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Nylige anmeldelser av [POOP]Mad Dog

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11.5 timer totalt (10.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Amazing game.
Publisert 29. november 2020.
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33.2 timer totalt (4.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
This is such a neat concept and I will tell you why.

You get pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ training from someone that has done the job before to make sure you don't immediately kill yourself. The training gets you going but doesn't tell you everything. You just sorta gotta bumble through it, like a real job with poor training. Eventually you want to get better so you start watching other people who do the job (on YouTube) and begin to learn how to go about things better.

Eventually you are doing alright on a base level ship scrapping it. The timer, which was a pain in the ass in the beginning, eventually doesn't matter too much. Yes, there is a MASSIVE debt to pay and you won't get there anywhere soon, but it gives the game some drive to come back to it.

This isn't the sort of game you play for ten hours. It feels more like something you do a ship or two and go do something else. You gradually make progress and it feels pretty darn good.

I completely recommend this game to people who want something they've never played before and want a game to load up, play for 15-30 minutes and then move on. Eventually the stress of the timer goes away, you get better and it's sort of cathartic. Just my thoughts...
Publisert 20. juni 2020.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.9 timer totalt
As you will read in other reviews, Everything is an experience more than it is a 'game'. If you are looking for a game that has structure and an eventual end or way to win, you should take a pass on this. If you want something you can play that has a really chill atmosphere, gentle music and some really interesting lectures to discover, this is the game for you.

The concept is simple yet very deep. You start off in the game as 'something'. What that is I believe is different for every player. I was a cow. You are able to explore the world around you as whatever you are. Through the beginning lessons you learn how to navigate between the different things in your world. You can become a plant, a bug, even a tree. At one point early on I was a dust mite. Eventually you begin to learn how to get bigger. A continent, a planet, a star, a solar system. You are able to navigate pretty freely between perspectives and going to different planets and levels of the planets give you some other things to become. This is the ultimate in sandbox gameplay.

The game isn't without it's flaws. You will immediately notice there is no walking animation for the ground creatures. They flip over themselves to move. This put me off at first but honestly, it's sort of funny and after a while it didn't bother me at all. Some of the controls don't feel the most intuitive. About an hour in I am getting the hang of navigating the different perspectives and perhaps had I read some of the tutorial more closely I would have done a better job. Some of the key choices are weird. The '8' key is one ability you will use which feels...randomly bound. There are some menus with navigation shown in gamepad terms so perhaps it makes more sense to play with a controller. I am more of a keyboard jockey but in future play I will give it a shot.

Overall, if the above doesn't scare you away, this is a great game and the developers deserve the praise they've been receiving for it. It's obvious there has been a lot of work and thought put into it and they are still working on it. If you want a nice, easy experience that may make you think about how small you really are in this huge universe...I whole-heartedly suggest picking up Everything.
Publisert 28. april 2017.
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8.9 timer totalt (8.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
So far I've really enjoyed this game a lot more than I thought I would. I'm not much for 'Farmville' type games but it's been pretty sweet. There is enough to do and you don't really have to feel like you made a mistake, even when you miss out on something during a season. There is always next year and there is always another crop you can raise the next season to make money.

Edit: The addition of Co-op gameplay will make this game fresh again. I look forward to playing with my friends!
Publisert 23. november 2016. Sist endret 21. november 2018.
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7.3 timer totalt
I bought the game on sale but it took a while to get around to playing it. The subject matter didn't really interest me in the beginning so I was skeptical that I'd like it. After playing through it over the course of two days, I have to say it is hands down worth every penny.

Incorporating many different fairy tale characters, the plot really winds around pulling you in different directions. Unlike other games which give you a choice (or the broken promise of it), the choices you need to make in The Wolf Among Us aren't cut and dry, but they really make a difference. Even when they seem like they are easy choices, you find out that you may have made the wrong decision. At least half a dozen times I regretted a choice I made and used that information to mold how I played the game from that point. You DON'T have to always say something, you don't have to always hit someone or chase them. There are consequences to almost every decision that shape how the characters react to you and how the world proceeds around you. That's something I really enjoyed. I couldn't just sit back and play, I had to be involved and thinking through how I wanted to handle every situation and conversation.

Overall, the story is fantastic and gripping. The characters really make you care about your decisions surrounding them. The episodes, for the most part, are short enough to play straight through if you have an hour to spare. All in all, I fell like they did a fantastic job with this game and I am a believer in the episodic content delivery system. It really makes the game more enthralling and almost like a TV show leaving you at a cliff hanger at each episode.

If you like a great story and a lot of freedom of choice that really matters, this game is for you. It is especially worth it if you can pick it up on one of the Steam sales.
Publisert 28. desember 2014.
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583.6 timer totalt (136.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's hard to tell that this game is, for all intents and purposes, free to play. There is so much to do, so many people playing and always a battle going on somewhere. The graphics are second to none, the battles as hard-core as you could possibly wish for and the immersion right there with any AAA pay to play game out there. I absolutely recommend getting this game and giving it a shot. The only thing you'll be out is the time it took to download and play it and you will never regret it for a second.
Publisert 17. februar 2014.
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32.4 timer totalt
Exceptional coop experience. Great single player as well with a ton of replay value!
Publisert 27. desember 2011.
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14.0 timer totalt
Could be the best game I've ever played. Graphics, gameplay, environment, ambiance...everything is just incredible.
Publisert 10. oktober 2011.
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11.2 timer totalt (10.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game is seriously fun. It's quick, graphics are great and it's just awesome to wholesale kill 'specimen'.
Publisert 20. desember 2010.
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