Gauteng, South Africa
overwatch resident evil and others

Golden/ jade Widow kiss achieved.
Golden Dva achieved
Golden Symmetra achieved
Golden/ jade Mercy achieved
Golden Mei achieved.
Golden Junkrat achieved.
Golden Sombra achieved.
Golden Brigitte achieved.
Golden Moira achieved.
Golden Ana achieved.
Golden Reinhardt achieved.
Golden Reaper achieved.
Golden Kiriko achieved.
Golden genji achieved.
Jade Ashe weapon achieved
Golden life weaver weapon achieved
Golden Cassidy revolver achieved.
Golden lucio gun achieved.
mythic skin 12
jade mercy
已运行 422 小时
Strandard deep is survival game which can amazingly good and amazingly annoying since certain things arent explained to new players starting out it has a basic tutorial which teaches the basics like crafting tools which have durabilty so you cant go nuts chopping down trees and such also you need to island hop to get surplies since certain craftable items dont respawn such as trees,rocks clay and such also should the player get injurd by sharks or other on land predators the game doesnt tell you how get health back the way players get health back is by keeping you're food and water stats full to slowly regain health thanks game for not informing players this rather important thing.

The good.

The game looks good and runs smoothish it did stutter in places which can be annoying.Crafting is simple to quick to understand use a hammer to construct building which can be built with up to five different types of building surpplys such as wooden sticks,planks,scrap iron sheets,containor parts and lastly clay bricks which can be crafted from clay harvested from underwater clay nodes keep in mind these do not respawn also requires the player to craft a pick axe to do so.To move around and island for surplies you can use the life raft you get at the start of the game and row to near by islands keep in mind to drag it onto shore otherwise it will drift out to see other forms of rafts can be build such as sail rafts which can be contructed from barrels,tyres,floating yellow balls can be used to make raft bases out of a motor can be built by finding the corrosponding parts and farming potatos to use as a fuel source by crating a fuel still adding potatoes into and making fuels.Exploring in this game can be fun and a must if you want to survive but theres is no in game map yeah i know thats moronic isnt it instead you need to exit the game look to cartographer to see where you are the island you saved you're game on which can only be done by building a shelter or building a bed will show up as red you will also notice the red skull icons on the map these are the boss location which have story parts you need to finish the game killing all three boss and obtaining the parts to repair a plane.Be warned it is easy to get lost in this game try to look for landmarks like islands you emptied out of trees or like i did build a large house to find you're way home otherwise enjoy sailing around running out of fuel and reloading a save game and trying again and as a tip stock up on spears and bandages before setting out and battling the bosses.

The bad.

Water is scarce you"re only real source of water is either coco nuts growing on trees eat or drink more than 2 or 3 not sure will make you;re character ill You're best chance is to build a water still the only problem rocks and cloth in the early game are few you will need to island hop to find some each island has about 6 rocks or so once you collect all rocks from a island they do not respawn and cloth is also not always around since everything randomly generated so search all sunken ships around island and loot everything.
Slow grind if you dont like slow grinds dont play this it take a while to get the things you need to survive crafting spear to kill the bosses and other on land or hunting sharks for food.
The ending no spoilers but the devs what the hell was that ending thats all im going to say about its so dissapointing the game is fun but has a few issues.

Should you buy yes if you enjoy survival games but like it is a slow grind its not as action packed as say the forrest and by not means as brutal as green hell stranded deep falls in the middle of the 2 oh and lastly is you suffer from Thalassophobia do not play this.

Rating 8 out of 10 has a few issue but was a fun survival game.
DOOM Eternal
2 1
[ In Flames ]4Ever!! - 公共组
In Flames ♫♪♫ Death Metal ♫♪♫
总时数 7 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 7 日
总时数 6.8 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 6 日
总时数 22 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 4 日
D4_ 3 月 3 日 下午 12:21 
"Isle of Jura" is free to keep for a limited time. https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/1703140/Isle_of_Jura/ :ok_hand:
Brak 2 月 16 日 下午 1:42 
Hey dude. Thanks for the message. So far the recovery has been up and down, but hopefully will get better soon.
D4_ 2 月 4 日 上午 5:52 
"RPG Maker VX Ace" is free to keep for a limited time. https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/220700/RPG_Maker_VX_Ace/ :ok_hand:
D4_ 1 月 19 日 下午 1:12 
"HuniePop" is free to keep for a limited time. https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/339800/HuniePop/ :ok_hand:

"Mini Thief" is free to keep for a limited time. https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/481870/Mini_Thief/ :ok_hand:
Brak 2024 年 12 月 27 日 下午 2:14 
Hey dude. Thank you for the Xmas wishes. Merry Xmas to you too. Hope you and the family had a great one.
D4_ 2024 年 12 月 20 日 上午 8:28 
"Distant Space 2" is free to keep for a limited time. https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/729460/Distant_Space_2/ :ok_hand:

"Black Desert" is free to keep for a limited time. https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/582660/Black_Desert/ :ok_hand:

Wish you all a great holiday.