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3 people found this review helpful
53.4 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
Its basic, its massive, its just pur fun. EDF!
Earth- no wait, sorry let me begin again.
EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 (in short now EDF) is "basicly" a 3rd person shooter, killing hordes of giant bugs, robots and like in a lot levels over and over and over again.

Is it "repetitiv"? If you call EVERY shooter where you basicly shoot big guns around in a level, killing hordes of enemys, destroy buildings, meet aliens just to finish the level, getting new weapons and more HP, repetitiv then yes, it is - But then i could also count up a lot other shooters which are basicly the same for sure...


EDF pretty much begins with a big boom and you, as "tiny soldier", just be like "wthell is going on?!". If youre new to this series (like i pretty much was...), You will be in this state from the very first moment till the end of maybe the 3rd mission - coz then stuff is a bit slower and you have a second to breath and think about what you just did in the said 3 missions - killing HUGE f*cking ants which are twice as big as a car! And we are not talking about 5 or 8 from them - im talking about HORDES, like in hundreds.

Is it something i can complain about? No. Its just kinda simple at the end: You, defending earth from this bugs by killing them. pretty much nuff said.

Its simple, just to simple but so enjoyable

EDF is a game you pretty much can pick up and play. If i would compare it with something, i would maybe bring out the name "Serious Sam" into the room:

People who played Serious Sam (any main game from the series) knows its basicly just shooting stuff and killing to get forward - and thats basicly EDF.

Youre going from mission to mission in order to save the day for the moment at least. The next mission will be "somewhat" the same but with more, stronger and mostly other kind of enemys.

But its not just "brainless shooting around". enemys also drop armor & weapon creates which should be collected since from those your characters will get more armor and better weapons after each mission you win.

Excuse me, did you say "CharacterS"?

Yes, i said characterS since EDF offers gameplays for nearly everyone who enjoys a different kind of way to help their team to victory.

You wanna more a supporter and help from far away of the battlefield? Great! Be a Air Raider, call for airstrikes, drop Timebombes and turrets or drive a tank into battle!

You wanna be more in the air and shoot laser-like guns? Neat! Be a Wing Diver and fly with your jetpack around, shooting enemys from the sky or higher buildings and support your team from the sky.

You might wanna be more a tank on your own with some really strong weapons? Be a Fencer! Youre a army of your own with not 3 but 4 weapons in your hands, SHREADING down all bugs down your way!

Or you just wanna run in and kill a lot bugs? Be a Ranger, get your trusty guns and go give them hell!

Easy to pick up and play - even more with friends!

EDF makes a lot of fun if you gona play it together with a friend or 3 online. it has 4 classes to offer you can play, TONES of great weapons and vehicles, a LOT missions and MASSIVE hordes of enemys.

Its just one of this games where you say you wanna play it for "just 10 minutes" and you end up playing it 3 hours in a row.

Do i recomment it? Yes, totally IF you enjoy just a simple game from time to time and give a crap what others might say. If you have someone else you could play it with, even better! Its for sure worth the price and the time AND the replay ability is also there since it not only gives 5 different difficulties - There also drop different weapons in those!

Just pick it up and play! You will have a great time.
Posted 7 July, 2019. Last edited 8 July, 2019.
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1.6 hrs on record
For the price, you pretty much cant complain what you get. Some good minigames. They are all pretty short but fun to play so for the price, there is nothing wrong about to at least give those games a try.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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1.9 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Thats...the darkest room i ever saw...if you just have a black screen, literally...

I actually waited before i went for a review but the support for the game seems to be not really good or needs "very long".
I contacted the dev viva the Bug thread in the forum now nearly 2 weeks ago and wrote down the problem, which is following:

The game crashes as soon as i open it. i see the title for maybe 2 seconds and then it turns black and shows me this: https://i.imgur.com/19yO0MS.png

in other words: im not even able to play the game right now.
Since it is now good 2 weeks ago that i t-r-i-e-d to play the game and getting help with said error, today i gave it back for a refund.

It is somewhat a shame tbh but, looking back into the bug thread it looks like im not the only one with the error but getting no help with it after good 2 weeks of no answer at all is not a good thing. Its kinda sad coz it really looks like a intressting game which i sure would have played...
Posted 24 May, 2019. Last edited 24 May, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
127.3 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Risk of Rain 2 - The sequel we ve been waiting for

Risk of Rain 2 (RoR2 in short) is the sequel to its classic already more known game in the genie of gaming. It changes the more platformer-like gameplay into a modern 3rd person shooter styled game in 3D.

For people who know already the classic and enjoyed it, this game will be easy to pick up and run since its nearly, so far, identical from its gameplay - just in 3D.

Its enjoyable but not that easy

RoR2s biggest notable change next to the 1st game is one, its in 3D.
This change alone makes the game more difficult - where you had only to care about whats maybe left and right and maybe over or below you, now you have to look like around every corner where the enemys could be. Sure that also changes the gameplay by far since it doesnt feel anymore like a platformer but more like a actionbased 3rd person shooter.

Is that a bad change? I say its not but for some people, it might be a bit "to much at ones" since now you cant see what maybe killed you coz of the 3D area.

Multiplayer works....FINE!

Veterans from RoR1 remember maybe they had to use hamachi to play the game or had to do other stuff to actually play it with their friends - Not anymore in RoR2.

The Multiplayer works pretty "flurent" in RoR2 so far and i was even able to play games with my friends over in the USA (im from germany) without any problem or lag, flawless i would say.

..But there are other problems...

Right now since its in E.A. phase (some people forget about that~), it mostly has some balance problems. Some items feel under- or overpowerd with some classes wile mostly right now, some "attackpower" items feel a bit lush and later, a lot enemies feel like bullet-sponges, making some enemies not only (unnecessary) harder to fight but the game self feels a bit out of balance.

Another thing would be that, like in RoR1, you have to find a Teleporter first in order to keep your run going - which is WAY to hard to find right now - im srs here since sometimes its halfway stuck in the ground or a hill or something and - since the design from the teleporter right now is like a flowerpot-looking thing with some teeths from the ground comming out - sometimes you search for it longer than trying to tell a f2p engi in team fortress 2 to finally build a teleporter entance and exit.

Another problem right now is, if you mostly play with random people (which is more a problem from the people and not from the game, just freakin said~) a lot tend to pick up all and everything, leaving no chests for other team members, taking all drops from the teleporter boss and literally leaving their team members sitting in the dust. Heres a small question about for those who does this s-h-i-t (yes, if youre such person, you can expect me and other players to think about you like that):

"If i collect all and everything for myself and i want all stuff for myself anyways, why the hell do -I- play M-U-L-T-I-P-L-A-Y-E-R again?"

Ask yourself this simple question~

Still, the game shines in the simple and pur fun gameplay, if you enjoy "difficult games". RoR2 is sure not a easy game, like RoR1, it can be really hard and sometimes even frustrating - so if youre a person who easy ragequit you might should avoid playing it. its not (as much as i hate this word...) "DARKSOULS" hard, but sure difficult.

A small part about the negative reviews so far

"I have to write a negative review coz i have a problem and im to lazy to ask the devs a question and i dont wanna bother them or bug the people to write a guide here on steam which might is actually THERE TO HELP PEOPLE WITH PROBLEMS. And im so unhappy with this problem that it bugs me so much that im the one guy who has to do it anyways." - Mr. Sample Guy

Im glad Steam is about to change the reviews a bit since some people clearly dont know how or why they write those. Yes, RoR2 -is- in E.A. phase, there are sure some bugs and balances missing right now but if you have a -LEGIT- problem or found a bug, you DONT write a negative review about this whole problem or bug - you report the bug ffs.


Use the forum or if you know how to help out and know how to solve said problem, write a guide about it. Most of the negative reviews i read so far pretty much looked like some, sorry for the words, idiot on amazon who orderd a game for his son and writes a 5/5 star review about the game like "my son likes it. best game for him". Very Wow. many helpful. such informative...

Over all, a pretty fun experience

At the end, i would say if you enjoyed already RoR1 or like rougelike games (and 3rd person shooters), give RoR2 a go. It makes fun alone but sure makes a lot more fun playing it multiplayer - with the right people at least. Right now it sure is a bit buggy but you have to understand that the game is stil in E.A. phase...

If you found a bug, report it to the devs, forum or like. if you know how to solve it, do the same or write a guide.

Sure worth its price so far. I will try to keep an eye on it in the future.
Posted 3 April, 2019. Last edited 3 April, 2019.
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39.0 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
The last "good" C&C

This (and Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath) is maybe the last good C&C from the series. I got it a wile back in sale and after playing it a wile, i sure would have even payed the full price for both games (this and Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath).

It is sad to say that RTS games nowadays are rare, GOOD ones at least. So if you really wanna have a good time, you should go with this game. Sadly the official ONLINE support is dead since years but there is a community server still online till this day which still makes it able to play online with your friends (and its easy to register and get to play on said server).

C&C 3 is a must have for everyone who honors the old days of C&C and, for sure, the classic RTS era...coz i think with after this title it died somewhat...
Posted 5 March, 2019.
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583.2 hrs on record (50.8 hrs at review time)
Danger. Darkness. Dwarves.
Combine the gameplay from "Left 4 Dead" with the hordes of enemys, "Alien Swarm" & "Helldivers" for the intense Squad gameplay, "Silent Hill" for the deep darkness and fog around you, the small touch of "Minecraft" for mining minerals and "Lord of the Rings" for Gimli. Put this stuff all together, cook it on medium, put a piece of parsley on the top as sign of the great devs and you get yourself a great hot meal called Deep Rock Galactic. Its tasty and worth taking more then "one bite" from.

Was already -THE- best Early Access game on steam so far
They are maybe 2 things which might can scare people somewhat off getting this game coz they already had bad experience with this 2, which were:

1. its a Early Access Game and 2. The pricetag which is kinda high for such said game.

BUT i can for sure tell you, you can stop thinking about both of them coz for a "freaking" Early Access game it offers way to much, really. Its not like other E.A. games which maybe feel like they are in a "beta state" or more like a "broken demo" or something, Deep Rock Galactic (DRG in short now) is a already great experience in the gameplay self and one of the maybe very best multiplayer games here on steam or outthere in total - AND NOW ITS FULL 1.0 MATE!

It makes a hell of fun just by playing it either with friends or just with random people, it doesnt really matter tbh. DRG feels like a full game somewhat and the devs only proves themselves what they can add to make the game "better" then as it already is. As sample, image a raw sandbox game which is already good and the devs only adds more and more great cherrys to the game, this is basicly DRG.

About the game & Devs
Youre basicly one of 4 Dwarf workers which has one of 4 (so far) jobs, which are either Gunner, Engi, Scout or Digger. Each Dwarf "class" has special gear and a special job to do and sure plays, even if they are normaly "pretty much the same dwarves", sure different from class to class.

You like to fight big enemys and wanna be somewhat a tank? Sure Gunner is the right job for you mate!
You wanna keep on going and dig around fast to the next caves? Digger it is!
You dont really like the darkness and wanna lighten rooms up and wanna really explore them? Get yourself a grabling hook and be the Scout then!
Or youre actually more the support guy, wanna keep an eye out for the enemy hordes and cleaning the room for your team mates? The Engi will sure do this job for you!

As simple as it sounds as great is the gameplay here. Each class HAS to work together with another class to actually help out the team coz only together, AS TEAM, the missions will be done and the games makes a whole lot more fun.

A sample,
If youre the Scout, you might be able to lighten up the rooms and might see some minerals on the top of the cave youre in. You sure can mark it and you might can use your hook to grap on to it but you sure will fall off back to the ground since you CANT MINE IT IN THE AIR. So in that case, ask your friendly Engi mate if he can shot a platform there on the wall next to the mineral and BOOM - Teamwork. You as scout can hook yourself up and mine the mineralss, the Engi did his part to help you and you did your part to help your team mining said minerals.

Its just the simple things sometimes which feels just rewarding somehow like this situation where you know you just cant do it alone - sure you COULD dig a mile around in the cave till you might end up at the roof of said cave to get the mineral but that would take A LOT of time and sure makes stuff harder then it actually is.

No, the game is based on simple teamplays like this and makes just for this things a whole lot of fun. If it is about fighting, scouting, helping out, just this simple "natural" things for the most of the time are in the game gives something rewarding back, really. And if not a simple press on the V button (in my case its the "Call" button) is rewarding enough sometimes. :D

As for the devs, they really are doing a good job with this game, adding more and more stuff and try their best so far to balance said game and stuff every ones a wile. Around every month (so far) there is mostly a bigger update which adds new stuff and some smaller patches which mostly fixes bugs or helps out for the balance of the game. So i can really say now, the devs are sure doing a great job here and you can even follow the progess somewhat if you read their news they are writting with every update and patch.

But whats with "Solo Players"?
You sure can play the game alone somewhat but it misses pretty much "somewhat". It doesnt make the game "bad" if you play it alone by yourself but sure a bit harder maybe. Even if youre "just by yourself" you will get a helper drone which mines for you and helps you out in fights and even revives you (so its basicly giving you "some free lives" after youre "down" sometimes) and lights up some areas of the cave - basicly "a bit of everything". Sure this drone can never replace a real player but its at least something but i really would say, better play it with some people coz even if its just with random people, its at least 100% more fun for real.

DRG is maybe really one of THE best multiplayer games AND, so far, one of THE best Early Access Games on steam i ever played. Sure the pricetag is somewhat high BUT for sure worth it. It offers a hell load of fun, intense but easy team gameplay, fighting against hords of enemys, cave exploring and mining and much more. If you really still need a game you wanna "try out" with some friends, get DRG, you cant go wrong with it, really. Even if you just play it with random people, its worth playing and a lot of fun.

Also always remember, even Karl would approve this!
Posted 15 January, 2019. Last edited 13 May, 2020.
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0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I have no title for this...

Let me begin with a quote from the DEV here so that you have already a good overview from the game:

„This is a game where you run around, nude (...), with a tranquilizer gun, and only with tranquilizer gun (...), to hunt, other, nude, furrys, in the wild (...), to stun them, and ♥♥♥♥ them, literally ^^„

„This is the next furry generation, literally.“

Yes, Hunt and snare is basicly like this: You run around as naked „civilised“ furry (cough...), equiped only and ONLY with a tranquilizer gun to „hunt“ aka STUN other, WILD naked furrys ...and ♥♥♥♥ them.

Thats basicly the gameplay.

„Do NOT tell me the creator of the game does NOT see what hes doing. DO NOT TELL ME THAT...“

You see, im a furry myself or i WOULD have at least call myself a furry before i knew about this game exists. I would even go so far and say i lost the „touch“ to the fandom as soon as i had the contact to the creator of this game, which also calls himself a furry...sadly. coz if this would be a troll game it wouldnt be half pathetic as it is right now...

I already t-r-i-e-d to explain myself to the dev which BANNED me from the steam game forum for being honest about this game, which is pretty much a open dinner plate for every person AND troll out there, stereotyping the WHOLE furry fandom as it is.

But whats with the game self now?

Sure, before someone says or askes, yes, there is sure effort behind this game and you can sure see that in the animations which are smooth and the opinions to customize your characters are really HUGE for that kind of game (srsly here, hats down)...
BUT thats pretty much all ruined by the logic the dev has and doesnt care nor see the big deal or problem with it. As i quote the dev again „I actually got the idea because I think hunting games are an interesting concept, but pretty boring in the end, there's no thrill besides sitting in the woods with a quack whistle in your mouth, but combined that with porn? That is the "real" hunting!„

So image following...
Youre a normal person who runs around with a weapon which is able to stun people. Youre in THAT „need“, you begin to shot random people and ♥♥♥♥ them.

How would you call that? I give you 3 lines for thinking...

If your answer wasnt R-A-P-E or slavery by now and you think its normal to shot someone, stun them and ♥♥♥♥ the living sheat out of them then you might have a srsly mental problem or youre really one of „those“ furries which, i quote, „wanna go into the next forest and wanna ♥♥♥♥ the next animal they see“.

As i said already and, again, t-r-i-e-d to explain to the dev, and i quote myself now „You cant make this ♥♥♥♥ up! you can even replace the furrys here with humans or ANIME if you want to change the fact or topic, the IDEA of it is just sick and i mean with sick REALLY sick, not in a good way at all.“

And no, you cant change this fact about the core of the game, this -IS- literally a R-A-P-E simulator just „without violance“ (HOW anyways if you STUN THEM???). It supports „having sex with S-T-U-N-E-D people“, there is nothing to „cutey talk“ that or do you want me to post the advertising banners from Furaffinity as ONE sample~?

But whats the problem about this? For the most part 3:

First the dev & the people who really „need“ this game say for the most time, i quote „if you're not interested in adult games (or furry games), you can filter them out on Steam!„
Yes, that IS true.
I could just ignore the game and move on and it wouldnt be a big deal – But that DOES NOT change the fact that THIS game exists and stereotypes a WHOLE fandom im kinda „in touch with“ ffs.

Second would be that people try really H-A-R-D to defend this game, even SO hard that someone REALLY compared it with the Playboy Magazine and the girls in the bunny cosplays in there.

I dont know how to explain it but how can you have the SHAME to compare a professional adult magazine where you see cute women posing in a bunny COSPLAY, sexy lingerie, NAKED or like with a game where you play around as „hunter“, SHOT your victims and ♥♥♥♥ them?

I never thought i have to use a quote from another Video game here but tbh, there is a difference, a huge one and if you cant see it, let me try to use this quote here

"I'm not a crazed gunman, Dad, I'm an assassin. The difference being one is a job and the others mental sickness!" ~ TF2 Sniper in „Meet the Sniper“

„Im legit stuned. People really need AND defend this?“

The last problem is that the dev really thinks, hes in the right and im just someone in the fandom who „wants this game getting of steam“. As i said already, he banned me from the steam forum for being honest and tried to deface me on his OFFICIAL game twitter account, called me „hypocrite“ coz im also a furry who draws also adult art.

Yes, i am a furry artist, yes, i draw furry adult art but there is, again, a small difference between that what i am doing and the dev is doing and since i was already good with quotes, here is another

„What he doesnt think about, there is a huge difference between "i post furry porn" on the sides which are made FOR furrys and "i post furry porn" on a side which is for sure NOT made for it. its the same if i would be a nazi and say "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" around other nazis or i go into the open and do the same.

What the dev just do is deflecting the problem they might create "soon" with it, trying to tolerate it by saying "if you dont like it, dont look at it" but the problem is, people are FREE to look at what they want and look at it HOW they want. they can complain, create REVIEWS (which im sure they will~), record videos about, etc.“

In other words: i dont „hurt someone“ (depends~) if i post the stuff which is suppost for the people on pages which ARE suppost FOR SAID people like furry art on furry pages or anime art on anime pages.

With that said, yes, all the other titles i used HERE were quotes by FURRIES which i have shown the thread i made in the forum, the twitter posts & the following which i will also now show to you guys so you have a better view of the whole thing and the „mindset“ of the dev.

Yes, there are people who defend this game and if you look at said people on the twitter posts as sample, they are creators of other porn games of „that“ kind or porn movies who didnt do much better („you wanna bang~?“).

Again said, Yes, im (or „was“) a furry, i draw adult art but if you try to compare at least „my“ art with a GAME ON STEAM which is about HUNTING OTHER FURRYS TO STUN AND ♥♥♥♥ THEM, you should know that i at least „try“ to keep T-H-E masquerade the furry fandom is doing intact and not being one of the persons who actually „WOULD“ ♥♥♥♥ a animal for real.
Next to this, I, at least, can stop drawing such stuff from one day to the other since i only DRAW it.

Enjoy reading this story as whole here and again, i have no pity for people who need this game for real, the dev who might doesnt see what hes creating here or the people who really try to defend it and are THAT naiv...

Additional backstory & opinion (worth reading, really) : https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/957475341967681240/F6B9C479899197BDCC84598F3905DF4D0A5BC146/
Original thread: https://steamproxy.net/app/944330/discussions/0/1741100729957292006/

Im done here, and i sure refund it (mostly coz it doesnt really work...). If you really need this game and you ARE a furry and think this is „OK“ for real, you should think about if youre not the one with a mental problem. Im dead serious.

This has nothing to do with „being a snowflake“ nor „SJW“ but tell me how would you like to defend yourself AS furry now, getting called that furrys only wanna ♥♥♥♥ the next animal they see, if you know this game exists~? I didnt got a good answer so far FROM THE DEV, thanks.
Posted 17 December, 2018. Last edited 2 February, 2019.
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A developer has responded on 18 Dec, 2018 @ 11:21pm (view response)
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24.3 hrs on record
CS:GO Review
Wasnt CS suppost to be a game where some guys are the bad guys who has a bomb to place and the other guys the good ones and has to defuse it? Cant remember the police and terrorists made that up in a battle royale mode...

Oh and just for the sake of it: The game was already nearly not playable coz they were hackers and cheaters literally EVERYWHERE and at least ONE in nearly every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ match and you guys at valve has nothing better to do then making it free, making it even EASIER for said cheaters & hackers to ruin the game INSTEAD of creating a GOOD anti-cheat system...WHICH ACTUALLY WORKS??

I was never a "big" fan from the CS series but i can share this opinion with others that some games shouldnt be free to play either N-E-E-D a battle royale mode, NOT if its not fitting into the original gameplay.

Whats next? Gordon Freemans 360° no scope VR headshot & Knuckles fortnite featuring minecraft clone? I have a better idea: make a CS: 76~~~
Posted 6 December, 2018. Last edited 6 December, 2018.
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2.8 hrs on record
Heusam bable Käsebab!
CHUCHEL is a lovely little "adventure" game, with great animations and style you might never really saw before. Still, its pretty simplistic and kinda more like a "movie"-ish game then a real adventure game...

Being fair with a good review
So to begin right and fair, I finished this "game" with all it had to offer and i had sure a good time with it. That said, lets begin with the review for real now.

CHUCHEL is maybe called a "adventure"-ish game but if im really fair and honest, its not really a "game" at all. I would more call it a interactive movie then anything else coz for a adventure, this part falls way to flat and for a game it has way to less to offer.

It sure is funny to look at how CHUCHEL hunts for his cherry all over the place and the animation-style is just great with that but then, thinking about, thats nearly anything you can look at anyways since there doesnt really exist good backgrounds or like. Every "riddle" exists only there with a blank (nearly) white background and all the interactive objects are there already to see and click on.

Does it mean now its all bad?
I dont say here that this is a bad thing now but it feels a bit "raw" if you got the other games from the creator team in mind. Sure, CHUCHEL has a lot charm and it is really funny to hear his (and others) gibberish and rages all over the place.

...but why then a negative review?
I enjoyed this game, the riddles are (way to) easy, its funny to play, the music is good (if not even that good that its way to far in the background...) and the animations look good, why also should i review it "negative"?

To BE fair, as i said, CHUCHEL feels not like a game but more like a interactive movie. I had a playtime from around 2 hours which isnt really much for a "game" of a pricetag of 10€. I would get a lot other games (even adventures) with a way higher playtime and better deal at all.
...But then again, i cant compare them to CHUCHEL at all and saying here "i give it a negative review coz of the pricetag" is also wrong.

The main point is that this "game" just doesnt feel like a game, more like a movie where you can interact with some objects and thats it. Some of the riddles/sceens are not even hard, you just click the same object some more times and the "riddle" is done, leaving you with the sure funny animations but thats it.

So how would i rate this after all?
I will sure not say here, CHUCHEL is a bad game and its not worth the money coz that wouldnt be right.

At the end i came to something else in mind:
Let us say that CHUCHEL is a good piece of art and then it might be worth it.
In that case, i could say "yes" that might be more realistic if you think about it that way since in the gameing part, it falls sure way to flat. The riddles are blank, what you can actually "do" is also nearly nothing but clicking something maybe one, two times and thats it.

...But then if you have the fun and animations in mind, those are sure great and its the art and music which makes CHUCHEL sure somewhat charming.

Still, as game, its really not worth it if you think you have maybe 2 hours of "gameplay" and the replay ability is nearly to zero if you didnt miss something. As for the pricetag...again, if you look at it as game, its sure never worth this pricetag. If you might look at it as funny interactive movie, well maybe then its more worth it.

So at the end, i duno if im maybe right to say/give it actually a negative review since steams review system doesnt allow me to give something between bad and good ("neutral") but then i have to keep in mind that this is advertised as "game".

So in short again: CHUCHEL sure is not a bad "game" but for a game, it falls way to flat. If you enjoy the trailer and think it might be a to "high price", stay with the trailer (or look for gameplays online) since this shows the best parts of the "game" anyway.

And another Sidenote
A lot people said already "does this look like black face to you" and gave it actually some racist remarks and stuff. To keep myself short to this: ONLY the one who THINKS racist, is a racist...and im sure CHUCHEL is in no way/had no intentions to be racist...

Wait ... WHAT?

Oh i know people did complain about this but it was more like a joke and some kiddys and SJW out there who really "complained" about Chuchel would look like a blackface - a racist stereotype of a black person. For that reason, the devs changed the main character and actually pallet-swaped it (the body is now orange wile the hat is black) which not only looks ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ugly as hell but also let me think if the devs did this for real. No srsly, we are living in the 21st century god dang it, the SJW should to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ deal with it. Give us back our blackfuzz ball or do you want us "white people" now complain about this "orangeface"???

no srsly, this is just a f*cking joke...we are living in the 21th century, they should ♥♥♥♥ing deal with it. who ever said it was racist, was either a idiot or has srs mental problems. No, really. If youre "THAT" guy, who felt OFFENDED by A SMALL BLACK FUZZBALL with a ORANGE NUT-LIKE LOOKING HAT you have some srs mental problems.
Posted 16 July, 2018. Last edited 24 December, 2018.
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0.0 hrs on record
Why should i actually write for a Soundtrack DLC a long review? I mean, there can be only ONE reason why you wanna buy it/bought it and thats that you like the soundtrack from Neon Drive as much as i do. If not, why are you here again?

But Srsly, This is a great Synthwave soundtrack. If you love the game you sure enjoy the pur soundtrack too!
Posted 1 July, 2018. Last edited 1 July, 2018.
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