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Posted: 31 May, 2018 @ 10:51pm

Early Access Review
I actually had this really long lengthy review but then deleted it. You only need to know a couple of things.

It is an incredible premise for a game with lots of potential and the devs are still working hard on creating that.

Your goal is to build, whether it be a super awesome extreme fortress on land or the same in space and explore to build more things. If you don't want to build then go to the workshop and get the prefabs. Then your goal is to mine, so that you can build.

You will always be hungry. Sure, go hunt for meat and when you're ready to eat it you'll discover that it has spoiled and you will probably die.

A spider will bite you and you will be poisoned and probably die.
A worm will bite you and you will get a parasite and die.
A scorpion will sting you and will die.
A raptor will give you an open wound and you will die.
When you go back to get your bag with all of the stuff that you desperately need to survive - whatever killed you is corpse camping so you will die, and over and over in an endless loop until you say screw it and forget the bag.

You will spend hours building the simplest of bases and be proud of what you did. Then you go off to explore only to come back to rubble as drones have flown in and destroyed everything and without the stuff in your bag like medicine, you will die.

You manage to get the resources to build a space ship! You get in and load it up with all of your goodies so you don't die and take off to the moon! No atmosphere means no baddies, so you get on your bike to go and scout for rare resources and find a wreckage! So you start taking that apart because awesome heated steel is great for armor. You get a full inven and head back to your ship, only to find that drones have attacked it and everything that was in your cargo holds is gone, your fuel tank was destroyed, your oxygen producer is gone and your suit level is slowly going down. Your "Survival Constructor" only makes a couple of things like steak and ammo, but to build blocks to fix your ship you'll need the next level up...which requires a base to build one. So you go to make a core only to find that you need 5 copper - of which the moon you landed on does not possess. You stand there in shock of wondering what you're going to do. Then the cold sets in and you see frost start to form on the outside of your helmet.

....and then you die

But I can't stop thinking about it. I know I can persevere, I can do this. I've played countless hours of 7 days, the Forest, I got this. I know what I need to do.

So you start over, completely fresh.

This is literally just PVE. Have not ventured into PVP areas yet. I keep telling myself like any other survival game, that the hardest part is the first days. But there was a point where I was 45 hours in with a base on one planet and a ship with warp and settled down on a snow planet to build an outpost and was then slaughtered by a patrol ship equipped with around 30 plasma cannons that could literally snipe me from 500m away. I had a cannon turret....then it CC'd me for an hour before I gave up and left everything there....to go back to my home base that was attacked by drones.

But I'll keep playing, for some reason I find it enjoyable. I want to have a massive floating fortress in a planets orbit and jump in scout vessel and drop orbit to build an outpost and put my mark on it.

....but I'll probably die
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Nasty Llama 13 Feb, 2020 @ 7:18am 
Good review.........You live, you die...you live again only to die and be reborn anew all set to...............:steamhappy:
webmetalreese 2 Jul, 2019 @ 2:11am 
@heikki To be fair I haven't played it in over a year. You are correct in stating that in the Pre Alpha/Alpha phase is where core mechanics should be implemented and new features added. Beta is where all of those features should be tweaked and errors corrected.
The last time I played I recall it being rather "easy mode" they gave us a gun that like cut wood or something, honestly I'd have to give it another go to be sure but I do recall it heading in a way that I wasn't very interested in playing.
What deterred me was the lack of content in other worlds/planets. You would work soooo hard to get off the starting world and then finally get out there and onto another planet and it was the same aliens, same mining, etc.
For me they needed to implement a main quest with side quests - hopefully when i cycle back to playing those changes or something better have been implemented.
Hokkaido_Emi 19 Dec, 2018 @ 4:59pm 
If i was the developers I would be very critical of the way the game currently plays. Adding in new mechanics which break the game doesn't help you try to sell the game. All of your core mechanics should have been put together before any alpha release. The game should be what it is on launch during alpha, because its between here and beta to release where you fix bugs. You cannot afford to be perfectionists and keep adding stuff, that you think sounds cool but in reality brings nothing new to the table except endless bugs, thats why you piece together the game before you even create an alpha this way you know what works and does not. Don't get hung up on constantly adding things before public release...or you will be forever adding things that will never be released because of all the endless bugs that where released..instead of public releasing then introducing new patches, including main patches.
MusicalThief 30 Jun, 2018 @ 5:45pm 
Great review... gonna download it "and then die" now because I won't feel alone :p
MECHROTECH 30 Jun, 2018 @ 12:21pm 
You sound like my high school health teacher lecturing us about sex. "If you have sex... YOU WILL DIE!"
Stahlknecht 30 Jun, 2018 @ 4:55am 
very good review !
GamerAkhi 27 Jun, 2018 @ 6:01pm 
Very nice written :Hire:
ChaosSeed 25 Jun, 2018 @ 8:44am 
Fienyx 25 Jun, 2018 @ 5:56am 
Best. Review. Ever. These are the exact same reasons I keep playing.
[TE] Kuraudo 24 Jun, 2018 @ 5:01pm 
This is the best positive review I've ever read. I've had this sitting in my wishlist for a long time, but this made me take the plunge. Well done.