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1 person found this review helpful
557.2 hrs on record (286.5 hrs at review time)
I no longer consider myself a Fallout fan nor a Bethesda fan.

But I am a die-hard New Vegas fan.

This game is truly one of my all-time favorites, one of the greatest accomplishments in RPG history and to this day is unmatched in talent, passion, and attention to detail. It has its flaws, but it is also imperfectly pristine, such that I would take it over any polished game any day. The game is a disaster of glitches, the terrain funnels your directions, Luck, criticals, and Speech are the most powerful things in the universe, and I couldn't ask for anything different. I love this game with all my heart, I have played it a literal hundred times, and I plan to double that number by the time this game is counted among other classic gaming masterpieces. I plan not to regurgitate any more information you could easily get from another review, but what I have said are my solid thoughts on this expertly-crafted gaming experience.

10/10 would screenshot Old Lady Gibson's exploding cranium again
Posted 27 June, 2014. Last edited 3 October, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
9.6 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
After beating Fallout: New Vegas several times, I decided to look into the less recent of the series, and that brought me to Fallout 3. Fallout 3 is the actual branch of the series, featuring alot the same goal as Fallout 2, but a much, much more modern playform, a more intruiging story, and an amazing atmosphere. "Fight the good fight" as Three Dog always said, but it is you who decides what exactly you consider "the good fight". Fallout 3 seemed to house a better way to interact with NPCs, even without New Vegas' Reputatio System, as they would talk to you even without being in Talk Mode. They would get mod at you for looking at something, and say, "It's locked for a reason," alot like Skyrim would later have. The music radio is also very pleasing to listen to while exploring te dark and abandoned corridors of an abandoned hospital.

Posted 27 June, 2014. Last edited 27 July, 2014.
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2.9 hrs on record
Ummm..... so I can kill people on other teams, collect a few items, wear a hat, maybe put in some stuff from Steam Workshop, and play with my friends..... sounds..... overrated... Hey I'm not saying it's a bad game, but there's really nothing to get so obsessed about. Good game, but I really can't rcomend this game to anyone I know (save for those who are "a few cards short of a deck"). I tried it, it was a cool game I might play every once and a while, but the thousands of hours that people put into this, I can only wonder (WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥ IS WRONG WITH YOU??). Who knows, maybe one day I'll figure out what it is that drives these people nearly to the brink of insanity on this game. But right now, ima go play a good game that I paid for with money I could have used for virtual hats. I'm not being mean, just honest. Good game, not great game.

Posted 19 June, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
14.2 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)

(AI sucks alot of times, but an overall good game to get on sale)

Posted 3 June, 2014. Last edited 11 November, 2014.
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6 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
In the 7 minutes I played this, I wanted to cry, throw up, and spit on the computer screen all at once. First came nausia at the main menu's mouse movement, and I've never had that happen for any game, then came the sorrow, thinking, "I actually bought this?" when going into game and getting the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up movements, then I realized that I got it for free, and then came the sarcastic "I feel sorry for you," sympathetic type thing for the fact that this game was free and still terrible, then came the confusion at the fact that there are so many positive reveiews and the GOTY awards and such, then the anger at the many mixed emotions I was having. I have nothing against the graphics, the terrible story and setup, and even the controls could be useful if there was the option to turn off the mouse-like crosshair like in 007 Goldeneye and Time Splitters 2, but to leave me to deal with that in a huge fire fight? Normally I'd laugh at games like this, but since I know that this game has the makings of a good game, it still sucks and is too outdated to hope for updates. Yeah, I dont regret getting it considering it was free, but I do regret ever hoping "Hey, this is a good deal for a game in an AWESOME series like ARMA," Just promise me you won't use your 5.00$ on this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and get something like Oddworld, K?
Posted 26 May, 2014.
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42.3 hrs on record (18.1 hrs at review time)
Fable: The Lost Chapters
Fable is one of the first M games I had ever been allowed to play when I was younger, and I believe that even now, it has aged gracefully. In Fable, it is simply astounding to the amount of interactions you can have with people. Sneer at them, scare the crap out of them, and children will run in terror at your approach. Or, become the saint that all love and respect, and give everyone a gift or two. Or, give 'em the middle finger and tell 'em to ♥♥♥♥ off. Then say sorry. Then ask a gay man to marry you. Reputation is everything in this game, be you good or evil, a good reputation for being good or evil is still a necessity. Or, live between the lines, but there are times that playing around with your alignment is not the way to go, and only one choice can be made. That choice, however, is entirely up to you.
While the game does not entirely match up to some of the graphics of today, this game looks very beautyful and full of life, or death, especialy for it's time. The gameplay is very simple as well, and combat against multiple enemies can be fun, easy, very action packed once you get used to it. The replay value is actualy suprisingly high for the kind of game it is, and I'll tell you, I played this game on the XBOX dozens of times, each time telling myself I would become a different person, and each time, I found out something new about the game.
I will say that if there is anyone out there who wishes to test their fantasy of a Hero or Villian, come along and experience the game that changed the way games were made.

Posted 8 May, 2014. Last edited 27 July, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
13.5 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Metro 2033
This game acheives it's goal unlike any other. The game supplies such suspence and terror scorching through the mind and allows for very little but still a set amount of rest. The game has such amazing and life threatening situations that it leaves you breathless and hunger for more, or the sensation of acheivment after a seemingly impossible fight. At some moments the game gives a feel of simply wanting the horror to end and give you a chance to rest, but as we should all know: There is no rest for the wicked. One moment I'm fending off an underground community, the next a moving rail-car, and then having a drink with almost complete strangers. Seeing ghosts, hearing ghosts, fighting the monster that follows the appearence of the ghost, seeing a vision depicting a ghost... it's all so stressing being the only one who ain't afraid of no ghost. The voice work is fantastic and the graphics are breathtaking, especialy when head to head with a monster or on the surface of a desolated planet. This game is one I would recommend to those who crave adventure and who favor a nonstop adreniline rush.
Posted 12 April, 2014.
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48.7 hrs on record (44.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Game is ♥♥♥♥ since the last update.
Posted 4 April, 2014. Last edited 3 July, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
Holy mother, this game is absolutely pointless and pathetic. The conrols are irritating, the music and voices are annoying, and you can beat it in less than half an hour. I only bought it because it was sale for 29 cents, and its not even worth that. Even if you think that you can "appreciate" an indie puzzle game like this one, you definitely should not buy this unless it's for a younger sibling or as a joke gift to a friend.
Posted 13 March, 2014. Last edited 30 May, 2014.
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21 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
This game is at times challenging, but very entertaining. A rich and hillarious storyline, smooth gameplay, and intriguing puzzles dot the games thick landscape. Ive played it on the original PS and enjoyed it through and through. I havnt played it much on Steam, but trust me, its worth getting, and I have room to say that.

Posted 12 March, 2014. Last edited 27 July, 2014.
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