
Recensioni recenti di Quitch

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11.6 ore in totale
A fun time was had. Decent puzzles and doesn't overstay its welcome. Plot remains as irrelevant and rubbish as ever.
Pubblicata in data 9 luglio 2023. Ultima modifica in data 17 dicembre 2023.
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6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
14.9 ore in totale
Too many choices where you're asked how you feel about events that are happening around you, rather than choices where you shape the events themselves. There's also a really odd scale to the game, where numbers are too small and the land too compressed to really make any kind of sense.

The epilogue ended up feeling hollow, and none of the characters ever seemed to really pay off. The stats also feel like they're there out of obligation rather than being particularly meaningful.
Pubblicata in data 7 luglio 2023.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1.6 ore in totale
A puzzle game with no meat on its bones. You keep waiting for these tutorial style levels to put together everything they've taught you into some real brain burners, but it never happens. Almost every level is just rotate the thing until it connects, or push the next button and see what happens. Only on level 10 out of 10 in the original campaign do you finally get something resembling a puzzle.

The story is almost an indie game cliche, being so vague as to mean whatever you want it to.

Turning motions in this game often verge on frustrating too, which is from the touch controls not translating very well to a mouse and not being adapted for it either.
Pubblicata in data 7 giugno 2023.
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3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
15.6 ore in totale
A beautiful game which promises a lot, but not that long in you realise you've seen everything the game has to offer, and there's another 4 systems of the same mechanics waiting for you. There's not enough going on in combat to keep it interesting, and for a looter game the loot is incredibly dull.

I was hoping for the new Freelancer, but instead got an aggressively average game which was already outstaying its welcome long before I finished it.
Pubblicata in data 2 maggio 2023. Ultima modifica in data 2 maggio 2023.
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8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
11.8 ore in totale
An inferior Zero Escape, but one that retains all of that franchise's problems.

The writing is… not good. Everyone takes five times as long as they need to make their points, and the protagonist is the least likable character in the game, regularly engaging in some truly juvenile humour and utterly baffling thought processes. It also has the same problem Zero Hour had of characters just out of nowhere vomiting information about some obscure thing that the author wants you to know about so that their awful pseudoscience ending can come about.

I didn’t care about a single person in this game by the end, because they’re never really developed as people, just means to arbitrary endings and info dumps.

Right at the start the characters so wildly, and obviously, misinterpret the rules that they’re given that I assumed this was going to lead to some grand twist. It never does. The entire game within the game is so close to irrelevance, disconnected as it is from the plot, that it could have been literally anything.

The puzzle rooms feel like something that ending up being cut for time or money, absent as they are puzzles. There are only about two real puzzles in the entire game, with the protagonist narrating both the puzzle and solution in every other room, leading to you doing nothing but engaging in some time wasting clicking on icons.

There’s really nothing to recommend about this game unless you’re just that desperate for a poor man's Zero Escape experience.
Pubblicata in data 23 marzo 2023. Ultima modifica in data 23 marzo 2023.
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12.9 ore in totale
This is the game that feels like the culmination of what Quantic Dream have been working toward since Indigo Prophecy, the one where they finally nailed the formula. When I played Heavy Rain, it was a game that was perhaps of its time, and a formula that for me Telltale Games had mastered and made better versions of. But here Quantic Dream has taken the lead again.

The de-emphasising of quick time events (QTEs) is what allows the player to better enjoy the story and characters. Whereas before I felt I needed to be at my peak to get through half the events, here the windows are much more generous, but with just enough space for you to mess up in a panic. And that space for failure is important because this is an example of failure done right. My story was my own, shaped by my choices, but also by my failures. A few button fumbles near the end led to a key character death and a completely different outcome for them, but it was an exciting twist to their story rather than something that left me wanting a do over.

The branching in the game is impeccable, and later you’ll see increasingly complex flowcharts with locked off paths, and sometimes flowcharts you never even started on. At times a carry-over box from one chapter would leave me shocked that it wasn’t a pre-determined outcome. That’s how natural the divergences feel.

The other vast improvement is that the story doesn’t rely on some awful twist, nor a mid-game tonal change. It’s just good, solid story telling. And the story is one I got emotionally invested in. One of the three characters did feel a little more tangential than the others, but it still works, and the characters are all solid both in arcs and voice work.

This is the first time I’ve thought about replaying one of these games, because I want to see what else can happen and the gameplay mechanics finally don’t feel like they stand in the way of my fun.
Pubblicata in data 21 marzo 2023. Ultima modifica in data 13 settembre 2023.
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221.5 ore in totale (210.6 ore al momento della recensione)
There's a steep learning curve, and it's a long one, but if you loved the Infinity Engine style of CRPG then you can't afford to miss out on this.
Pubblicata in data 12 marzo 2023. Ultima modifica in data 18 marzo 2023.
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217.7 ore in totale
There's a steep learning curve, and it's a long one, but if you loved the Infinity Engine style of CRPG then you can't afford to miss out on this.
Pubblicata in data 12 marzo 2023.
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27.3 ore in totale (5.2 ore al momento della recensione)
It becomes too easy, too quickly, and turns into a case of invent your own challenge. The 30 minute run time is definitely too long for the depth of skill expression and difficulty curve within the run, where realistically you know if you've won by the 13th minute.

But while it lasts it's a joy.
Pubblicata in data 1 gennaio 2023. Ultima modifica in data 27 gennaio 2023.
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13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
19.6 ore in totale
The game is gorgeous, features strong writing, and does some really interesting things with fonts. The problem is there's just too much wandering around from location to location to find if anyone has anything to say, absolutely murdering the pacing. It's a visual novel which adds a movement mechanic that serves to do little but pad the runtime.

The game features a murder mystery set over decades, which suggest important choice & consequence, and while both are present, consequence ultimately end up feeling shallow. Rather than consequence being an outcome you are interested to see, it's treated more as something for self-reflection, and I was left wondering why they chose the murder mystery format of all things. When it's focused instead on examining the period of history it's set in it's a much better game.

The third act also didn't land. Over decades you build up social connections and learn the social dynamics, then this is thrown away and you have to do it all over again at a time when it feels like the story should be racing towards its conclusion.

An interesting effort to be sure, but one for me that overstayed its welcome and didn't deliver on its promise. While the subject matter is refreshing, the implementation feels like a lesser work of the type of game Telltale excelled at.
Pubblicata in data 28 novembre 2022. Ultima modifica in data 28 novembre 2022.
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