David   Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
Hello there, welcome to my profile on Steam!

I'm a somewhat silent gamer from Sweden who loves to spend my time playing computer games and drawing stuff.

Mostly I enjoy games with a strong singleplayer or coop focus, maybe it is my coming of age story or something.
Although I am probably ready to play some pvp games if I have a team backing me up.

If you find a cool mech, tank, sci-fi or space game you can expect me to play that!

If you are interested in finding what else I do, you can find my artist profile at DeviantArt and my Twitch accountlinks in the "links" section.
Be warned though, as you may already see in my artwork section- I do draw furry trash but would like to try creating other things.
[EDIT 24119: I have added links in a textbox below]
Currently Online
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Rough-BIT MK2
Artwork Showcase
Rough-BIT Martyr-Sybil
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Sybil PicoCAD Toybox
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Metal Gear REX in PicoCAD
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Rise of the machines!
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Review Showcase
20 Hours played
First of all, I am no fan of platformers but when I heard about this game (and it's fanart of it's titular character- Sybil)- I knew I had to try this game sooner or later.

Now that we have passed that first line of text: get this game. Just buy it and play it.
I didn't think it would be proper game at first, being lured in here as the furry artist I am.

But, man- this game made me feel upon seeing the ending texts scrolling by.
Maybe it was the long forgotten memories of being a kid again, playing a brand new platformer on the PS1 or a friends' N64.
It made me feel nostalgic for once in my sad, boring adult life. Feelings of what could've been.

Coming from the popular free to play game Warframe, I've been longing for a similar movement system- just to bounce around the environment and solve puzzles.
Now, Warframe is an online only title and therefor will forever have a limited lifetime. But it's also grindy and the focus is often not on the parkour.

Vice versa here with Sybil's game is that the combat is a very minor aspect of the game, as most development have been spent on making the movement system just right.
And there are a lot of manuevers you can do in the game, not all of them useful in combat but all have their uses in exploring the levels.

Although, the game is also non-linear and the developer have left in the possibility to "sequence break" the game, if the player know their toolset well enough.
And you don't see that anymore in modern games, letting players have some power over the game itself.
Apparently the developer added in this very year a map you can unlock, so you may not get as lost- but I'd like to see some improvements to the map (player marker- seen items etc).

And while there are a lot of moves Sybil can perform, some of them can get a bit annoying to perform rapidly as some of them share button inputs (looking at you bullet jump and backflip).
Mastering those may be mandatory for some of the unlockable outfits in the game.

What's that? Unlockables?! Yes, this is a old-school game where there are time trials dotted around- giving you new swag for Sybil to wear if you complete these tests.
Remember that? Unlocking cool stuff by just playing the game? Yeah, there are those nostalgia tears again.

But for some critique I would give is simple: more enemies to fight and just... More. Give me more. More maps, more weapons and even more crazy movement techs.

Thank you rittzler and team behind the game, I hope you get to make a game again- perhaps featuring the dream warrior once more.
For I will remember Sybil's name.
Some linkthings I dunno
My DeviantArt profile Same username on FurAffinity if you wanna find me there ;
Devil-D-IND []

My Twitch profile;
Devil404D []

My Twitter/X handle: @dd404industries