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19 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
20.2 timer totalt (7.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Dread Delusion is a interesting game, a throw back to a time you had to figure out an RPG as much as play it.
This game will not be for everyone, the graphics are weird and not high resolution but that is kind of the point.
The game throws you out into the world and it's your job to unravel it piece by piece.
What the game does have is a soul, it is hard to explain, the storytelling,quests and npc inaction and the whole
feel of the game has a charming intoxication.
There are a lot of mushrooms in the games and not to spoil anything, it really adds to the atmosphere.
If you are not sure about this title watch a you tube video to see what you are getting into.
Steam does have the two hour refund policy but that might not be enough time to completely draw you in.
Publisert 18. september.
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54 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
66.8 timer totalt (57.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Visions of Mana a magical JRPG brimming with charm, it's a long journey to get to the mana tree/goddess with a 120 side quests to boot, so plenty of content with tons of QOL features which makes it a joy not a task to complete,
Characters are likable and endearing, even if this is your first title in the mana series you will feel right at home.
Highly recommended,
Publisert 12. september. Sist endret 12. september.
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18 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3.1 timer totalt (1.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Just played for 75 minutes had to stop to write a review and then can't wait to hop back in.
My rig details are on my profile if you are curious not going to list them here.
I am playing on a 27" 2K monitor for reference. enabled V-Syn set frame rate at 120.
The game looks really good and completely original,during my first time playing frame rates were between 118 to 120
the lowest it ever dipped was 93.
Combat is like a souls lite hack and slash, if you want to press random buttons or button mash you will die.
But combat is also completely fair.
I only got a little lag in the opening scene and it was just for 2 seconds.
Audio is really nice and input commands are quick and accurate.
This title will go up in price after EA, it's 10% percent off here with some third party sites with even more of a discount.
If you have a decent rig and you like this genre, do yourself a favor and get this title, also no problems with Xbox controller.
Publisert 18. april.
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38 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
4.9 timer totalt (4.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
In Greek mythology, Achilles or Achilleus was a hero of the Trojan War who was known as being the greatest of all the Greek warriors.
Achilles is an ARPG hack and slash which actually pays tribute to Greek Mythology and true to its roots is fully voice acted as well.
This is not a triple A title by any means, but I am actually having more fun, yes that's right more FUN than in some triple A titles as of recently.
Graphics are decent, combat is kinda Euro janky at first but with skills and advancement starts to feel better, smoother if you will.
Skill tree is a little different with spells thrown in to the mix as well, but fairly easy to understand.
Story is not bad, but we are not necessarily here for that, but still interesting never the less.
Works great with a controller my preferred way of playing, at this price point you will get your monies worth plus, with cards, achievements and all the bells and whistles.
P.S. Works on the Deck as well.
Publisert 10. mars. Sist endret 10. mars.
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En utvikler har svart 16. mai kl. 6.12 (vis svar)
284 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
85.0 timer totalt (11.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
About 11 hours in and it's just starting to open up, game is huge with everything I want, great story that keeps unfolding.
Combat that is fun,powerful and effective with being able to switch to your partner in a flash.
Exploration is rewarded and resources plentiful. Make the game as easy or hard as you want.
Choices matter, of which you will have many, you will have your moral ground tasted, beware.
This title isn't triple A it's better, please support devs that create single player games worth playing.
I hope this title gets the attention it deserves, because my friends it's a good one.
Well to the few critics I am 75 hours in and still love it, even more.
Just finished at 85 hours one of the best story based games I have ever played.
Thank you Don't nod I know this game won't sell as many copies as you want,
but respect for making such a great game and all your hard work is much appreciated.
Publisert 15. februar. Sist endret 3. mars.
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28 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
50.3 timer totalt (24.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
WitchSpring R is a charming story-rich turn-based title developed by KIWIWALKS and published by Pixmain.
It is a hidden gem, charming and cute, with some in your feels moments to boot, also found myself laughing
from time to time.
Witchspring R introduces us to Pieberry a witch who named her self because of her love for pie and strawberries.
Exploring, hunting and gathering and fighting enemies with her bird friend Black Joe.
The story is massive, too, with a lengthy campaign and a large connected world with plenty to explore.
It has a good length of about 30 hours plus, first play though
Specialize in melee, magic or a combo of both.
This is worth it at full price and a steal on sale, don't be fooled just because it looks simple and cute.
Publisert 26. januar.
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22 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
52.6 timer totalt (25.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Fate/Samuri Remnant is a new addition to the Fate series, filled with unique characters, a good story full of twists and turns and branching decisions.Combat is fast and fun with different sword stances and a detailed skill tree.The characters and world are engaging and dialog between characters makes you actually grow fond of them.The main character which you play most is Miyamoto Iori from Asakusa, and the story takes place in 1651, in Keian era Japan.Game is open world and let's you explore most of Edo.Lori's Servant is Saber who you can at times control in battle.If you like Musou games and Japanese titles you can't go wrong with the title.
Just finished the game, going for a 2nd play thru to get all the achievements 1/17/2024 -
Going to put this in my Top 5 favorite games.
Publisert 29. oktober 2023. Sist endret 17. januar.
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50 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
26.3 timer totalt (8.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Not sure why the mixed reviews,but everyone is different.
My take so far is this is a solid double A game, $50 solid only if you have caught up on the backlog.
The combat is solid and feels good and it's creative with stones,momentum and weapon growth in combat.
Exploring is fun and rewarding, Story is what you would expect from an action title but nothing to write home about.
I had very little stuttering, with a couple of bugs here and there.
What I am having is a lot of fun, it's just fun.
I would say I good price is $25-40, I picked it up for the latter, but if you are on the fence wait for a sale.
Publisert 26. august 2023.
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83 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
9 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
1.8 timer totalt (0.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Here I am getting crap at work, just wishing I was a Space Marine.
Seriously super cool boomer shooter.
Listen this is one of those games they just got right, and right price too.
Just buy it then give me an award because I'm right and your happy.
Publisert 24. mai 2023.
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87 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
42.1 timer totalt (29.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I have no idea why this has a mixed rating, well maybe a couple, first your AI companion is pretty dumb but kind of a meat sponge too, you learn to deal.
Multiplayer is not set up great for randoms.
Get passed all that and you have one of the best souls like games.
Exploring is encouraged and rewarded with the same pay off as Dark Souls
Where it does things a little different is as you do npc side and main quests you actually get
to recruit them back to your main village to finish buiding the village and to become proper vendors.
The in game currency functions the same as souls like if you died and can not make it back to your body you lose it.
But in Ashen you get to buy pots that store currency with a fee,want to save 250 it going to cost you 300 but you
will not lose it.
Also there is fast travel about a third into the game, not every post can be traveled to, but most can.
Combat is a little different, but when you get it, is rewarding, having a companion whose quest you are on go
with you is pretty cool too.
Is it worth full price, I would say yes, but there are always sales on GMG or Fanatical for 75% off then it's a steal.
Don't get me wrong the game will piss you off at times, but it worth pushing through to see it's greatness.
Publisert 2. april 2023.
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