Uni Sock Cornelius!! (she/her)
robler64   United States
just call me uni please!
my pronouns she/her (because its fun to be a girl)
i make art and some other stuff

girliest puppycorn to ever roam this earth

profile picture by Squishers on furaffinity

please do not ask for my unusuals
eternally have voice_enable set to 0

you know what they say, same identity crisis, different day!!

V uni cornelius V



heres a rotting cat

        ./:::::\        /::::::ヽ
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         /`'''ー‐‐──‐‐‐┬--- /

Currently In-Game
Abiotic Factor
You have swept me off my bro feet and stole my bro heart, and have shown me a bro-tiful side to this dark vain unforgiving bro-less world that I have never seen before... I now swear to dedicate my bro life to repaying the eternal brodebt I owe you for saving me, your bro-ness. Anything you ask, I will provide, I will be your bro servant if you so wish. What can I do for you bro, bro?

My name is Uni S. Cornelius (the S stands for Several things and is up to interpretation) and I'm the swaggiest bro. My swag levels reach ungodly heights bro. I have so much swag that it's infectuous, anyone who comes within a 5000 mile radius of me is infected with exponential (Barry taught me that word) levels of swag bro. The body cannot contain this much swag and the only reason I still have lives is because my magic supports my body and keeps all my organs functioning and my muscles working. Otherwise my swag would instantly KO me and I would have no lives left. This would be un-epic. People (nobody) often ask me "Uni, how are you so swaggy?" and the truth is simple bros: I have chosen my swag. Swag is a choice. You too can be swaggy. Some people are swaggy naturally, but others can still become swaggy if they so choose. This is part of being an epic gamer. You need to make every moment a top ten moment in this game called life.
Recent Activity
52 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
419 hrs on record
last played on 24 Jul
3,071 hrs on record
last played on 24 Jul
Joker from Persona 5 19 Jun @ 9:21pm 
Yeah you're right. Have a nice day.
you onto nothing bro
Joker from Persona 5 19 Jun @ 9:19pm 
ive had windows activated for like 3 years?? wtf u on bro
Joker from Persona 5 19 Jun @ 6:09pm 
For the love of god activate windows.