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40.6 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
Based on my experience of playing this game from release and until today -- the day I 100% the achievements -- I want to say I really do enjoy the game. Most people on here are reasonably upset with the lack of communication and updates from the devs, but I want to say the only major flaw I have encountered was the button swap issue when playing online, and that is why my hours aren't insanely high. For some time, I went on hiatus until these glitches were resolved, but they had fixed the glitch at the same time as when Yajirobe was nerfed - whom I mained for a bit - not knowing tier lists or lack of caring for it.

See, I have been paying attention to all Dragon Ball games since BT2 on PS2, and when this game was announced, and also being knowledgeable of the FGC, I was hoping people could relax with this game, because there was no balanced characters. So, when I did play Yajirobe taking out God characters and Fusions, I was grinning ear to ear. However, people cried, my character died, and I buried the game for a time.

Now I just play characters that annoy people, like Pan, Videl, and a bunch of other lore weak characters. It's fun. I'm competitive to a point, but only to play the game the way I like it, not based on meta, so I don't get upset when people rage quit or use overused characters whom I'd assume are top tier.

For the single player experience, I will admit most was a chore, and for the parts where I hoped they put more effort into the story, they flopped (looking at you SSJ Goku's first transformation on Planet Namek). Now where I actually paid attention and was pleasantly surprised was the What If bits, they were great and entertaining.

The bonus matches that people created were hit and miss, but I can see some solid time put in there for those who were big on making YouTube fanfics with subtitles using Windows Movie Maker from eons ago. Keep up the good work the lot of you! I'd love to make a YouTube series of cool stories to showcase.

I hope the game continues to have as much support as Xenoverse 2 is getting, and if sequels come maybe consider the Raging Blast 3 Fanwish Project approach. As of right now, I think it's bare for what the game offers, but I cannot ignore this game as a love letter to Dragon Ball fans.
Posted 23 November, 2024.
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48.0 hrs on record
I'll say after beating the game and getting 100% on the achievements I can actually say I had a ton of fun playing through this game. It's definitely one of the best Dragon Ball RPGs out there and the game play is really enjoying - though tedious - it's the fact that I can 100% it in under 50 hours. I don't get to game as much, but as a Dragon Ball fan this was certainly one I'll gladly go back to on other systems in the future. Shame we never got the PS5/Xbox Series X|S graphical update, but I'm sure there'll be mods to remedy that. Definitely recommend!
Posted 15 September, 2023.
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11.0 hrs on record
Although I've 100% the game, it is not recommended for; the current price point of $60 CAD, some newcomers would base some level elements BS (returning player here BTW), bad song replacements of certain levels, and in some people's cases some questionable porting (not my words; check Community Board).

Now based on other merits, I'd say this includes a lot despite many people would probably never take the time to view, listen, or watch. Things like adding mission modes that don't feel overly repetitive, pretty much infinite retries (with the cost of coins) on special stages to be able to try out Super and Hyper Sonic after getting the chaos emeralds, awesome animations, and love shown for a beloved character of many childhoods are quite frankly reasons to buy the game. They're older titles and with nostalgia glasses they're really good games.

Now the concern again is the price point, you can easily emulate each of these games with no fuss, buy the games individually cheaper elsewhere, or you can even get collections with the same games and more for a lot cheaper. However, Sonic Origin isn't just any other port, in this package you get a love letter from fans who've cared for Sonic as long as most of us have. Folks like Tyson Heese managed to get get some animations into the game, those guys who made Sonic Mania managed to bring their ports into this title, and supposedly Sonic 3&Knuckles had to be reported to get things to work in a widescreen display.

To be honest, I can somewhat justify the purchase, but that's just on my end though. For most, this game is expensive.
Posted 9 July, 2022.
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131.6 hrs on record
Welcome to *adjusts glasses* "Player Unknown Battlegrounds: Battlegrounds" or simply PUBG: Battlegrounds. A game that has been riddled with bugs, continues to have cheaters, and still has crashes to this very day.

I've been playing this game since those silly memes of "I'm a snake look at me" and "China #1!". I still remember when this BR had no competition like Fortnite or Apex. Sadly, it's a really bad game still, but I figured I'd try it out again bectit went Free to Play, so I wanted to see if we got any perks as longtime owners or if they changed anything.

No perks, but that didn't entirely bother me, but simply due to no changes. How can a game still be so bad and not address concerns? Hell, Halo MCC had bugs like no tomorrow, but they fixed the ♥♥♥♥ out of that game.

The worst offender is that I've put 100s of hours into this game, why am I being forced into a tutorial and AI matches? I'd smack the heck out of the guy who made this decision. Heck, I'd even try to be game director to actually get the devs to fix this sorry excuse of a title.

This is a not recommended game to anyone who reads this. It's simply not worth playing.
Posted 29 January, 2022.
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21.6 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
I just listened to some amazing music before I can even Draw my first card. While this was happening my opponent Drew Half his Deck. Summoned a monster with 4000 Attack, placed every card he can manage on the field, and also wipe out 3000 life points from me. Again, I didn't even draw a card. Not to mention, when I was able to draw a card it wasn't even my turn to even play. He had quick plays, effects, traps, and spells all ready for me. By that time I was only with 2000 life points left, so I just surrendered. The biggest kicker out of all this, I was on a government call literally trying to solve an issue with my tax issues... What the heck is even Yu-Gi-Oh now? I miss when it was just about Heart of the Cards, but now I'm just sitting there hoping I can play.

This game is not for the impatient anymore... This is a game of RISK (that board game that can take hours to play). I'm done. There's no way I'm continuing this game.
Posted 21 January, 2022.
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6.0 hrs on record
I actually 100%'d this game. Will I ever play it again? I hope not. This game has so much wrong with it that honestly the people who like it are literally meming. The driving mechanics are awful, the collisions are horrific, and it's pretty bad that the devs know they're selling a bad game purely cause the original was memes. Don't buy it and certainly look elsewhere.
Posted 10 July, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
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1.5 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm not sure how or why I own this game. I don't recall buying it at all, but apparently I did or it was given to me for free. I was bored and thought why not try my luck. People were saying good things and I was intrigued.

Anyway, I'm not big on Early Access games, but for the time being I was pretty hooked. I'll want to play more eventually. The thing that captivated me was the voice acting, sure, the dialogue kinda is a hit and miss, but the actors did their work. Kudos to the actors. The gameplay, although I dislike the heavy tutorials, is very fun! Looking forward to playing more.

The issues though are most of the time the animations, the cutscenes, and the abrupt music cuts. Obviously there's polish that needs working, but getting that fixed would help a ton in immersiveness.

Do I recommend the game? For the time being, yeah! Give it a shot. You'll know if you'll like it with a 2 hour time frame. I sure am so far.
Posted 9 February, 2021. Last edited 11 February, 2021.
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3.3 hrs on record
To be honest, I wasn't sold on the game until I saw Keanu Reeves was going to be part of the game. It did peak my interest as I've been a big fan of cyberpunk type settings and all of that jazz. This game has amazing narrative and to be honest it is what's keeping me interested through my 3 hour play through thus far, but why make a review with just very few hours? To be honest, it's a solid game, but I've literally had 5 soft locks and 2 crashes already. My specs are insanely high, but my graphics card is a GTX 1060 (6GB), so I know it's not me. CD Projekt Red has specified they're working on kinks and optimizations. With all the delays this game has had, you'd think it was to iron out lots of issues a lot of the users have been having. Streamers, content creators, or just people who forked over the money to look forward to this. I'm led with disappointment though, because I want to continue to play without immersion being disrupted by glitches or crashes.

I cannot recommend this game in its current state, but I can however recommend if you're okay with issues like I've had. I want to keep playing, and I probably will continue the game, because I have other games I want to play when they are released. I have faith the game will get more and more patches that'll solve issues, but damn, this game has had more problems I've encountered than Skyrim and Batman Arkham Knight at launch, and that's saying something. Call me a troll, I don't care, because I'm a consumer trying to play a game I've been led to believe that I should be running at beyond recommended specifications other than the GTX 1060 graphic's card.

My SPECS at the moment:
i9 10900-KF
GTX 1060 (6GB)
MSI Gaming Edge Motherboard

Will definitely get a 3080 or Ti when they're not being sold by scalpers.
Posted 12 December, 2020.
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6.0 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
I bought this again to play with friends. I hate my life, but I'm happy they're enjoying playing with me. Kthxbai.
Posted 25 September, 2020. Last edited 4 November, 2021.
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16.5 hrs on record
This game surprised me a ton given that it's deemed as shovelware to many. For less than $5 and even at times less than $2 during a sale this game is a very recommended title by me. It's a hack n slash with RPG elements. The game's art style resembles something like Dragon's Crown. I made sure to 100% this game as it really had a style of game that I enjoyed quite a bit. Additionally, the game has an amazing soundtrack and I even listen to it on occasion on Spotify. This review might seem like an ad, but honestly I have no affiliation with the folks who made this game. I'm just very surprised that a game like this is sold for as cheap as it is.

The downsides of the game is that there's some cheap ways to beat the game easily, cheap ways to die, and lots of grinding when it comes to it. I came across this game also to expect a Metroidvania, but I wouldn't really call it that, but I guess there's backtracking in certain areas that grant you new paths upon getting new moves and progressing through the story.

Needless to say, for the price and the obvious enjoyment of the game to even want to 100% it, I'd recommend it.
Posted 11 July, 2020.
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