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0.5 hrs last two weeks / 684.0 hrs on record (227.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 18 Apr, 2018 @ 7:11pm
Updated: 28 Apr, 2021 @ 8:22pm

Best Metal Gear game and anyone who tells you otherwise is dead wrong. Yeah it's a little unfinished and the story doesn't make much sense without the context of the rest of the series but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is it fun to play.

The story of this game gets a bad rap because the average video game enjoyer doesn't understand that plot isn't everything. The Phantom Pain has some of the most interesting themes and messages of any Metal Gear game, but unlike every other Metal Gear game it doesn't spell it out for you. Kojima respects your intelligence and allows you to draw your own conclusions (that is, if you're willing to engage with the material).

The FOX Engine runs like a dream. The game looks fantastic even by today's standards and could probably pull 60fps on a potato. The responsive and tight controls make it feel like a dream to play on both controller and M+KB.

The gameplay is the best it's ever been. I can't say anything that hasn't been said before but I will say that nearly every item and upgrade in the game has hidden uses that aren't immediately obvious. This is a sandbox game and it should be treated as such. Experimentation and improvisation are key to enjoying this game. Do yourself a favor and don't bother save scumming. The action is just as much a part of the intended experience as the sneaking.

In the later game there's some pretty conspicuously cut content. Several early game missions are repeated with extra challenge rules applied. It feels a little lazy but honestly the missions can play out in so many different ways that I didn't mind much. Some of the challenge rules were actually a welcome change of pace. Subsistence Mode specifically felt like a breath of fresh air. But still, Chapter 2 should've been full of original missions and that fact that it isn't is a blight on an otherwise perfect game.

10/10 My only gripe is that there isn't more.
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