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Análises recentes de Szarps;

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20.8 hrs em registo (7.1 horas no momento da análise)
>Estar con 1 de vida
>Fumarse un puchito
>Es una de salva
>Matar al dealer

Lo unico puede llegar a ser muy frustrante el modo doble o nada (endless), hay que tomarlo con calma, humor y saber que dependes bastante mas de la suerte ya que tu control es limitado. Si te cuesta mantener la calma por la base de chance quizas no sea la mejor idea
Publicado a 10 de Junho.
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99.9 hrs em registo (11.4 horas no momento da análise)
Hace poco (literalmente 3 dias) fue mi cumpleaños y un amigo me regalo este juego para que juguemos juntos. Hoy me levanto y me entero de la noticia que van a FORZAR a linkear una cuenta de playstation para seguir jugando esto. Yo no tengo una playstation ni pienso tenerla, SONY hace suficientes cosas para reafirmar mi compromiso a ser solo y exclusivamente jugador de PC.

A su vez todo este tiempo que no hizo falta crear una cuenta se puede jugar tranquilamente hasta junio, o sea, la cuenta es un añadido innecesario y que intentan obligar algo estupido. No solo eso, sony ha tenido MULTIPLES fallas de cyberseguridad que pondrian en riesgo la integridad de mi cuenta la cual NO PIENSO DAR JAMAS.

Si sony quiere meter sus juegos en PC perfecto, es lo mejor para todos, ahora si eso viene con condiciones de entregar el orto y que encima "estemos agradecidos".. paso
Publicado a 3 de Maio.
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5.6 hrs em registo
Honestly i just didn't find the fun factor which is what brings it downwards for the biggest part. On the other aspects like: story, characters ambient and feeling yeah thats just about great, the feeling and the asthethic of what a portal game should be based on its lore is spot on really, as well as the humor also being reminicent of portal.

The problem and where this games feels to me that it failed and i couldnt find in me to enjoy it was a certain "fun factor™". Its certainly hard to describe as i also dont know what went wrong along the way, however some of the things i think are part of the problem are the following:
  • Around HALF of the tucking game is spent with a blue portal only gun. I can not begin to tell you how much I HATE THIS, the blue portal gun is suposed to just be part of "learning" the first parts of the game more than give you anything. SURE, it is a limitation like many other mechanics in puzzle games but this one to me is irredeameably annoying as not only is a limiting factor for solving BUT IS ALSO TIED DIRECTLY TO MOVEMENT[/u], which leads me to my next point
  • I swear to god the movement in this is game is slowed down significantly compared to portal 2 to the point i feel like a turtle sh!ting while walking just about anywhere, this is just further enhanced due to half the game only having the blue portal gun plus a LOT of lack of portal surfaces throught out the maps. Having unsatisfying movement in just about any game that you control an avatar/character is the key to convert any masterpiece of a game into an infuriating mess, movement is something that you cant afford to get wrong EVER, is a cardinal sin and the way this was handled so poorly when compared to the quality of just about everything else this to me is unacceptable as i only grow more and more aware of it by the minute, thus making the experience worst.
  • This last point is more opinion so take it as you will: there were certainly parts of the game that i felt like i wasnt sure i was making things the "intended way", like i just managed to failed upwards in a manner of speech, the best example of this is a point where you have 2 turrets blocking your way and a giant ass fan, after you use it turret blow out but also the road you were about to take gets "roughened up", it took me some "creative liberty" with a prop to power my way through but i got it, however i never knew if it was part of the intention or i just end up exploiting it and i felt as i was failing upwards (yes even in a game based around finding a solution, rather than THE solution)

This is just about everything i can think of, i still also feel frustrated over the fact that i think i'm missing part of the important point as to what made the experience bad or hard to enjoy, but this are some factors that i could come up with and ultimately made feel like "god finally sh1t is over" when i saw the credits roll instead of "awww yeah that was some good ♥♥♥♥ right there"
Publicado a 29 de Janeiro.
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5.7 hrs em registo
It is with heavy heart i must say this worms game just isnt fun. I been excited ever since launch day for all of its mechanics and stuff but never was in the mood to play it so i wasnt buying it until it was either heavily discounted or i strike up the mood. I bought it a month or so ago, just now playing it so i cant refund it but dear god how i wish i could.

This game is so much boring than other iterations by far, starting by:
-Weapons are tweaked down (overall nerf). Which i can understand i helps making games longer and potentially more interesting but it just feels less exciting overall and mistakes are just not as punished
-The CPU are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GODS, im not kidding here, they operate under PERFECT information and planning. Imagine your luckiest shot ever in a worms game that say a bazooka through the tiniest hole that went through and hit a team of 2, thats just the CPU playing EVERY TURN. I have gotten grenaded, bazook'ed and just about everything in the most disgusting way imaginable, always just hoping for a miracle that they would ♥♥♥♥ up, NAH thats too much. Its literally impossible for real ppl to play this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ precisely even with years of experience, so playing the singleplayer (which is most of where my fun ever was, is basically masoquism, which i cant play for longer than 2 games.
-Multiplayer is dead (so the only thing for playing is the godlike CPU)
-The overall game feels.. clunky, i feel always like im moving with an anchor attached and the movements feels slugish, like theres a bit of a minimal delay in everything. When i compare this by how it felt games like WWP, the latter felt absolutely tight and beautiful, this has nothing of the sort
-The physics are... dubious, dont get me wrong ♥♥♥♥ usually falls in a predictable way however, things like fall damage, explosion radius that will result in damage, all little things like that is just feels WAAAAY OFF, like i used a shotgun at a decent distance and i still get some sort of knockback that got me 1 damage and of course now my turn is over. You can fall 80meters and only get 15 damage or so, but your worse enemy is a 2 meter fall in your turn that could potentially end it much too soon

Overall, this game lacks a lot of polish, CPU needs awful degrees of nerf, the gameplay feels clunky and lastly i feel the addition of clases further ruined the balance of the game, sure you can go all soldiers but that doesnt mean you escape it entirely, since the game is balanced around the class systems so even if they are all soldiers they dont pack quite the punch and if you dont like going with heavys tough luck
Publicado a 8 de Outubro de 2023.
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11.8 hrs em registo
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
Its good and fun, is frustrating at the start until a point and onwards from there it becomes easier and more fun to play, so what is the problem with it? well mainly that you would have a lot of "locked" parts and you would unlock this parts once you finish a certain job that would have been very much ideal for the job you just completed and thats most of my issue. Many initial jobs are much harder than they sort of need to be because you lack the appropiate tools to make an effective rover that could do the job, but you would only get those parts to make it once you finish that job and not only would you get the part but also a pre-built blueprint (another rover using these new tools). On the one hand its nice cause it shows you how to use the new acquired part, on the other its pretty frustrating because you end up depending a lot of blueprints already made by the developer instead of focusing on what the game is about and what i think makes it great, which is making your own designs to do the jobs. Mostly you end up using the blueprints as bases and make little modifications to adapt to future jobs, others you can just use them outright.

The way i would like this to be is to first unlock the tools for a job and once i complete that job im rewarded with a blueprint which i can then afterwards compare that design with my own solution and see how far off i end up and how effecient i was (or not) being compared to its "intended" use.

My only other issue which is a bit harder to work around is that there is a lot of uneven ground around, not talking about big mountains, but slightly uneven ground that once you are traversing is hard to know where the holes and bumps are beacuse of the artstyle. The artstyle of the game is pretty charming and colourful, i do love it, but i really hate how it makes it difficult to see nearby holes and bumps without awkward use of the camera which being a physics game this can end up in tears pretty fast.

One last minor point, i feel the night is longer than the day, dont know if true, but also would like to have an option to unable day and night cycle, i feel most of the time is night and the purple-esque colour pallete of the night makes it harder to remember or think "oh right im on mars" feel more like im in neptune or something
Publicado a 27 de Agosto de 2023.
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23.3 hrs em registo (14.5 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
Ok new expansive patch is out and upon playing it i do think this demands to renew my review since it has done a lot of things right that makes the experience better.

Last time that i wrote there were more issues that pretty much screamed a very buggy, off putting experience that ultimately i couldnt stick and play long sessions because the problems would just get in the way too much and i just would get put off. Some of these were things like clipping and missing walls or floors even. Thankfully in this last patch that was addressed with a few other important fixes and a few things new too. Now the map geometry has been improved and while still it presents some.. creative (to put it some in way) decisions, i havent found a missing wall or floor or any part that even while it looks good i clip through because reasons.There is still some of it, like going through a duct and the path its blocked by a solid (not sure what it is for the case i found, but iwas only 1 so far) or ducts going inside closets occupying the entirety of it, or exits being part of the same place where there is a ceilling lamp but compared to before this is pretty tolerable.

On the new content, now we have cases of infidelity and hotels. I still dont have much playtime on this but the very small time i have is looking promising but still needs some work, for one case i had the affair was apparently with someone else than what the evidence confirmed me, the investigated had only emails with dove (dating service in the game) that pointed to one person and some exchange of "we never matched for all that you know ok?" also some loose evidence pointing to that person, but the actual affair was with someone else entirely that had apparently no sort of connection and left me scratching my head. What is even funnier is that the person that was actually having the affair with, was also involved in like 3 other affairs. So yeah.. def would need some corrections here and there ideally, but still i think that variety is good and gives a layer of realism to the city that is nice.

Also for a minor change now there is a lot more trash in the street and theres a new sandisk that if you throw garbage in cans or those garbage city collectors you are given a few pennies so hey, thats great as you can make basically food be paid for itself so more money to you!
Publicado a 24 de Agosto de 2023. Última alteração: 29 de Setembro de 2023.
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2.7 hrs em registo (1.7 horas no momento da análise)
Im like damm.. i can only hope my own s**t has as much fun as these have

Absolutely love it, deserves more people knowing about it and supporting it. Comedy gold
Publicado a 18 de Agosto de 2023.
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21.4 hrs em registo (10.4 horas no momento da análise)
So the game is great, i love the aesthetic and is pretty fun, plus also some humor and references on the side is a nice touch. I only have 2 criticism for the game:

1.- On the later half of any given run the chaos on the screen becomes.. too much and is hard to distinguish enemy projectiles and it becomes a bit overbearing to dodge everything, deal damage and distinguish my bullets from the enemy's, which is only made worst when you have the occasional enemy that can shot through walls so yeah.. Ideally i would like to see a better contrast from the background and the color of the enemy bullets so its easier to read the screen and react in time.

2.- At the time of the review i just finished a run killing Athena (dont know if this is related) and one stage before getting to the final stage, a mistery stage appeared, so alright pretty cool, like surprises. However this was something called "chaos room" or the like, in which basically is.. f0ck any of your decisions you made through your run, you are stripped of all your power ups (except health, shields and pets) and now you have to fight any the first bosses 4 times every 3 rooms, each room you will get a random upgrade, make it through you get to a room which maybe you expect based on the sign at the start you get all your items back plus get to keep all the new ones.. no... you get a bundle of upgrades and thats it, so you have to pray the final build (which is COMPLETELY RANDOM) is equal or better in power than whatever you been building so far. WHY? WHY!? i had a disgusting awesome build, my weapon was basically a minigun of death that i tried my best to build up to the few times i got choices and then out of nowhere the little agency i could have is stripped away from me and forced to comform to whatever random roll of the dice coocked for me??WTF.. if i made it so far as to the final stage chances are im pretty happý with my build or proficent enough to have a chance at winning my run, whats this senseless idea of throwing everything out the window and force me to use whatever when i might have adopted a particular strategy early on to sustain my build up to that point and had to do sacrifices in the middle? Dont get me wrong im not salty because i lost, actually i won my run (tho it was a bit on the edge) but the sheer feeling of betrayal and sourness in my mouth completely killed off the run for me.

So now i have to go into every game hoping either A) if this happens again i get a better build or B) this doesnt happen at all. So great, getting a 50% chance (allegedly) of not knowing if my knowledge of the game becomes useless around the end or god forbid, i somehow craft something weird but fun and want to try its viability towards the end game and the suddenly be like: "hahahahahaha NO"..

I do recommend the game, but i honestly wish they changed this 2 main grips i have with this.
Publicado a 9 de Julho de 2023.
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41.2 hrs em registo (14.6 horas no momento da análise)
It is a good game, sure. The managing aspect can be fun and it has some story which as you complete missions/objectives with the respective department you get story and upgrades. However this is where i have my biggest grip with this: while having upgrades tied to the missions it provides incentives sure, thats great, but among the few first, you get very basic stuff which should already be a feature inside the game from the day 1. Specially considering that some are as basic as being able to see the health and sanity bars of your agents, increase the passage of time up to x2 and recall the entire department to the staff room so they recover. At first i didnt know about that, i was searching like crazy a way to get the bars on top of the agents cause i could never know when they were about to die or their state when an emergency happened, the game tells you nothing about this and is very frustrating. Once you are past the first few missions it seems that it focuses on providing actual value with the researches, stuff like; rooms heal much faster/better, or they dont stop when an anomaly steps inside, so your agents get healed while fighting. All is good and dandy with these ones, but to "hide" away HUD features that are needed is not a good idea. The other thing i have a big grip about it is that the font is soooo f*cking small, like legit, it has me getting closer to the monitor every now and then to read stuff, or whats worse, sometimes even when they are already small, the space any words were given is tiny, so most of the time you will not know what level you agent has a certain skill (each one has 4, they can be up to level 5, these play an important role in the game), the game is from south korea, so i can only imagine that with much fewer signs they convey words much more easily, hence they dont need so much space. Coupling with this, the options menu is very, very lacking, is almost sad, audio is only "master volume" and "music volume", and sometimes i feel some noises are too loud but it doesnt help much. One of the pros is that it has a big vareity of languages, so likely you find yours.

Again, great game, is pretty nice and has some very clever jokes, but at times some of these things coupled with a challenging gameplay can at times cut my time with it a bit short, even when i would love to keep playing it for longer
Publicado a 7 de Julho de 2022.
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1.0 hrs em registo
Is more portal universe from valve, the same good ol' humor we know and love.. It can never go wrong and this is another proof of that
Publicado a 11 de Maio de 2022.
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