsis on a scale of 1-10, it would come in at a 3.5 unfortunetly, or at least till the devs start listening to all the gamers and not just the fanboys and make the nessisary changes to make Tharsis the 7.5 or better game I feel it could be one day.

P.S I don't do reviews hardly at all, I mabye have done three ever in 8 years. So I appologize for any poor grammar or rambling. This was just one of those games that calls on you to relay your experience.


OVERALL RATING- 3.5 OUT OF 10 would not recommend!!!
Posted 22 January, 2016.
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10 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
This game caught my eye, due to intrest of theme and obviously PRICE... As for what i got well to be quite frank, its not a good game. Firstly i would like to point out that i only logged 27mins in game, but for good reason the game is simple boring no strategy. The reason for such little game play is cause i beat the game 4 times in a row in 27mins, never challanged. Secondly there is no game here you just build you city up and be the first to level 5 for all your buildings, it is so simple if you just save your money for city upgrades and skip the shares,politics, and police raids=Game Over you win.
In summary sorry i bought this game, but if i can stop any others from making this poor choice then i guess it will be worth it, unless your the type of person who likes boring no challange level rusheing types of games then this is your game. If you like fun and emersive games then NO!!! pls do not purchase.
Posted 2 July, 2015.
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26.5 hrs on record (23.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is a very solid 9/10. However very challenging at times it will pay for every dime you spend on it and more. For not being finished yet, it has everything you could possibly want from early access. As well the dev team seems like they got their crap togather with consistant updates. If your looking for a challenge and loads of fun, this is the game you want!
Posted 14 February, 2015.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries