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1 person found this review helpful
4.6 hrs on record
Weird combat, terrible control, steep difficulty curve, lack of new player intro, too many grindings
Posted 24 September, 2023.
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6.4 hrs on record
后期有些许惊悚元素,看到那种清醒梦的各种怪诞场景的精致描绘 甚至一直起鸡皮疙瘩 很有同感

Posted 11 July, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
39.0 hrs on record
It is very unfortunate that with the new battle-pass and plenty of micro-transactions, the game has been brought less enjoyable and way more expensive than before. For this $-thirsty behavior from the publisher, I definitely vote down.

Posted 13 September, 2022.
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61 people found this review helpful
10.7 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
For those who run from Mod Organizer and get the "Steam Error" at start:
- Click the top right executable drop down list and select "Edit..."
- Find the "Creaktion Kit" entry
- Under "Overwrite Steam AppID" section, enter "1946180" and check the box.
- Click Okay and hit Run. There should be no more error.

Note: If you can't find the "Creation Kit" entry, you can restart MO, or go to "Modify Executables" window and click on the broom button (top-left last button in the row)
Posted 7 May, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
133.2 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Update 11/26/2020


在去年的这个时候,我给HD版的《帝国时代2》写了一个 评测 。那时候网上没有任何决定版的消息,但不知怎么我就感觉微软就会炒这个冷饭。没想到真炒了,我第一时间就预购了,觉得还挺香:)
最近巨忙,还没有怎么玩,但是为了 (25XP一个评测,21h00发,括号删掉) ,简单说说我的感受

优点除了HD版评测提及的多玩法、多mod, etc.之外
- 决定版给它打了一个巨型画质补丁,画面比原版好看不是一点点
- 所有 战役都有 简体中文配音 ,看来微软在配音,以及本土化这点做足了功夫,要知道失落帝国,非洲王朝,蛮王崛起根本连配音都没有
- 新增了几个战役,等我体验一下再评价
- 界面更加友好。比如遭遇战模式有地图类型预览,游戏界面最上方就有工人分配情况,等等,细节很到位。

Posted 30 November, 2019. Last edited 26 November, 2020.
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8 people found this review helpful
11.3 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 5 July, 2019.
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13 people found this review helpful
6 people found this review funny
98.2 hrs on record (80.1 hrs at review time)

分:9.5/10 推荐




Posted 25 November, 2018. Last edited 25 November, 2018.
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59 people found this review helpful
18 people found this review funny
371.7 hrs on record (90.8 hrs at review time)
本老滚辐射粉提名 Fallout 4「辐射 4」为“时间考验”(The test of Time)奖。理由是 这游戏简直是时间杀手。另外,不管时间有多紧,游戏播放列表堆得有多高,我也会时不时愉快地回来捡垃圾~



评分: 6/10,保守推荐。


+ 更佳的画面。 运用新引擎的辐射4,表现力比以往的辐射和上古卷轴系列都高得多。
+ 超赞的原声音乐
+ 出色的探索系统。B社RPG的特色。自由度高,没有重复地牢(场景),随便进C城区的建筑废墟、地铁等,东翻翻,西找找,一天就过去了~
+ 特色工坊系统。你成天在外辛劳地捡垃圾,为的就是让自己家更像一个家。从里层建到外墙,从早建到晚。建据点,建宾馆,建Vault,建游乐园,建到你根本停不下来。
+ 完整语音配音。包括主角都是有完整配音的(不过比起其他RPG游戏好像也不算什么大优点了)
+ 细腻的同伴刻画。 虽然取消了善恶(Karma)系统,但是不同的同伴有不同的喜好,这点在好感度变化中有体现。而且每个同伴都有自己的背景故事,有些很感人,有些甚至还让你不禁思考一些人生哲理。然后Dogmeat也很乖,blah blah blah~ 这才是RPG啊!
+ 强大的mod支持。B社RPG的特色。配合f4se食用味道更佳。


- 超烂的优化。 曾经的天际(老的传奇版)及以前辐射系列的神优化都让我对B社的优化一直非常放心,而这次,啪啪啪打脸,辐射4的优化真的让本辐射粉非常伤心。760全低,帧数都非常不稳定。可嘉装配厂,简直就是我的噩梦!(然而我还是打了不下5遍。。。)
- 饱受争议的DLC。B社非常听取任何玩家的意见,一股脑推出了很多捡垃圾建房子的DLC。可能有小部分玩家喜欢,但是这真的是有必要的吗?这些内容都是不能保存的,换个存档就全没了。况且老滚辐射的一大问题就是用mod特别容易坏档。所以玩这些DLC我还不如用Creation Kit做个mod!
- 略狗血的剧情。 剧情这边一直是B社RPG的短板,很不幸这次也毫不例外。剧情比较突兀。
- 不好的平衡性。装备,以及掉落宝物等设置不太恰当。 正常难度下,开场会觉得特别难,后期会觉得特别简单。
- 乏味的支线任务。 支线任务比较枯燥,形式比较单一,特别是Preston Garvey同学我就不点名批评你了←_←!比起辐射3和新维加斯来说个人感觉落差蛮大的。
- 使用B社官方mod工坊需要番蔷
- 使用mod会禁用成就。这什么破逻辑!
- 推出Creation Club收费Mod内容。B社掉钱眼儿,作大死。我们曾经喜爱的B社是否已经变了?


As a super fan of Bethesda RPG series, I hereby nominate Fallout 4 as “Test of Time” award, for its huge consumption of time to play. There are tons of other games waiting for me to play in so limited time, nevertheless, I'll be right back and continue collecting garbage no more than a week's absence.

But now the Legendary Skyrim has entered the final selection of "The test of time", whereas Fallout 4 entered "Just 5 more minutes". Well that's fine by me, though I always believe that they two should exchange the reward.

Ps. Steam record shows my time spent on Fallout 4 is just about 36 hours, but in fact that’s not all of them, uh. yeah you know about that, right.

Fallout 4 is an open world RPG, which was set in post nuclear apocalypse world. The story continues what happened 10 years later after Fallout 3, with a main theme of “Where does my son go”.
But first, how would you survive in this massive garbage burial site?

Mark 6/10. Conservatively recommended.

+ Better graphics.
+ Splendid OST
+ Outstanding expedition/exploration system.
+ Intriguing settlement workshop system. And that’s what Fallout 4 famous for.
+ Fully voice-acted.
+ Delicate companion description and formation.
+ Awesome mod support. As Bethesda always does.

- Extremely terrible graphic optimization.
- Controversial DLC settings
- (I need help with translation of 狗血) Storyline.
- Imbalance of game stuffs.
- Jejune repetitive side quests.
- (Probably not your problem) proxy tools are needed to access Bethesda mods.
- Mod usage disables achievements.
- Creation Club implementation. Paid mods. Have the Bethesda we once loved gone?
Posted 23 November, 2016. Last edited 23 November, 2017.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries