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58.3 ч. всего (50.0 ч. в момент написания)
It is by far my favorite puzzle game to date. Really like the difficulty curve here. From super easy hidden object stuff to really hard logic stuff, there is something in here. What I enjoy most about it is the super chill atmosphere. Looks nice, plays nice, sounds nice and I am kind of sad that it did not garner more of an audience and they close the multiplayer aspect of it, since I liked helping others find that last hidden cube in a specific enclave and also getting help finding some of them in others. Maybe one day there will be the opportunity for a private server although I doubt it.
Опубликовано 1 октября 2024 г.. Отредактировано 1 октября 2024 г..
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58.2 ч. всего
I enjoyed my time with Asterigos. Gameplay overall was solid with multiple viable options when it comes to combat. Since upgrading every weapon can definitely get grindy I would recommend testing all available weapons in the early game and focus your upgrades on 2-3 weapons to get the most out of them. I played on "challenging" so if you choose an easier difficulty you maybe able to use more weapons throughout your playthrough. The general progression felt good, level ups and trinket upgrades combined into a nice power curve over the whole experience. Graphics are good, the artstyle may not be everybody's cup of tea but I liked it. One gripe I have is that animations on enemies more than half their framerate when the player puts some distance between themselves and the enemy. Most of the time sightlines are not that far out though so its not a big issue. Sound design and music are great overall, lots of themes that I enjoyed a lot and I am very happy that the soundtrack is available for purchase. The story was good, I enjoyed all the characters although it took some time to get going and to hook me. I would say if you do not like reading in games this game has quiet a lot of it and I would argue it is almost necessary to read a lot of the documents one can find to get the bigger picture about this games story and world. Not an issue for me though, I like reading a lot in games :3

So overall definitely an easy recommend from me.
Опубликовано 11 августа 2024 г..
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11.7 ч. всего
Scars Above feels in a lot of ways like a small team punching above their weight. Story and Characters are intriguing. Graphics are perfectly fine. Music and sound design fit nicely and are well executed. Voice acting is very good. Animations are by far the games weakest link, in general gameplay and cutscenes alike, they get the job done, but I feel like there are better ways to do cutscenes if your budget may not allow for a little bit better animations (i.e. comic slides or other semi animated stills). Gameplay felt fine to me (KB+M), a bit of soulslike combat merged with a third person shooter. With roughly 11 hours for completion on the hardest difficulty it did not overstay its welcome and I felt engaged from start to finish.

If you like the premise of this sci-fi story and can live with the janky animations I'd say there is a really cool game here that's definitely worth your time.
Опубликовано 28 июля 2024 г..
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16.4 ч. всего
I really enjoyed my time with Gestalt. It felt well paced and I liked the story and the characters a lot. I really loved the world they created here, in visuals and in lore especially. Graphics are really good, great art style, direction and animation on display. Really loved the soundtrack and can not wait for its hopefully soonish separate release. Gameplay felt good to me, the tools at my disposal felt good to use and well paced throughout the game. Bosses in the second half of the game felt a bit too easy but with that said, since I got way more powerful by that point it may be something that can be easily tweaked with some stat adjustments.

Overall I definitely recommend it and really hope there will be a second game. I can not wait to see where this story and its characters go next.
Опубликовано 25 июля 2024 г..
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30.7 ч. всего
What a fun game. I did not expect much from this one and I am surprised and very pleased to say that this was awesome. It has its fair share of jank but for me this makes it even more charming. It feels like the devs punched way above their weight in terms of budget on this one. Looks perfectly fine for an older title at this point in time. Great story and characters. Not a huge fan of Terminator myself but this one makes me want to dive deep into the universe.
Overall I can not help myself but want another one from them maybe even bigger areas or fully open world. Maybe an original story in the universe without the movie tie ins and the well known characters. I know they did RoboCop next but I really hope they get a chance to dive deeper into the Terminator Universe in the future. Highly recommend.
Опубликовано 24 апреля 2024 г..
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20.7 ч. всего
Solid game. Enjoyed the story, characters and the fighting system. Played it mostly with KB/Mouse and it worked great for me after initially trying with a controller and somehow not finding a scheme on controller that felt good. Really hope they make a second one cause I really like the universe they created here.
Опубликовано 19 апреля 2024 г..
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