Joseph Salomonsen   Norway
Gaming historian - PhD fellow - SP narrative > MP mayhem
:Emo_5_Trophy:Gamer = Retro, Steam, XBOX, PSN, Switch.
PS. Most of my "reviews" are not reviews, they act as "notes to self" for reference. :cleankey:
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The Last Hero of Nostalgaia
timer spillet
Doom gave FPS life, SystemShock gave it meaning, HalfLife gave it direction and DeusEx gave it immortality.
Nylig aktivitet
12,4 timer registreret i alt
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sidst spillet d. 21. mar.
0,2 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 20. mar.
nauvoo 17. sep. 2024 kl. 3:20 
"Brilliant polish devs: CD ProjectRed, Techland, BlooberTeam, 11BitStudios, FlyingWildHog, PeopleCanFly, TheFarm51, CI-Games.

Crappy polish devs: PlayWay and its many pseudo names: CreativeForgeGames, G-DEVS, GamingFactory, GamePlanet, GameParic, GameHunters, GamesIncubator, GameFormatic, GameOps, PyramidGames, MadneticGames, DualityGames, SeptarianGames, UltimateGames, RockGame, BakedGames, ImagePower, LiveMotion, FreeMind, AtomicJelly."
nauvoo 28. aug. 2024 kl. 10:04 
"Bland, dull & above all sluggish - attrition gameplay.

Band of Attrition: Day of Defeat, Red Orchestra, Rising Storm, Verdun, Tannenberg, Isonzo, Post Scriptum, Squad, Beyond The Wire, Hell Let Loose, Enlisted… what did I miss?

Thumbs down for firing John Gibson<3"
nauvoo 3. aug. 2024 kl. 14:02 
"Left4Dead spawned the asymmetric horror genre: Killing Floor, Evolve, Back4Blood, Friday the 13th, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, EvilDead, Dead by Daylight, Hood, Predator, AliensFireteam, VHS & the best of em Vermintide / Darktide."
nauvoo 29. mar. 2024 kl. 14:25 
"One of the better Souls-like around...
Miyazaki would approve this message."
Amjara 30. dec. 2023 kl. 17:34 
All the best in 2024 my friend. I wish for you prosperity, happiness, good health & love in the coming new year. :mbspark::aurapurpleheart::mbspark:
nauvoo 29. dec. 2023 kl. 9:46 
"A nonsensical mumbo-jumbo story that tries to muddy the water, to make it seem deep."