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13 people found this review helpful
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0.6 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
While I do love the graphics (I solely bought it just for that tbh) but I didn't realize that the game is actually Full Release, I thought it is Early Access like most indie games nowadays... Which made me feel skeptical and felt like "Oh man I should read the news, reviews and such first".

Note that I've played the demo too, entering back to the release version of the game feels... well no difference, I was expecting a cutscene or introduction story, but nope, it really feels like playing the demo again.

I'm also kind of sad there's no accessibility for Dyslexic person. I'm having very hard time reading the NPCs dialog due to the rounded text and they saying one topic to another, trying to get their sarcasm and then suddenly I got a quest. I'm like... man, I can't... I'm already lost and confused... In demo I skipped all dialog just wanting to watch the world so yeah, I didn't take that into account.

Anyway, there's no stamina, hunger, thirst and sleep you need to look after, your character is like a zombie/robot rather than a human that do human thing. I've check reviews and their discord too, it seems like they don't plan on implementing it. You can however upgrade tools. There's also no inventory management, your inventory is infinite, which can be a both good and bad depending on how OCD are you. Entering the game with no cutscene surely made me think this game has no story involved, it has no relationship panel either. I'm not sure if there is dialog choices because I hardly can read them. And since it is full release game, so I'm not going to give high hope for a major update.

Some reviews really should stop saying this is like Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon or those ♥♥♥♥, it's not. It's totally different, go read the description.

This is a game you do repetitive things, explore, puzzle and treasure; just to get rich. The world is beautiful, it totally gave me old Ragnarok Online and Digimon World vibes, it's nostalgic and beautiful, but for someone who already waste a lot of my time playing bunch of games (haha); I do those grindy stuff all the time but the thing that made me hooked is having sense of survival, management, challenge or the story; something meaningful, emotionally. At least give me cutscenes, the NPCs are already look amazing too which is it's such a big waste.

If it has public massive multiplayer, then perhaps you could get those meanings from playing with different players, or if the caves is randomly generated that can spark some kind of challenge. (I'm not sure if all the map are fixed, I didn't play that long, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

I might be refunding this game tbh. But I will wait another few days more to see what if there's news from the Devs, if there's any future planning or whatever. Peace.
Posted 20 November, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
3.0 hrs on record
I'm giving this demo game thumbs down because there are multiplayer bugs that needed attention before actual release. This is my experience as a player who join another friend's server (aka I'm not the host):

1) Animals sometimes spawn in front of me.
2) Bullets sometimes doesn't come out when shoot for me and host, it only does the sound and animation.
3) Rifle bullet falls down? really? Just being 5 meter away from the target?
4) I can hear bullets far away from my friend who does the shooting, should town down it a bit.
5) Some inventory were shared between player (I think it was insulated pants).
6) If a player left the server, the host inventory went missing.
7) Somehow, there's infinite number of 0/0 inventory, unfortunately I don't know when or why it happened.
8) Looking at the sky during snowing cause huge fps drop.
9) Every mission need the host... like come on man, even taking the radio recording too?
10) Only the host can do the trading. (I mean seriously, others are being the host's walking inventory at this rate).
11) How do I know if I hit or shot the bear if there's no blood or animation to it...
12) The voice acting... I don't know man, there's no life to it, it really sounds like AI Generated ♥♥♥♥♥.
13) Come on, give option to make existing weapon to upgrade to reinforced ones instead needing to craft it again.
14) I know it's demo but at least let me see this "Moon Cult" or aliens stuff, even if we can't kill them.
15) Some part of the map are instant Death cold, it would be cooler (pun intended) if our screen starts to like freezing to indicate that going further can be deadly.

I think that's all I can remember for now. I mean the game is kindda cool (pun intended again). I can see it's something me and my friends would like to play. So far, the server hasn't kick anyone yet so I feel it is quite stable. Only few creatures glitch and spawn randomly (Idk if cougar exist, there's a cave but no cougar). Though I can feel my GPU usage is quite high, I think you might need to tone down the Unreal Engine Lumen lighting too, with the snow and lumen, it can cause huge fps drop and the inside of the base became too dark to see even with brazier built.

Anyways, GG. Please at least fix the inventory multiplayer bug before full or EA release.
Posted 19 October, 2024. Last edited 19 October, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 24 Oct, 2024 @ 12:11am (view response)
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1.1 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Could use some polishing...

For the Devs:
• Some buildings exterior in the town a bit turn off for me. The windows and trims, most look like a shed than a house/tavern.
• The character portraits feels flat, more 3D or facial expression would be nice.
• Trees are shorter than the player, kind of ruining the immersion.
• Dialogue is just a bit meh. If you want to force a player choose a specific dialogue, don't recommend any.
• The tool wheel is kind of glitchy or sluggish. Could do some improvement.
• The player seems to walk faster diagonally, might need to normalize the vector.

Nonetheless, for someone who very picky when it comes to choosing a game, this seems promising and I love the concept. Keep it up!
Posted 6 October, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
65.6 hrs on record (61.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Alcohol drinks is haram, but I enjoy making it (in this game).
Posted 24 July, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
770.7 hrs on record (582.2 hrs at review time)
Rock and Stone!
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
502.8 hrs on record (486.1 hrs at review time)
Old bugs ain't fixing, they're ending the game soon in few months and expecting us to buy another same one just for the UE5 experience. What a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Posted 8 April, 2023.
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0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Posted 28 November, 2020.
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5.2 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)

Also it seems the game is unplayable for me, I can't play the game without receiving this "Disconnected from Server" notification. My friend cannot join my server and I can't join theirs. You need a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good internet or maybe the developer need to fix this ♥♥♥♥. First time I play this is July 2020 and still get the same problem until now.
Posted 17 October, 2020.
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1,631.1 hrs on record (1,004.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 27 November, 2019. Last edited 26 April, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
6.0 hrs on record
As a person who doesn't like "Choices Matter" game, I found this game quite.... beautiful. The narrative feel simple yet believable. There's characteristic in the character, and the character is you; the player. Much of what I know about most "Choice Matter" is that we have to 'pretend' to be in character, which is boring and frustrating, I even don't prefer female protagonist. But this game; what you choose is something you want to happen, either it's bad or good. The dialog choices have it's own personality (you can even not choose any dialog) and the NPC's respond is fun! For that, I found this game has done a very good research in how players will react, philosophy of the NPC and even how the gameplay itself. The environment is in 2D, yet it feels so open, so much to explore, so many secrets, it keeps you want to play non-stop until the story ends. And even after it ends, the story surely stick into your heart for a every long time or forever.

And that, what's an awesome game should be.
Posted 9 June, 2018.
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