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145.4 h registradas (33.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Doesnt improve much on the formula of Human Revolution, and the fact that it has these microtransactions in place is quite sad, however overall if you loved HR you will enjoy this game as well since its more of the same. Nothing fresh but still good, especially if you enjoy stealth and reading a lot of emails like I do.
Publicada el 3 de septiembre de 2016.
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156.1 h registradas
My review page.
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The gist of it:
Initially, I downvoted Fallout 4 however replaying it made me change my mind quite a bit. I never gave it enough credit for having some really great animations, an insane amount of varied locations, and other good things. Fallout 4 is certainly not what we all wanted, but it is a decent experience that can only improve with the help of the modding community.

👍 The good parts:
+Location variation
+Great combat and animations
+Gets incredibly better thanks to mods

👎The bad parts:
-Most of the quests including the main ones are pretty average
-Dialogue choices are pretty basic

One thing that has not changed my mind is the story aspect of Fallout 4. It has a ton of boring side-quests if you can call them that, a weak amount of some interesting side-quests, and a very average main story. Most of the weak stuff is just go there and clear that place or place that thing there or get that thing repeated a million times. The more interesting side-quests are very few in between and have very short durations however I did enjoy most of them, especially the Silver Shroud one.

Now let us talk about the main story a bit. I won't spoil it, however, if you played Fallout 3, expect the same treatment here as well, daddy issues, except in this case, you're the dad, and your son is kidnapped, and you have to find him. Now to be fair, it's certainly much more improved over Fallout 3, and here's why: on your journey, you'll meet the usual weird characters that will most likely help you on your path to finding your son, Shaun, but this time around, a lot of these characters are part of a larger group, a faction if you want to call it that and you'll have to decide which path you'll go through, or you can simply do it yourself. It certainly gives you a sense of choice, even if the result might be the same. I initially disregarded this, but after playing it after Fallout 3, it is 100% better when it comes to these aspects.

I've also played both main DLCs, Far Harbor and a bit of Nuka-World with the former being quite nice, and the latter being a boring pos. Far Harbor is pretty much a huge main quest where you have to investigate the disappearance of a certain girl, and it'll take you to a really great place, atmosphere-wise. What's even better, Far Harbor also has some really cool side-quests, for example, there's a vault where you have to play the detective. Highly recommended you bring Valentine with you in this DLC. As for Nuka-World, if you're a good character, just avoid it. You're forced to be a bandit leader and you gotta do a lot of dumb stuff.

Overall, while Fallout 4 is an improvement over the third, story-wise, it is still not quite good enough, deep enough, or interesting enough. Hopefully, Bethesda focuses less on vasts amount of land/content and finds better writers.

Story rating: 7.7/10

Gameplay is split into two parts. I'll start with the bad, which is the settlement aspect. Un-modded it's pretty much a way to waste your time. You have several locations in the world where you can settle and build your own base. You can salvage, craft, and build a decent amount of buildings, enough to make your own little paradise if you have the time and bother with it. The problem is, that it has barely any use or impact on the world. Raiders may attack you but they are so weak and rare, you will never even notice them. What they could've done is have you build your own town, and have your own faction that can impact the story. Now that would've been awesome. Alas, Bethesda always does things only halfway. If you use mods, there are some really great settlement ones. Check them out.

The other part is the usual Fallout gameplay you know, shoot stuff, level up stuff, craft stuff, loot stuff. Shooting is satisfying as hell. Quite a lot better than I remembered and it has aged pretty well. Weapons this time around do not lose durability however you can upgrade them which will drastically change how they feel and shoot. You can also equip armor per body part as well as upgrade them with several things such as pouches for higher weight limits or even better damage resistances. Looting becomes more important thanks to the crafting aspect since you'll need a ton of junk to craft and upgrade your weapons and armors. VATS also makes a return, however, I used it far less than Fallout 3 because I simply loved shooting stuff myself rather than relying on it to do it for me. The leveling/perk system has also changed quite drastically but not really for the better. You no longer get unique perks at every level or so but instead, you simply build up your skills based on your SPECIAL main stats. Luckily there is so much stuff to kill, loot, and discover that you'll have tons of experience to level up.

While the settlement aspect is hardly worth your time, the true meat of the gameplay is quite improved over the third game.

Gameplay rating: 8.3/10

Voice acting has almost never been a problem for Bethesda and while it's true that there are a lot of repeated voices and cringey ones, most of the important ones are quite good. Expect to hear Garrus's voice a lot though.

The soundtrack is pretty good as well, with a decent amount of exploration and combat songs. Not enough to feel varied but not really annoying. You can also use some mods to increase the variation if you want. As for the sound effects, while I usually don't have much to say, Fallout 4 does have some nice meaty gun sounds which were nice to hear.

Audio rating: 8/10

Graphics, performance and tech analysis
Performance-wise, the game runs quite well, with the exception of certain locations where your framerate will tank no matter what hardware you own, it's just the engine can't handle so much verticality and shadows. Fallout 4 also has some of the worst TAA ever made but it can be fixed with some sharpening. Bug-wise, well, it's a Bethesda game, you know what to expect. It will always have that jank to it, but it's not that bad.

Atmosphere-wise, it's fantastic. I remember liking it the first time and now that I replayed it, I kinda appreciated it even more. All locations are unique and considering the insane amount of places you can discover, it's just great. Too bad there's little to do besides killing and looting in them, and rarely anything story/quest-wise.

Graphics, performance and tech analysis score: 8/10

I'm glad I decided to replay it because I was kinda mean to it the first time, but after a second playthrough and with some really great mods, the experience has been far better than before. As it is, Fallout 4, while not perfect it certainly is worth getting.

Final score: 8/10
Publicada el 21 de noviembre de 2015. Última edición: 14 de enero de 2023.
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9.3 h registradas
Its a shame SOMA came out after Alien Isolation, and while its an inferior game to it for the most part, it does a better job at creating horror and there are truly some terrying moments throught the game. Atmosphere was pretty average from a technical and visual point of view. Its sound design is where it shines and the way the story is presented. 8/10.
Publicada el 26 de septiembre de 2015.
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30.2 h registradas
Yet another game using the Batman Arkham formula and Ubisoft formula of open world, however despite those flaws filled with tedious objectives such as mine clearing or camp clearing or tower destroying, the game has some pretty great car chases and fights, some brutal fights, a decent story although very short and a great atmosphere to play with. 8/10
Publicada el 26 de septiembre de 2015.
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212.4 h registradas (62.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Story wise, its a total failure, a mess, a twist that turned the game from 8/10 to a 6-7 out of 10. Gameplay wise, its great, its fun, diverse, has lots of small details you would probably never see in other games of this genre. Atmosphere wise, its pretty boring, 2 maps filled with nothing but outposts and some bases. Sound wise, its pretty good, with some decent acting and great soundtrack. I cannot recommend this game sadly due to wasting 20-30 hours of my life after the part 1, only to be dissapointed even more at the end. Also props to Code Talker for being the most annoying old man in a video game ever, DI-NE.
Publicada el 19 de septiembre de 2015.
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0.0 h registradas
Publicada el 28 de mayo de 2015.
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12.7 h registradas (12.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
An RPG shorter than a linear FPS.

Publicada el 24 de febrero de 2015.
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0.2 h registradas
Without WIthin has taught me a valuable lesson about life and that is not to attack strangers on the streets. Thank you Vinty.
Publicada el 28 de enero de 2015.
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