Sir Dookface McFerretballs
United States
If you are a kid, have a level 0 or private profile, didn't read below the arrows, are a FASCIST/MARXIST, or easily triggered, then I will NOT add you. vvvv More Word Things Below vvvv

I don't add randos, so leave a comment on my profile page as to why I should add you. Seriously, has social media killed people's ability to make a simple introduction anymore?


"What am I?" You may ask...

Well, I'll tell you!

I am a sexy...


Ferret-shaped enigma...

Wrapped in mystery...

And bacon!




I'm TOTALLY a giant anthropomorphic gaymer Ferret from the planet "Dook"! Way out in "Otter Space"! :marten_sip:

Is that sarcasm?

It's funnier if I don't tell you!

Now for the REAL questions that NO ONE is dying to know!!! :MMForFun:

-How long have I been a gamer?
Since the 1980s.

Nope... Unless you are on the couch next to me!

-Co-Op and single-player?

-What kind of music do I like?
Synthwave, Chillwave, Metal, Heavy Metal, Rock, Hard Rock, Swing, Electro Swing, Jazz, Dark Country, Goth, Trance, really anything that sounds good. :rockon:

-How do I know so much about cars?
I'm an Auto Mechanic and all-around grease-weasel. :summer2019vehiclecorgi:

-Am I "LGB"?
Yes... I'm the "G" in the LGB-sandwich.

I didn't "choose" to be gay any more than someone can "choose" to be straight... And if you can choose, you are likely the "B" in that LGB-sandwich.

-Am I "TQI+"?

I'm not a fan of the whole "identity choice politics" of that particular group. They can do their thing, I'm just not a part of that stuff.

-Am I a "furry?
Possibly. :marten_sip:

-Do I think furries can be, or are "cringe"?
Yup. But even self-aware cringe can still be fun! :cleanseal:

-Do I abuse animals in ANY way?
HELL NO! There's a special place in hell for animal abusers!

-Am I a left-winger or a right-winger politically?

-Am I "liberal" or "conservative"?
I'm liberal in the "classical" sense.

-Am I religious, or an atheist?

-Do I march in lockstep with any political group or "community"?

I'm an individual who can think for myself.

-Do I like "Cancel Culture"?
HELL NO! Not on the Left or Right or anything in between! Censoring and canceling people someone disagrees with is something only a loser would do.

-Why don't I just avoid politics?
Because avoiding politics and political discourse is what has got much of the world into the crap situation it currently is in.

When "the people" just let the government "do its thang" the government serves itself instead of "the people".

-Why don't I seem to take things super seriously?
Because life's too short to take everything so seriously, especially the "Terminally Online" garbage I see around the internet.

Sometimes it really is a good idea to take a step back from the echochambers and go fondle some luscious grass now and then! :SafeForWork:

If you actually read this all the way through, I salute you. :steamthumbsup:
Socialism/Communism Expectation Vs. Reality
49 73 8
Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Gamers - กลุ่มสาธารณะ
A Gay and Bisexual group on steam without all the trans-identity-SJWs.
Battle Of The Bat-Bulge.
5 1
lightwo 11 ก.ย. @ 2: 58am 
In good news, Stop Killing Games apparently... worked?

"Finally, Ubisoft Ivory Tower committed to long-term access for both The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest, ensuring that both games will be playable for many years to come, including in an offline mode coming in the future."

I'm not determined to get either of these games in any case, as Uplay will definitely be necessary to launch the game and I'm not using it for good reason (even so far as deleting my account), but I suppose it may be worth throwing a few pennies just to show some support for the decision.

In bad news, uhh... something Zelenskyland something long-range missiles.
fцику мцику 8 ก.ย. @ 12: 46am 
Big tech and big business colluding with big war, and big government
Sir Dookface McFerretballs 7 ก.ย. @ 6: 54pm 
So, the Democrats are now bragging that ♥♥♥♥ CHENEY, MITT ROMNEY, AND Ol' DUBYA BUSH are siding with them...


They are all life-long terrible people and just proves that the current Democrat party has gone so HARDCORE-ESTABLISHMENT that they now sync-up with the Republicans of the late 1990s and early 2000s!

So, voting establishment Dem now means you agree with the likes of the Iraq War, Afghanistan occupation, The Patriot Act, Cheney blasting a guy in the face with a shotgun, and Romney's Mormon Nepotism.

Hate to break it to the current establishment dems, but that isn't the "own" they seem to think it is. :MMForFun:
Sir Dookface McFerretballs 4 ก.ย. @ 10: 00am 
Haha! Too many boomer "War Hawks" in all the big 1st world countries with monetary or political ties to the military-industrial complex that want to go out on a high note as wartime politicans.

I don't know about the EU, but if you look at how war-monger the establishment warhawk Democrats have gotten in the last 20 years in the US, it's nuts. They want war more than the Republicans do!

There is hardly any talk of ending wars, just constant approval of more money and weapons all day long. :steamfacepalm:
lightwo 4 ก.ย. @ 8: 29am 
EU/NATO you mean? Currently, war tensions aren't very apparent out here (news report them, but close to nothing is being done), but in regards to EU itself, I certainly wouldn't want to live here if Chat Control passes after being postponed some time ago.

At least the culture is very different outside the US, and prices indeed tend to be a lot better. Just hoping US/NATO will cease involvement eventually.
Sir Dookface McFerretballs 4 ก.ย. @ 2: 29am 
Hey, if you got that kind of money, have fun.

THough I'd avoid European countries considering how close it seems World War 3 is getting lol.