Sir Dookface McFerretballs
United States
If you are a kid, have no profile, level 0 or a private profile, didn't read below the arrows, are an SJW/FASCIST/MARXIST, or are easily triggered, then I will not add you. vvvv More word things below vvvv

I don't add everyone, so leave a comment on my profile page as to why I should add you. I will ignore any "randos" that friend me without leaving a comment as to why. Seriously, has social media killed people's ability to make a simple introduction anymore? :steamfacepalm:

I'm TOTALLY a giant anthropomorphic Ferret from the planet "Dook" way out in "Otter Space."

I'm not crazy... Or am I? Perhaps I'm joking, or using sarcasm, or do I really mean it? That's the fun of the internet! :steammocking:

Yes, I know "furries are cringe". That's part of the charm. :wolf_swag:

I'm a gearhead car nut, auto mechanic, mechanical thing enthusiast, old-school text roleplayer, 1980s metalhead, synthwave music lover, and much more! :rockon:

Yes, I am GAY, but that doesn't mean I like or fit into the media stereotypes of gay people. Not all gays are effeminate, girly-boy, hairdressers, with limp wrists and a lisp.

Some gays like leather, guns, cars, cuddling, whiskey neat, and proper masculinity.

And it is "LGBS" Those are sexual orientations, including straight! ... That "TQI+-" crap is all identity CHOICES... Sexual orientation is completely different from made-up identities, they are two entirely different things. Do not lump me in with the cringe TQI people.

-If feminism was about equal rights, then they wouldn't be called "feminists". When was the last time feminists raised money for prostate cancer research?

-BLM and KKK are both hate groups full of racists.

-If you defend Nazism/Fascism, Marxism/Communism, then you are SCUM OF THE EARTH. :MMDead:

-"Equity" is inherently unequal. Anyone who thinks "Equity" is a good idea believes that certain people should have more or less rights than other people.

-I don't like being preached to by hypocrites on any "sides" of any political "tribes".

-I don't need religious preaching and cancel culture from the right-wing trying to make me feel bad for existing. And I don't need political correctness preaching and cancel culture from the left-wing either!

-I cannot stand self-titled SJWs, as they are quite often massive hypocrites and cringe as hell.

-I don't PvP but I LOVE Co-Op games.

-I play games for FUN and ESCAPISM to relax from the crap in the real world.

-I really don't take things that seriously, especially in the world of internet forums. It's more fun to be happy and joke around than to be serious and shouting into a void.

Pseudo-Legal Warning About "Sir Dookface McFerretballs":

Must be over 18 years of age. Some restrictions may apply. "Sir Dookface McFerretballs" takes no responsibility for anything said or done. Valve and "Sir Dookface McFerretballs" are not responsible for the side effects of "Sir Dookface McFerretballs".

Common side effects of "Sir Dookface McFerretballs" may include:

Sudden fuzzyness, poofy tail syndrome, uncontrollable happy ferret noises, common sense, car talk, fuzzy butt syndrome, enjoying life, cheeseburgers, techno babble, ranting, self combustion, man thongs, dingus categorization, sarcasm, cringe, rainbow colored farts, getting nostalgic about 1980s and 1990s arcade life, rock and roll, metal/heavy metal music, sudden Agnosticism, throbbing priapism, tinfoil and other shiny things... In rare cases: Tight pants and disco balls!

Not everyone should take "Sir Dookface McFerretballs". If you are pregnant or may ever become pregnant, nursing or may ever be a nurse, are undead or just plain dead, have an allergy to honesty, are under 18 years of age, or are vegan, then you should not take "Sir Dookface McFerretballs".

Ask your Dooktor if "Sir Dookface McFerretballs" is right for you.

If you actually read this all the way through, I salute you. :steamthumbsup:
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A Gay and Bisexual group on steam without all the trans-identity-SJWs.
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Tighty-Whitey 20 Jun @ 1:29pm 
Hey, i want to talk to you privately.
fцику мцику 16 Jun @ 11:07pm 
Yeah, because no-one wants to fight on behalf of the current Commander in Chief. They have to force them to
I would have no problems enlisting for a ♥♥♥♥ storm to protect my home and nation, but after wokism took over USA and everything has gotten worse in every aspect of our nation I could care less what really happens to it to some degree and would not go into the military until it was put back to what it was 100% and stay that way.

But like every company, etc they say they care about everyone and what [insert buzz word] until they start looking like idiots and losing hundreds of millions if not billions of :dosh: for pandering to <1% to society.

But at least we got funny gems like this over these years;
Sir Dookface McFerretballs 16 Jun @ 1:55pm 
:Gachiclown:Interesting it's ONLY MEN too, huh? What happened to all that talk about diversity and feminism and equality? :Gachiclown:
Sir Dookface McFerretballs 16 Jun @ 1:55pm 
:Gachiclown:Today in Clown World News: U.S. Approves bill automatically enrolling all men age 18-26 in the selective services (DRAFT). :Gachiclown:

Looks like certain people know World War 3 is coming!

It's almost like everything is all planned out!

Though nowadays most men don't want to fight for their country when their country has done nothing for them.

But what better way to fix the housing market, "Save muh environments", and fix job problems than to kill off a large number of various young poors that aren't some exempt "senator's sons"?

I can understand a draft for fighting against an invasion of your home country, but not to be shipped off to some meat-grinder-war overseas to feed the military-industrial-complex and shady billionaire-group's population-control and eugenics ideals.

I feel really bad about what is likely going to happen to a lot of millennials and zoomers in the near future.

I just hope I'm wrong. :steamsad: