Hyperborean Gamer from Lake Vostok,   Antarctica
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Moe Is The Law. Moe Under Will.
By all of the moe points which I have now amassed,
Through composition of this dairy, which speaks
In marui script of entry to the Pettanko Path,
May minna-nyan thread the way to Kawaii Perfection.

May those poor beings destitute of burning moe,
Find their excellence, and sparkle in radiant kira kira,
May all of the venerable obaasans of the world,
Attain the scorching vigor of unspoiled neoteny.

May those who lose their way, and wander
Into the wilds of ero, maintain their purity,
Be safe from the threat of deviants and chikan,
And remain untouched by the tainted grip of lewdness.

May I be a nii-chan to those who are brotherless,
Ichigo jam toast for those who journey on the road.
As long as you linger in samsara, may you taste
Unsurpassed waku waku in enduring continuity.

:chocola: :vanilla: :maplechan: :cocochan: :Benito: :Pitter5: :compa: :iffy: :vert: :SisterRam: :SisterRom:
Любимое руководство
Создано: shru
Оценок: 182
We've extensively tested the performance impact of different levels of "Chest Bounciness" option in NEKOPARA Extra. We hope to find a sweet spot between physical fidelity and performance.
Витрина скриншотов
Oh man, it's so much easier to hit the models in 4:3 stretched, I should have switched years ago. Dreamhack, here I come!
16 3 1
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52 ч. всего
последний запуск 6 июн
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последний запуск 31 мая
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последний запуск 29 мая
amphetamemes 22 янв в 5:16 
ты гол? 8 окт. 2023 г. в 6:42 
this profile is a steam treasure
South American Youkai 19 июн. 2023 г. в 1:28 
Hello kawaii friend, it's been a while!
amphetamemes 3 июн. 2022 г. в 3:59 
2 0 2 2 :nekoheart: :azuki:
brainzapmoder 29 мар. 2021 г. в 23:08 
SwaGGer 1337 2 мар. 2021 г. в 12:53 
"My sole passion in life: Putting anime pictures in places which have not been sanctioned or approved to contain anime pictures by society."