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Items à échanger
1 213
Items possédés
1 216
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7 818
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Activité récente
729 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 9 févr.
308 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 1 févr.
224 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 18 janv.
d4NNIFR1 ^R /G/ ♛♕♔ 29 janv. à 10h18 
руинер и много разговаривает без полезный мут и кик сразу вместе с другом
Lil Schaudi 28 févr. 2024 à 17h56 
-rep bad gameplay + leaver
NewtonFTN 15 nov. 2023 à 2h08 
-rep Toxic and leaves game because we have 1 "bad" player and just blames everyone else even tho he is trash him self
KiddingG 3 oct. 2023 à 23h52 
-rep instant left round after 2 rounds. - Troll player
-rep troll player, quits second round before we even started the game basically as we went back to back eco as we lost first round and second against mps and then rage quitet while saying how stupid everyone is.
[MementoMori] xAcko 3 oct. 2023 à 23h33 
-rep troll player and toxic after 2 rounds