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15 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Srsly here, the Cosmetic stuff SHOULD here be called the "Bonus stuff"

Ok im srs here that this pack really is not only worth the price in total, it gives you a lot stuff making the game way more enjoyable and a bit easier on the shoulders. Next to this, if you would buy the stuff ingame solo, you would pay more than as, at least, 2-3 times as much, leaving alone that some stuff is either hard to get or alone worth a lot money.

So whats inside and how "usefull" is it? Let me categorize the pack a bit (so that even new players understand it a bit better ^^):

-Sonic Suit M
-Sonic Suit F
-Sonic Hair 1
-Sonic Hair 2
-Emotes 602: Sonic/Tails
-*Sonic Knuckles
-Sonic Mask
-Ragol Memory x5
-Salon Free Pass
-AC Scratch Ticket x12

SO basicly, you get the Sonic stuff. A dress for each male and female, an emote, knux fist and a sonic mask - BUT next to this, you can get some of the PSO1 Stuff with the Ragol Memorys AND you even get 12 AC Scratch Tickets! Those can be used at the gacha machines to get some random MOSTLY fashion things. So said here, alone the 12 Scratch tickets are worth A BUNCH...

Bigger Inventory!
-Inventory Expansion (10) x5
-Character Storage Expansion (50) x5

This is something you will need if you play this game and enjoy it. Inventory space. And with this you pump up your inventory with 50(!!!) slots and your personal Storage space by 250(!!!). This is srs lone worth the pack - trust me, if youre a f2p you only have 50 slots in your inventory you can use - and THIS already DOUBLES IT.

Easier Leveling!
-EXP Earned +150% x15
-Triboost +125% x10
-Grinder x500
-Great Enhancement Aid +50% x99

Basicly, the first 2 here are booster - the EXP booster well, explains itself i guess X3 the "Triboost" adds the effect that you get more EXP, more MONEY AND a chance to get better loot from enemys! So yes, those booster are sure worth using mate. As for the Grinders & Enhancement Aid, those are mostly used to level up your gear and weapons. So with 500, im sure you can level your stuff QUITE a lot~

-Premium Set (30 Days)
-Mission Pass Gold Ticket

You get 30 Days PREMIUM. What does that for you?
Having Premium gives the following things...

-300 more Storage spaces.

-Access to your own personal Shop to put items up for sale to other players.

-Access to larger My Rooms that have 150 item space limit - the default room has 5 space limit.

-Easier access to various blocks when they are busy, by way of the Premium space on each block.

-The ability to trade in 10★ Units, 10★ Weapons, and 11★ Weapons, for a Pass of that same type. Passes can be used without Premium, but can only be obtained with Premium.

-The ability to trade items with other players. I am not certain, but I believe they also need Premium in some cases.

-Extra FUN from Good Job messages and any multiplayer interaction that gave FUN.

-40 slots for Client Orders instead of the usual 20.

-Two log-in stamps a day.

-Three more crafting slots to work with.

-Access to Alliance Storage (your Alliance must have purchased it).

-Access to premium drinks as well as give the maximum boost for that type of drink.

-You can save up to 40 symbol arts.

-If you use an AC makeover pass, you have a full hour to keep making changes even after leaving the salon.

SO yea, basicly if you need it or not is your opinion but i think its pretty much optional but hey, you get 30 days for free with this pack :3

As for the Mission Pass Gold Ticket, with that youre able to unlock the lower rows, the GOLDEN rows from the mission pass. If youre a f2p, you basicly get just some stuff every ones on a wile from this free pass but with the golden ticket you get ALL of it.

So is it worth the price?
A lot of the stuff is not only stuff you "use and lose", some of them are forever for your character (MOSTLY) or account. Its kinda odd to say that basicly the dress-up stuff feels more like a bonus and every other stuff is more important than...well "this stuff" X3
Basicly, if SEGA would spin it a bit, you could turn this DLC into a "starter DLC" and it sure is really helpful.
Worth buying if you enjoy PSO2 and wanna enjoy it more! :D
Posted 15 August, 2020. Last edited 16 August, 2020.
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546.2 hrs on record (24.3 hrs at review time)
This review was made as PSO2 the classic version came out - NOT New Genesis. As for that, i cant say to much about it so again: This review counts only for the classic PSO2 content, NOT the New Genesis one!

I as someone from the EU waited long for this moment - WAY to long...

Kinda funny that this screenshot pretty much says everything i would say here in the "beginning of my review section". Neat...

It is FINALLY there!
Yes, PSO2 is a game a lot people over here (and elsewhere) were waiting for. Some already lost hope that it would even reach other places than japan by this time.

What that means, i come back at people which are like "it looks so oooold and ugly and blah blah blah"...
PSO2 is original from 2012.
2012. Now its 2020. So guess what, yes, it looks "old" now, deal with it. TF2 is from 2007 and people still play it ffs - FAQUING WoW is from 2004 and people still play it god dang it.

The only problem i have is: Why the ffffreak did it took so long that PSO2 got a international release - and even so, such a BAD one?

A international release with a lot hickups...

I read a lot people said already they played it since release or the japan version or stuff like that. That those say, there is a lot content cut right now or that even episodes are mission to play right now and stuff like.

As someone like me or people who might never heard of it should maybe ignor the fact that content right now might be missing - which means NOT there isnt stuff to do.

Already by beginning the game, you have a lot opinions to create your character, way more "in depth" than PSO1 had and much better - already that you have some more classes and even later subclasses plus a new race to play.

Im srs to say that PSO2 offers a lot opinions "how to play" this game - im really sure, by now, that there is a class(plus subclass) for everyone and if you dont like yours, change it and try another! Im sure there is one out of the i duno how many classes right now which suits your playstyle, mate.

But i read some bad stuff next to the cuted content...
If you go around right now the forum and stuff like there is mostly somethin going on about the gameguard/nProtect.
This is actually something which is kinda unclear for me that something like this is not mention somewhere in the installation of the game nor wile you download it.
Basicly, to keep it short, GG is something like a rootkit which installs with the game WITHOUT EVEN ASKING YOU. It just does it with no hint or warning.

I can sure understand "somewhat" why it installs a "anticheat software" but than we are talking about something like a rootkit which might be to hard in a way - mostly coz it doesnt ask you to do it it just installs with the game.

THIS is actually something to adress and the player should actually be warned about or that you have also the opinion to actually deinstall it for real later which seems not be the case right now - i duno more about it tbh and i actually dont really care right now but, again, i dont defend it and i still think it should be at least told if you install it since we are talking about a freaking rootkit-like "program"...

If i dont care about this stuff...how else is PSO2?
Well if you still wanna try it and be like "it still looks good and i wanna try it anyways", you are in for a good time. PSO2 still sure shows its age somewhat coz some stuff is made a bit "overcomplex" than it should be - but so is Monster Hunter World if youre honest and people love to play it and that game is just some years old :P
What i mean with it is that, as one sample, it gives LOT and LOTS of badges which act as currencys. Weapon badge 1, 2, 3, exculsives, EX cubes, photon shards and stuff like that. Yes, it actually IS a bit to much, even for my taste but if you know for what those are you will see its not that of a big deal. I mean i played now 24 hours (in just 3 days so you can see how much i enjoy the game lol) and i kinda found out the drills n tricks about the game pretty quick. NOT ALL but most of them.

So WHAT does PSO2 offer, in short?
PSO2 offers a in depth character creation with 4 races to play, a lot classes, subclasses and character build- skilltrees. It has a real time action-fight system which you can play even in 3rd person mode (good for ranged classes tbh) and typical RPG level-up system by getting EXPs and lots of items and money - srsly, if you like to be a looting fan, PSO2 sure has that coverd. Dont trust me? Well, take this screenshot as for one sample mate:
As for missions, hell, it gives WAY to much stuff you can do, srsly. I kinda hate it tbh - i used some "instant-EXP" tickets, got over level 30(if im right) in like some seconds and every NPC around me has this little marker on the head for stuff i could do - Its like hell for me X´D
Next to this, it offers some side activitys like a casino you can play some minigames like black jack or a slot machine, mining and fishing and for sure a lot fashion stuff which is mostly endgame but hey, its there mate X3

So..do i recomment it?
If youre like me and be an old PSO1 fan, i dont think -I- need to tell you to play it.
If youre a new guy or never ever heard about PSO1 or its "legacy", i say sure try it but than, dont complain about "how it looks".
As for the "rootkit" problem, i say i duno much about and dont advice to care "to much" about nowadays but than again, i dont defend it and i advice to adress that SOMEWHERE ON THE GAMEPAGE OR EVEN INSTALLER. We are talking about someone that big as SEGA, im srs to say that this should be said somewhere there, guys at SEGA...

So in short, yes, i do recomment it.
If you played games like spiral knights or maple story 2 (RIP...), you sure will enjoy PSO2 as well. I just hope they adress the rootkit-stuff in some later installs or even the gamepage coz its not adressed anywhere and this is something which is kinda a big deal for everyone but as for the game itself, its really something to enjoy and REALLY WORTH try and playing. As for me, its a game i enjoy and have fun with. It just took way to long that even the EU got the taste of it...whole. 8. freaking. long. years...
Posted 10 August, 2020. Last edited 5 August, 2021.
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10.1 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
I should have listened to the reviews i read...
Mordhau...how can i explain it...
Imagen you try to play Morrowind, Oblivion or maybe any other game you enjoy going melee or games where 75% of the base game is pretty much stabbing each other in the face. If you add also a lot unrealistic bases for weapons of swing times, the kiddis in the background with their "freaking" bows, the one-hit kills from horseriders which are faster than everyone else AND the multiplayer chaos, you get Mordhau.

Oh boi...
Ok im honest here, i tried.
I wanted to try Mordhau myself even after i read reviews and videos and stuff... I should have listened - coz the more "srs ones" pretty much named all the problems i have with it and more...

Mordhau is a game which wants from you "patience"...A LOT of it.
Its not like that the idea is basicly nice and you have really a lot weapons to play with but as i read in another review, basicly everyone who is a tryhard in this game goes for the long range melee weapons like spears, 2 handswords and like - and those make a lot damage as well. And yes im srs about. Where ever you will look, polearms, spears or 2 handswords...

Not only that, it feels like a lot weapons are very VERY unbalanced. Take as sample a simple wooden stick. Sure it should make nearly no damage compared to maybe a sharp sword - but a swing time slower as a sword? Which kind of wood is this staff made of??? Or a dagger needs like ages to "stab" or swing with? Is that a dagger or does he have to reload something there?

Ok this sounds like nitpicking but it gets kinda worse:
The game really gives you a lot opinions to also gear yourself up with leather gear or really heavy gear or inbetween - Sadly what ever you going to gear up, it doesnt really matter. Srs to say, what ever i tried on, light armor, middle or heavy armor, you get killed as quickly as wearing nothing.

"Lol you just have to git good"
I understand that Mordhau is a game which wants you to learn it and also learn the skills "how you play it" but than here comes the thing: Its not rewarding nor does it help if you die like everytime from a long range weapon or bow. It gives so many weapons ranging from dagger to mace and more but all i had the pleasure with was either one of the long range weapons, troll pans or bows.

And oh hell...the toxic people...
Yes, im new to the game, i tried to learn it - Hell i play RUNNING WITH RIFLES, a game in which litterally EVERY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BULLET CAN KILL YOU - but the community and the "black sheeps" in it doesnt make it enjoyable, really not. I didnt really meet a lot persons in my playtime which actually were NOT toxic so "newbee friendly and casual gameplay" is sure not something the devs can advertise their game with...at least they can mostly blame the community for that part.

Is it really "that bad" or are you just mad bro?
Mordhau is not a bad game, dont get me wrong but their are several things which kinda ruins the game:

1. It is not "newbee" friendly.
SInce you begin with smaller weapons (or "standart geared up characters..."), you have nearly no chance to even hit a strike against the now "better players" with their long swords and even if you do, its mostly more or less luck if you didnt practise it for a long time...which already scratches on my next point...

2. It wants you to be patienced
If youre New in Mordhau, you will die. You will die a lot, like every 2 minutes, at least. And again, it tells you not what you did wrong coz everyone kindda fights either dirty or uses the same old ♥♥♥♥. Imagen you would play Team Fortress 2 and everyone would be a auto-aim sniper, thats how it FEELS like somehow. It doesnt tell you what you did wrong, you just die.

3. It wants you to "git good" in a very hard and "unpleasing" way...
Yes, noone is perfect and i sure know some people enjoy such "ways" but, this might be just a point for me coz, you need to invest a lot time into it to actually enjoy it. I played it now about 7 hours maybe but it feels like i did nothing. I didnt improve my fighting skills, i didnt learn how far the bow shot, nothing. How so if the tutorial is "VERY basic" and in online fights you fight against 20+ people with either longswords, bows and horses?
Im sure i heard about i could go on a "Duel server" - and i might will try that - but as for the moment, Mordhau actually forces myself to "not explode inside" which is hard to do. Im srs here to say that there were moments i sure had a lot fun playing it but those were very few next to the ones where i wanted to really rip someones head off IF you know what i mean.

4. The toxic community...as for some part...
This is a thing i fear the most if i keep new players in mind, they have to learn it "the hard way" by dieing all the time, doesnt get any rewards FROM dieing, but also get laughed or complained about from some of the toxic players. We all have to begin somewhere and, as for my part, i sure tried my best with all roles i had played but if people still be ♥♥♥♥♥ sometimes (Like srsly, some people just WANT you dead...), it pretty much ruins the fun not only for me but others as well.

So...what do i think?
Again, Mordhau is a game which is NOT BAD made but its not really user friendly. Its for sure not a "casual" game you can "just pick up and play" and the learning curve is not hard, its frustrating difficult. You WILL die and die and die and die and ending up like a punching bag who doesnt want anymore coz you get just very little or no reward out of it. Yes, the sounds are nice, yes, the game looks good, yare yare daze "standart review stuff" but i think i can recomment Mordhau only to people with VERY STRONG Nerves and which can deal with toxic people and are actually willing to learn in this "surrounding".

Else i say, if youre new to this game and might wanna try it out "just for the fun", avoid it. Its not a game you just pick up and play, for sure NOT.

Heavy balance problems, toxic community, unfair 1-hit deaths, armor which pretty much is not present, massive overpowerd and unfair weapons, dieing a million times with no reward in the hardcore difficult learing curve AND the sure not casual "gameplay" is not something i would recomment to someone who just wants to jump in.

Again, i play games like TF2 over 2700 hours, RWR where every bullet can basicly kill you, MHW where you have to learn how you kill each enemy and think about strategies in the more later and harder areas of the game, DRG where you have to take care of your surroundings but MORDHAU? I like challenges, i love hardcore classic-hard old school games but this is just aweful and you know you did something wrong if basicly everyone in your game uses the same freaking weapons or just runs you over with a horse...

I mean to be srs here, if a game doesnt catch your interest but insteed you lose everytime coz the learning curve of the game is like the deepest gap you know, you sure know its not a "CASUAL GAME".
Posted 30 May, 2020. Last edited 26 January, 2021.
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9.8 hrs on record
Welcome back commander...this COULD have been something


Forged Battalion is a RTS game which tried to mix the classical RTS formula with a unit creator. Basicly, it did nothing wrong with it but balancing problems and way to hard AI ruined the game...

Lets begin... at the beginning
If you think about "Classic RTS games" a lot people think about Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, such classics. Forget Battalion sure tries to lean on the C&C formula with simply base builds and Units to fight.

The only thing it added is, that you can "somewhat" create your own units. You sure have a "base type" (infantry, light and heavy vehicles, aircrafts) but thats exactly where this game has its weak point.
Yes, you can maybe give your infantry either a Minigun or a Rocketlauncher but in the base they are identical - its better to see at the vehicles coz every light vehicle is a BUGGY wile every heavy vehicle is based on a TANK. Aircrafts? Again, all based on the same drone.


but...thats really a problem? No, so get this~
The thing is, BASICLY the whole "unit creator" could have been thrown away and the player should have gotten "regular, known (or unknown) units" everyone takes anyways like infantry units with miniguns, rocketlaunchers and grenades, a buggy AND a bike unit, some light and heavier tanks, Arti and maybe some special units - you know, "CLASSICAL RTS STYLED STUFF".

And thats where the problem lays with forged battalion.
You can sure work "somewhat" on your units but it feels not very BALANCED and most units just feel like the same. It misses the impact since - as i said already - every unit is based on a core unit and this doesnt change.
So basicly You just have 4 units which you can work with and give some different weapons.

But...if thats not all, here comes the next problem and that is the difficulty.

I play now RTS games (mostly the older ones) for a long time and mostly "newer" RTS games suffer somewhat from a difficulty balance problem. Let me explain and you might see what i mean or it sounds somewhat relatable (im sure of it~):

"Easy" difficulty
The enemy attacks the first time after you already builded up nearly every building in your base. After that, he attacks "maybe" in smaller waves, mostly with weaker units, barely uses the ultimate weapon at all - if not even more like "never".

"Normal" difficulty
The enemy attacks after you builded mostly just your first handful of units with some stronger waves of his own units. After that, he attacks nearly continuously, weaken your defence and resources and has mostly a lot more money than you (even at a point where you think "JUST HOW?!") and as soon as his ultimative weapon is ready, you get smacked~

"HARD" difficulty

Sounds relatable, doesnt it~?

This said difficulty problems does a LOT games have, that there is somewhat a big gab between "this is to easy" and "normal is way to difficult" - and forged battalions difficulty settings are WAY more off.

Said here: i tried -3- times with the units i had at the beginning to finish J-U-S-T the first mission on 2 Star difficulty (which is in this game NORMAL).
And its not like i didnt try, i really tried everything which i could build but the Bot had ALWAYS better units and better defences - and that right at the beginning.

After that "turn down", i lowerd the difficulty in the missions to just 1 star - 5 Missions later the bot feels like "oh you play on 1 star? well ♥♥♥♥ you i have some ♥♥♥♥♥ loaded JUST FOR YOU!" and SPAMS his ultimative weapon on you ALL OVER the places!
That said, i gave up at mission 5 (i guess) since this game has HARDCORE balance problems. I even tried to "outplay the AI" with getting research-points to get better weapons and stronger units - well ♥♥♥ you, the AI gives a ♥♥♥♥ and outplays you the same way~

But its odd to say, in the said missions, the bot feels WAY to hard (and even the missiosn are way to hard, like srsly) but in skirmish on 1 star (and up), the bot feels EXACTLY like in the said difficutly problems - like 1:1, literally...

So what do you recommend, commander?
I will not say its not worth playing but after all the balance problems, the more or lessed "forced unit builder" which basicly is just there "to be unique coz other games doesnt have it" doesnt make the game look good - at the end, it makes it even look worse becourse of the balance problems. The AI is way to hard even in easier settings in the missions and in skirmish way to easy or, if you play on 2 star difficulty, way to strong. I duno WHY RTS games have this problem that this huge gap between Easy AI and Normal AI exists in many rts games nowadays. I mean it kinda began in C&C generals already but here? Here its just crasy.

I dont recommend it. Yes, it looks good, it plays good but the huge balance problems and the "ODD" AI makes it after just some missions not an enjoyable RTS. If you get it for some %-off, you can sure try it, still, i wouldnt recommend it fullplace nor to die-hard RTS players. Im sure it gives S-O-M-E better ones - Or better, try some older RTS games which were sure better.
Posted 24 March, 2020. Last edited 26 March, 2020.
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0.1 hrs on record
Some words before
This review was made as they brought the game to steam around febuary 2020. They rereleased it a month later with a lot changes which im not able to test since i dont own it anymore.

I still LEAVE this review here to show you guys WHAT the dev still pulled off. It should not be forgotten - and after all, the game is now VERY similar to a free game which is linked in this review. It uses pretty much the same models and 3D stuff you can see here as in the free game so why should i pay for something which i can get for free which is pretty much IDENTICAL? I leave the rest up to you...said link to the said game is in the review, near the end somewhere linked but in case youre to lazy, said game is this: https://gamasexual.com/hot-sexy-girl-darts-game/

With that said, here is the review i made:

Did Steams Quality control hanged itself?
Oh boi another one of those "low budget i put hentai in the title so people pay for it" bait game! Oh joy! Oh happyness! Oh...

The dev had NO RIGHTS to use the BG pictures...and here is why and with proofs!

First, i have to ask steam now. Do you see whats wrong on this picture? I leave you for 5 secs there.


Still nothing? Let me help you. High School D×D, rings a bell? Rias Gremory? Artist Sciamano240?? I mean to be clear:
The dev DELETED the signature of the picture there from the artist ffs! (srsly, look closely and you see it)
For instance, here the link to the said picture: https://www.deviantart.com/sciamano240/art/Rias-Gremory-2v-804207239
This picture was just taken without permission from the artist NOR the original anime creators and just placed into the game. Need another sample?
katsura kotonoha? From Shiny Days? I could be wrong but i know i saw this picture somewhere before~ Nah someone told me its actually likely Kurumi Tokisaki from date-a-live by N.G. on pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/50756923

Oh and Violet drawn by GARV23
(link to the original: https://www.deviantart.com/garv23/art/Violet-279100598 )

Hong Meiling from Touhou Project (Matsukichi)~

In fact!~
ALL the background pictures are just out of the internet taken without permission from the character owners or artists - SOME ARE EVEN PATREON CONTENT. So i doubt this game should be sold here in the first place, STEAM.

As "About the game"
What do you expect? Its a low budget "wanna be" hentai game which puts the tagline "Hentai" in the title in hope some weabo will bite on it BUT has nothing "Hentai"-like in it. As for the game, well, you throw dildos (yea...) at a spining wall of targets and you should try to avoid hitting the girl which is also hanging on it...which also misses the feet somehow...?

As for the price, i dont even say its worth less than a buck. The only reason which makes the game "somewhat" good are the background pictures you see from time to time but than again, those are 100% there without the owners/artists permission (i asked Sciamano240 about that aaand he already answerd with "I'll send a copystrike".)

So as always, do i recomment it?
NO as in for several reasons. First would be that this "game" isnt worth anything which could be done better by a 8 year old.
There exist FREE games in the internet which are better in gameplay, there are BETTER and "REAL" Hentaigames outthere which are "really" hentai games (IN FACT, scroll down for the "edits" where i DID link the original game you can play online FOR FREE)

...and IF im really that honest,
even MOBILE games can do better. HELL even I CAN DO it better. There is no fun inside, there is NO hentai in the slightest and the "best" content in it is not created by the dev.
- which means the second reason is sure the legal part.
All the art from different artists OR copyrighted characters...im sure that the dev was just googleing for "super hot and good hentai pictures" and just slamed everything he could find on the first page in the game. Im srs to say that steam should take a look at it and SHOULD check the legal rights for that, WHICH you can even see here on this picture which shows Sciamano240s respond as i shown him this game:


I as for my part already contacted SOME of the artists and shown them this game, i await their answers by now but as far as i can tell, im sure they dont like to see their patreon content in a game like this.

I sure reported the game already on steam, you guys should help me and do it too, for the obvious reasons.

I saw you tried to hide that you stole some content by DELETING comments in the steam forum and even tried to change the screenshots in the game selection or just straight out cutted some pictures (like taking the head off from katsura kotonoha). That doesnt change the fact that you use and stole other peoples content!

EDIT: And it gets even worse!

Someone told me (in my reporting thread on DA) that the whole game actually is a whole RIP OFF from another, F-R-E-E game you can play online - and thats from 2018!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6p80g2ROcw > A video about it
https://gamasexual.com/hot-sexy-girl-darts-game/ > Play it online here, FREE
Again, it looks better and its FREE...oh and do you hear the SOUND effect~? comes pretty close right~?

Next to this (ohh so much more wrong stuff~) Its said that this game is nothing more than an Unity asset flip with stolen art
Posted 8 February, 2020. Last edited 8 June, 2020.
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0.4 hrs on record
I got it that this game is suppost to be a "total joke" and that even i dont see a reason why i should write a long review about it - and i sure never will.

But than again, i "got" this game (dont ask...just dont, the one got already his payback), tried it and actually removed it from my library. Its not even "that bad" tbh, but why on earth does it exist?

The better question IS WHY the hell is it on STEAM in the first place??

Im srs to say here that this is a prime sample that quality control has literally left the building here on steam. Steam gets flood by such meme games, wanna-be hentai games and other ♥♥♥♥ noone really needs, wants or even asks for.

As for the game itself, yes, its a breakout clone but way to basic and stupid...as for the last part i dont think i need to explain why.

As for the game part, they are a lot problems:
- You cant really control the balls direction since you dont can really see how big your...."paddle" (...) is.
- Not only that, you cant really say WHERE your paddle begins since there is no "real" paddle (...) to see!
- The speed of the ball and paddle are nearly identical so that either both of them are to slow or to fast or your paddle is just WAY to slow. Sure it gives power-ups but those doesnt really help much as far as i got those...
- Also another thing i had to add coz i forgot to talk about it: Who the hell is this butthole which puts a TIMER IN A BREAKOUT game? Srsly, with all (RANDOM) stuff already said, no good controls over ball and "paddle" (ok by now you got the joke...) you had to put a TIMER into it? A FREAKING "TIGHT" TIMER??? The timer is VERY tight in later levels and i would even say nearly game breaking...

So do i reco-
♥♥♥♥ you.
Its a joke game, i know that, there is no reason to call me or others "snowflake" or "SJW" or what ever you like to call us now if we have a true opinion about a srs matter here - which is the flood of such games noone needs.
Even a 6 year old who has some programs for creating a game could do this. I can even do this and even better.
Such games doesnt belong on steam but as freeware somewhere in the internet.

If you wanna troll someone, do it but again, steam has fallen VERY DEEP from what it ones was if games like this become mainstream releases here...

At times like this i wish myself GREENLIGHT would be back.
Posted 17 January, 2020. Last edited 3 August, 2020.
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2.1 hrs on record
Lets keep knocking around~

Crawlco Block Knockers is a nice and funny little puzzle game with an addition of some adult pictures. Its not a porn game over all, it adds the adult content in form of hidden cute and sexy pictures as reward for "doing good" very well like classic 80/90s games did in this branch.

Actually not here for "the obvious"

Honestly, i didnt got the game coz of "the obvious~" (you know what im talking about) but more for the style and music. I enjoy the music that much tbh i got the OST DLC which is sure worth it. The music is funky and well made for "such kind of game".

As for the gameplay, its actually a nice idea which mixes the formula of "Qix" and the typical line 3 up games together. You play around a smaller field in which spawn some blocks you pull and kick around to form up the hidden (sexy) picture on the floor.
What makes it kinda enjoyable is not only the reward (duh~) but how you combo the moveset youre able to pull off (which is limited) to the floor so you dont mess up to fill the tiles you have to fill.

Adding the fact that also enemys spawn which makes it even more difficult adds some fun to it but it can get very hard to avoid those since later on, enemys which runs straight for you spawn which can get really hard at times.

There IS a opinion to actually turn off enemy spawning (i think its not only there for difficulty reasons~), i tried it myself but tbh, it misses something if you play it that way.

"the obvious"

As for the adult content, tbh here, i was never really a big fan of pur "PORN" or heavy erotic games - at least if they are not well made. In the case of Crawlcos Block Knockers its actually more like a reward and its ok for what its doing, It reminds me of those old 80s/90s erotic arcade games somehow. You have a series of 3 levels to solve to get 1 girl nude (or at least as much as it will be in this game) the first level mostly begins with the girl in a cute pose wile the 2nd already is somewhat more sexy wile the 3rd is completely naked.

As for the style of the adult content, it reminds me of the classic 80s erotic cartoons. You know, Heavy metal and stuff like. Its more cute to look at than "slutty" or hardcore "porn" and as reward, again, it does the job pretty well.

Worth the knocking~?

I say as for what it is its really worth the time and price. Its not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ erotic game with a bait title like many other bad games here on steam but a fun little puzzle game you can enjoy from time to time with a slight touch of erotic as reward for your doing. Its fun to play and the music is nice and smooth and the OST is sure worth getting like i did already. I recomment it if you enjoy good erotic games or just want to try another well made puzzle game.


Worth the price and puzzles! Keep knocking around~
Posted 15 January, 2020. Last edited 22 January, 2020.
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118.8 hrs on record (114.9 hrs at review time)
The little game which could...
Ah well, Dead Maze...

A game which looks not only promissing, it really plays pretty nice, has a good story, is fun alone or with friends...oh the memorize...

The name is sadly program
This game is, like sadly a lot other, older games, a game which sadly went into limbo. It was known for a time, went into "people somewhat played it" status and now its pretty much hanging on life support.

Dead maze, as i already played it months ago, is a really nice game in which you explore as surviver (1 as many other players since its kinda a bit MMO-ish). Atelier 801 did a good job with the game but sadly it is somewhat "left in the progress".

As for the gameplay, you run mostly around, exploring the areas youre able to explore (which are kinda big), farming materials for your home and grow stronger in the progress, leveling up and follow the story.

And here is the place where it all breaks down...
Since the dev team itself is hanging more or less in the life support, the game seems like its somewhat forgotten and got no bigger updates in like a LOOOOONG time.
- The story ends somewhere in the middle on a cliffhanger (more or less)
- after the story is done (which could be done in about 12-20 hours) there isnt really much to "enjoy"
- The level system is somewhat odd and broken (more details in a sec)

As i said, i enjoyed playing Dead maze since it is a lot fun and the community was (at least) pretty nice. They helped each other or you went with others in a farm train - stuff like those made it really fun to play.

Sadly, after the story is done, there is not really any big "goal" to go for nor is it sometimes worth to farm for levels. Its not really like you grow "that much" stronger. You also level up pretty quick if you know how - the problem is more like that a level up isnt worth "anything" sometimes. You dont get really a great stat boost but maybe some level 1 more hunger, rest or water stat increase...which is really nothing.
Another time, you ask yourself why you level up anyways if your reward youre getting from it looks kinda like THIS in the +100 levels:

Do i recomment it?
I dont say Dead Maze is a bad game, no. It is fun to play and, for free, you sure can go and enjoy it if youre this kind of gamer who enjoys strolling around, collecting stuff, make some autofights and build yourself a small base and armor in the progress.
I more or less give it a negative voting mostly becourse as soon as you reach the end of the story or a sudden point in the game, you will see there is no real point going for or even playing for.
Over all, if i would be more direct i would say play the story but dont expect to get hooked after its done. I only wish Atelier 801, the devs, wouldnt leave Dead Maze hanging on life support...the potential is there tbh and its sure worth it.

Recomment it BUT with caution. Dont expect to much from this game, sadly.
Posted 15 January, 2020. Last edited 15 January, 2020.
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0.4 hrs on record
Here we go! Woho - BUT here a word forehand
First of all, before i have people here and there which tell me, its a low price game, its a porn game, "its a joke game" or its "suppost to be that way n sheat" - Even as "porn" game, it should have at least some "class" AND "quality"... and this game has nothing - not even PORN.
If you dont even know what "class" is (or for the most idiots, "HENTAI" since some clearly dont know...), sorry, youre out already.

Its a low budget game, yes, but if i get games for free which hit the target audience better since those ARE "Hentai" games, how "low" should i put my "expectations" now~? Got that?

Also in case people are asking "why you say Hentai, its called ANIME World War 2" - The dev HAD TO change ALL his game names coz there is basicly NO HENTAI IN ANY OF HIS GAMES. Yes, All his games had "Hentai" in his title but as you will see in my review, there was no hentai inside this and any other one of his "games"...

"Inappropriate"? - More like "Reused assets - The game"
(look at the end of this review for links to the proofs)

This was pretty much the reason why i thought "ok, MAYBE im wrong. MAYBE i should test it. MAYBE i dont know, as german, what the WW2 was about. MAYBE im mistaken".

Oh well

There went ZERO EFFORT into it
Im 100% sure that, as sample, the Base character is an asset* which you can buy or get even for free from somewhere.
Why you might ask? I got 2 Pictures from 2 different games which are using the EXACT SAME ANIME PINK HAIR GIRL MODEL. here the samples:




There is ZERO "Hentai" inside. Z-E-R-O.
No, for real. This is a typical game which puts a known "tag-line" into the title, in the games case "HENTAI" for all the weabos out there, which has nothing to do with it at all - I would call them "Bait games". Every single nude picture you will find in the internet if you google for "Hentai" is more "Hentai" than this game - im dead srs.

"But you can buy a nude DLC!" If you really mean it that this adds something to the "hentai factor" this game clearly doesnt have in the slightest then youre just very bad and try to search for an excuse, im srs here.

But what about the "actual game"?
Its low. Its just bad. The game feels like its made out of free assets for one thing and its broken in every way.
First, it is kinda a shooter i guess - which is advertised like this:

"Shooting game in the World War II setting"
Which is just one map which is just a square you can run around. no im srs. you can only run around on a street in a circle around 1 big ruin building. THATS. IT.

"A variety of weapons to choose from"
A pistol, which is pretty much ♥♥♥♥,
A machine gun which is maybe the only "good gun",
A rifle which is pretty much crap,
A shotgun where you need to get way to close to shoot people,
A shovel,
and grenades, thats that.
Also did i mention you have endless ammo for ALL OF THEM~?
"variety of weapons", ladies and gentlemen...

"User-friendly and intuitive combat controls"
...Which are not explained ingame or changeable at all, even with turned on "infomations"...

"Character in-depth customization"
The opinions are: Full dressed, slightly less dressed, losely top, bikini, nude (if you get the DLC). Yea, thats really in-depth...

"Heavily animated & with special effects"

If those were the "Key features", let me add some more so you know about how special it is:
- Controls are not explained ingame.
- You can not change your controls.
- Opinions menu doesnt let you change sound volume (which is very ♥♥♥♥♥♥ loud)
- Opinions menu doesnt save music volume outside of the menu so you have to set it, again, back in the INGAME OPINIONS MENU
- Half the opinions doesnt work or register
- You are shooting "german soldiers" which doesnt...speak german in the slightest. legit.
- Animations tend to "break" sometimes
- Hud pretty much doesnt really exist, next to a "lifebar only"
- No "healthkits"
- very very stupid AI (no im srs)
- Pretty much useless weapons next to 1 which is "useable"
- Enemies spawn everywhere, literally. they can spawn right behind you or infront of you with no warning.
- ONLY ONE KIND OF ENEMY - Do i have to say more?
- One map, which is nothing more than one big circle.
- No "real" "Highscore table", making it even more useless/senseless to play since it IS a "get a highscore" shooter
- Overall 100% sure all what you see in the game is an asset you can get online somewhere for free or just some bucks elsewhere (as shown with the character model)*

And? What do you think?
Im srs here, what else should i add here? This game is trash. Every free flash porn game in the internet is more worth than the 1-2 buck you put into this "game". There is less "HENTAI" in this game than in a christian mothers bible.

What is actually "HENTAI" in this game? Srsly: Nothing. Even with bought Nude DLC, all you get is the opinion that your very ugly anime character runs around nude and if that is all what you get in a "HENTAI" game, its really NOT worth it.

"BUT ITS A JOOOOKKEEEE GAAAMEEE!" I hear you say? Look up again, the game BARELY works, a lot stuff which SHOULD work doesnt work and, again, there is no hentai inside this said "Hentai" game so why even bother?

HELL, even I can create better "HENTAI" games where actually IS "HENTAI" inside somewhat AND GAMEPLAY - FOR FREE FFS!

I could even proof that~(BUT A ROTTEN WEABO IS AGAINST IT)

Told you. The models arent even changed in the slightest...

FACT IS: ALL GAMES FROM THIS DEV ARE PRETTY MUCH JUST REUSED ASSETS FROM THE UNITY STORE, I looked a bit around and even found the girl base from his other game "HENTAI Hell" (or something): https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/emika-127213 . Well at least there the dev changed the colors a bit from green to red...way to much effort~

I think by now it should be even worth to report this game and the dev. Those games are nothing more than reused assets with little to no effort behind it, slaped together to create a VERY low quality "game" - or better cashgrab - and nothing else.

He had -8- games in E.A. phase, ALL such games, here on steam which pretty much says all...

Im srs here now
Why do "such games" on steam exist? Go look at all the "prositive" reviews and you know "why".
Posted 5 October, 2019. Last edited 17 June, 2020.
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2.4 hrs on record
Feels like im back in 2013 again...

Oh boy...Cube World. The memorize i had playing the alpha back in 2013 with my friends, killing mobs, exploring the world, ridding my dog and pretty much just wasted time in this game.

This was back in 2013 in an alpha known for it that it was so "empty", you could nothing else do than exploring and killing enemys. That was pretty much it.

Still i enjoyed it and thinking back at it, i think it was still a good time, somewhat at least.

...But now we are in 2019...what did change?

The problem is, "basicly" Cube World didnt change to much at all...
Well wait, there is one major change i pretty much dislike so far.

You know, Cube World "was" Basicly something like a "open world hack n slash adventure". But what if you take away the "hack n slash" part? Exactly. You will greeted with a open world walk simulator. Now you might ask "what do you mean with this stuff?" - Cube world, back in 2013, had a great Level Up system where you could farm EXP to level up ala "Diablo" i would say. So it made really just fun, killing enemies, farming stuff and like.

Now, it makes pretty much nearly to no fun to "just run around", making now the "new" sidequests which are all way to hard to do since youre stuck in your basic gear you get way to long before you get/ craft any new.

Dont trust me?
Well my spawn place was sure next to a small village where the guide keeper already was possessed and every enemy, every enemy around it, was either 2 or 3 stars+ - which pretty much means insta death if i even TRIED to kill them.

So what do you actually do to get "better" in this game?
As i said, since the EXP system is gone (and WITH IT the skill trees to (so far i dont really see a improvement from the alpha tbh...)) you pretty much walk around said city places, take or find side quests which you then do to get some money or gear.

Sounds like "fun" right? Yea....funnnnnnnnnné...

Here again, on the way to this said "missions" you pretty much cant do anything but avoiding any kind of battles. I RARELY bumped into some "easy" enemys i could kill but then i thought to myself: "IS it really worth killing enemys since it put me on the risk to get killed and place me back all the way i went from point A to B? Sure i might get some money but this "2 bucks" are not worth getting killed "maybe".

So how would i "rate" it personally?
I will not say right now right here its bad and i hate it and its sheat and faq it and...you know the drill.

No, personally, i am really disappointed in which direction wolly (the dev) went with this game. It kinda feels more empty than before and less like a adventure game but more like a "postman simulator" where you have to go from point A to kill this, find this, save this guy or what ever to go maybe back and doing it all over again - just "harder".

I WISH that wolly thinks about to get back the EXP system or at least "something like". Right now, the missions will not do it or bring the satisfaction the alpha did. It was fun killing stuff. Now? It feels like you run around a marathon, avoiding enemys which are WAY to strong for you, playing postman in the progress.

Some last words before people might get this "to real" or begin to jump on a hype train or something like:
I sure will change this review IF stuff changes for the better but so far, it feels like it makes even less fun than the old alpha from 2013. What, as sample, happend to the old "roadmap"? I pretty much remember their was one and one of the points was "improved skill trees" or something. Getting rid of them in total was not the plan...
Maybe i just "saw it all" already but yea, im kinda disappointed so far. Its also WAY to less Content for s full release, trust me. Its maybe a Beta "still" but for a full release its way to barebones. no real storyline, nothing which explains you what you actually doing, no "intro", a open world which is pretty much "just open", no level system and the list goes on. It is sad to write down this review and give the game a negative vote, the potential is there...
Posted 1 October, 2019. Last edited 1 October, 2019.
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