noah lien   Hedmark, Norway
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Lano <3 22 Mar, 2020 @ 3:44am 
Detective Rock 2 Feb, 2020 @ 8:32am 
Please respond to my MySpace messages, I miss all the furry ♥♥♥♥ you'd send me <3
runz 6 Nov, 2017 @ 2:13am 
It was a magical experience if ever I've had one.
Walking up and down the back alleys looking for something, anything, to make me feel alive and I noticed some old thrown out adult DVD covers in the dumpster of a local store.
I couldn't believe my luck but knew that with the clothes on my back being my only possessions in the world that I couldn't risk soiling them.
I removed my exterior garments and jumped into the metal bin to begin digging for treasures of a masturbatory nature.
That's when I stood up and saw you there holding your trash bags. It was obvious that you weren't expecting me as you took out the daily trash from your work.
You were standing there looking perplexed yet intrigued and there I was wearing nothing but sneakers, standing in your dumpster while holding placards of all the dirtiest new adult DVD releases.
Oh it was a sight to behold. Your eyes meet mine and there was an awkward silence before you turned and walked the other way
Call of duty pro 13 May, 2017 @ 1:59pm 
Hei Noah! Jeg liker at du liker sokker. Jeg er veldig stolt av deg som eldelig har kommet ut. nå er ikke jeg og Stefan den eneste lenger. Dette setter jeg veldig stor pris på.

Nå over til noe viktig. Jeg har ikke fappet ordentlig godt på noen dager nå og jeg føler meg tom på insiden. Og nå som eksamen er rundt hjørnet synes jeg vi skal ta en time eller 3 å be til vær herre Jens den mektige.

Men sokker er jo et ganske interesant tema. så la oss prate litt om det. kan ikke vi bare prate om det over en kopp med sæd på sushien i mårra da?
F2SIU 26 Apr, 2017 @ 4:20am 
Signed by wolfrenzy