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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
This DLC does have the best writing and story, which was much better than the main story of the MW5 game. However, it is hard due to the way some missions play back to back with no repair. I had a great time as I had already gotten very far in the main game with 8 Assault mechs and a few heavies, but I could see someone less prepared having a very tough time.
Posted 4 June.
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29 people found this review helpful
57.3 hrs on record
The base game is pretty good, and it was very fun running around the galaxy as a merc, getting bigger better mechs/guns. In fact, I actually forgot to play the story I was supposed to be playing in parallel, which was fairly weak and wasn't particularly interesting.
I did get about 30-40 good hours out of it, but the last bit started to feel like a slog, and that's partly due to the relatively poor AI, both yours and the enemy. I wish the enemies were a bit more engaging, and didnt always auto-target you and to have had more control over your friendly mechs. I suspect when its 4 player COOP together it might be good/better, but unfortunetly I didnt have such an option.

Still, had a good time stomping around and I will probably reinstall in the future when Im bored doing other genres and just want a mech-driving experience.
Im almost tempted to say this really made me want to play the decling free2play Mech Warrior Online because that does have bits of good combat that this game really lacked.
Posted 4 June.
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16.0 hrs on record
Like many others, this was really average at best, its not as good as the first one on several levels.

The level design isnt quite as good, there's much less depth and exploring as the first one. The land section is a bit of a maze and the ground vehicle handles very badly which makes it a bit difficult to bear.

The water sections are good but with the narrative driven story, I often found I was kind of rail-roaded, rather than exploring things as the first one.

The story is also not particularly engaging, its trying its best to not get in your way, so often your character is silent, but not in a good way like Gordon Freeman in HL, and there isnt quite enough story to keep me interested; I feel like they should have gone all-in one way or the other.

I took a big break from the game due to events happening in real life and when I came back a few months later, I really found very little motivation to play on, so I uninstalled it, which is a shame, because I really wanted to like it, but Unknown Worlds failed to capture the same spirit of the first game.
Posted 8 September, 2023.
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16.1 hrs on record
A well designed small world with a good little gameplay loop using the simple mechanics and a psuedo RPG elements building your little boat. Underneath all that, a story that simmers just under the surface.

Great little game that kept me coming back for to find the ending.
Posted 25 May, 2023.
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3.9 hrs on record
There's a great story with some interesting narrative choices as well as some twists and turns in the plot, and the way you can only communicate via the radio has quite a different feel than most games/walking sims, where you engage with NPCs, its quite refreshing.

The visuals are great too, with a range of scenary and great lighting effects. My only compliant is that the map is large but you can only walk/explore very limited sections, which serves a tighter story but on the odd occasion did slow the pacing down a bit.

Overall, I was very pleased with the expierence. Did it all in 2 session (2x2 hours). Some might argue its short, but the story does wrap up with good time, I think any longer than this and it would start to lose my interest.
Posted 4 January, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
Tried it out on the free weekend, it wasn't my flavour.

The game is quite pretty, but it feels very empty and hollow; being designed around multiplayer, as a solo player it just didnt feel like a fallout game without the tight narrative at the beginning, it didnt draw me in like the older titles.

I created a character, spawned in, and went down a series of corridors in Shelter 76 with robots narrating the "tutorial" (which was poorly done), and then I was on my own.
Combat is a bit meh, its not bad, but the gunplay feels very dated and you can see how they never got singleplayer gunplay to work well in multiplayer (specifically the VATS system).

On the plus side, the game is pretty to look at, and if you're into a sandbox surival games, this could be your thing. The game retains some RPG elements, such as dialog choices, but its very superficial and lacks any real effect on gameplay experience.

But the game lost me when I had to pay bottle caps to fast travel. But looking back at it, Im not really sure who this game was designed for; it lacks the typical RPG elements for the regular Fallout RPG players, and its action is too poor for FPS/looter players, and its a very hollow MMO.

Posted 21 June, 2021.
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5.8 hrs on record
Great puzzle game where you solve the ID and cause of death of all 60 crew on board the Obra Dinn.

The game gives you many clues to solve these puzzles. I suggest going over each scene slowly as missing one or two clues will cause you problems of having to re-find the crime scene!

Its not crazy hard, I manged 48 without any assitance. However, there are a few which will require a basic/reasonable knowledge of naval ranking/uniforms as well as national dress in the 19th century.
There's also a few that you have to deduce by guess.

Replayablity? Maybe if you come back to it in a year or two, but I wouldn't say there isn't any.

The game itself is pretty cool with the artstyle and its a fantastic concept, so I'd highly suggest this game.
Posted 4 May, 2021.
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10.8 hrs on record
The game is far more engaging than the pictures and trailers lead it to be. Turn based combat with positioning and abilities, except this time in a 2D environment. Initially I had my doubts, but it does work very well.

The story is good, there's no fancy cutscenes or graphics, but it doesnt need it; the game dialog between characters as the story progresses carries it perfectly, while keeping the game rolling.

It is short at about 10 hours on a normal difficulty, and there is a New Game Plus mode where you can replay the game with all your characters to try them all out, which you really need to, to get the most of out the game. I only used the same 4 characters in my play-thru and I will probably go back and do a 2nd game with the other ones I didnt use.

For some players, I dont imagine you would play this more than once; while fun and challenging, its not very deep, the replayability comes with the mixing and matching of the team line up, but once you get a good team, you probably will stick with it in that one play-thru. Which is probably the only criticism I have.

A second, but smaller, criticism I have is that the missions that get harder aren't done by gameplay or level design but by the horde of enemies once the alarm triggers. I just wish there was a mechanic to stop the alarm or reduce the level in some way. Increasing the difficulty by numbers while challenging initially, did get a bit annoying after some time. Fortunetly these missions are not common.

Posted 4 May, 2021.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.7 hrs on record
The demo includes mini tutorial videos that you can watch+skip but there's way too much micro managment at the beginning; you have to move your officers around the ship to switch between tasks and abilities inside the different parts of the command structure. So if you want to set a waypoint for the ship, you have to tell an officer to go to the office that moves the ship and then pick the sub-task "set waypoint", which is way too many steps for a simple task that feels really out of place in the theme of running an aircraft carrier.

With only 3 officers at the start, so your abilitiy to micro manage the ship is artificially limited by the amount of officers on board, which i feel is a very lazy way to make the game feel challenging especially with no pause button. Between managing the carrier deck itself, the carrier on the map and organising the flights to scout/strike/patrol, this feels like a clunky design to make you feel like you're under pressure, but its just deadweight to gameplay.

I know its only one part of the gameplay, but that one specific part of the game ties in with all the other mechanics that really makes the game go from good to average. I really hope they modifty (or better yet, remove) the way officers do tasks, because I really enjoyed managing the carrier deck and fleet otherwise. It felt like a very authentic fleet simulator otherwise.
Posted 4 April, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
I actually quite enjoy the relaxing feel of driving a train sim, and the universal control option panel makes operating the different types of trains very simple. Driving down from New Jersey to the Newark was very cool the first few times in the game.

However, the game would seem to run very poorly; I have a mid-range gaming PC, a GTX1060 6GB with 32GB Ram on an SSD, and the load times and FPS drops are really bad, sometimes going as low as 10FPS on medium settings, which it really shouldn't be considering I can run most games at around 40-50FPS on High, such as Dishonoured or even Doom.

Dont just take my word for it, you can google "TSW2020 Low FPS" and you'll find dozens on dozens of threads about the issue dating back from 2017, youll find people with GTX 1080s getting 30FPS which is absurd.

The game itself has some content which is pretty engaging, however much of the content is locked behind a massive wall of DLC. You get about 9 trains and 4 routes, so if you're looking for a bit of fun on the side from another game or juts to start and see how you feel, its alright for that, but If you want more intensive hours, you're going to have to start to pay up for it.
Posted 7 July, 2020. Last edited 7 July, 2020.
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