The Real Tim Shady
Tim   South Carolina, United States
I watch too much anime and play too many video games to be as good looking and successful as I am :dappershark:
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130 hours later exploring every nook and cranny of this amazing world, I've finally finished my first run! One of the if not the best gaming experiences I've had.
Artwork Showcase
Night Contract
Review Showcase
44 Hours played
Art Direction - Demo vs Final Release
I remember seeing the 15 minute video by Alpha Beta Gamer of the first demo for this game many years ago and being immediately captivated by the setting. I have checked in on the game a couple times since then to make sure I never forgot and that it was still alive and in development while eagerly waiting 1.0 launch, but I went into this essentially completely blind. So blind in fact that when I played the game, I couldn't help but feel that it seemed different from what I remembered.

After finishing the game, I finally rewatched that demo video and - after digging a little deeper - realized that the game's direction took a big shift around a year after that. So in the end, I was a little sad that I never saw that massive walled city in its final form and full glory, but the game I played was no less impressive.

It was fascinating to recognize what was still preserved from that demo in the final game. I may slightly prefer the environmental art direction of that old demo but I would write that off to personal taste. The game's true and current art direction is equally as endearing and objectively more inventive and unique that the (mostly) standard dark fantasy style the demo had.

Enough about the demo vs final game though. The final game has its own space and I have plenty to say about that.

I can't claim to actually know anything about the development process or resources behind this game. I have the impression though that the scope of this game ended up being much larger than anticipated. Despite this, I honestly feel as if the open world exploration is the best of recent memory, if not of all time. Is this what Morrowind players felt like back in 2002-2004? The secrets are rewarding, the destinations are interesting, and the world's lore as well as local storytelling builds further intrigue and positive reinforcement.

By indie standards, the scope of this game is teetering on insanity (the only thing missing is a tacked-on fishing mini-game). However, I feel like Triple A devs could learn a lot about Dread Delusion's world as - by their standards - the game's scope is not so large (I'm talking to you Elden Ring - I love you but you should have been a little smaller). The relatively limited scope (by Triple A standards) works well, preventing the world from ever feeling empty/without purpose. There's something to investigate in nearly every corner, and the land feels grounded in the sense that it feels natural and makes sense that you would find a structure where it is.

Story & Lore
The main narrative both serves as an effective vehicle to justify the player's motivations and actions as well as provides several compelling characters you meet along the way. With one or two exceptions, they're not immensely deep or complex, but they are very likable. The many side quests flesh out the world and never feel like they were added just to pad play time (whether or not they actually were added to pad playtime is a different story lol). There are several more multi-faceted characters to meet on these side-adventures and generally feel important enough to justify grabbing your character's attention over the main quest, depending on the role you wish to fill.

There are several lands that are vividly described which you will never be able to visit during your time playing Dread Delusion, and they do a damn good job making you wish you could. There are many short books to read on your travels if you wish to learn even more than I did.

Honestly this is probably the weakest portion of the game. I do appreciate that skill checks are very commonly used and that there are opportunities to use one over another in a given situation so you don't miss out on much loot. The crafting mechanic was welcome and just as simple as I like it to be. Combat is mediocre at best but personally I don't mind. I enjoy Oblivion and Skyrim's combat so I'm just not the kind of guy to wish for a deeper combat system. Specifically, melee is basic, the bow trivializes and already easy combat system, and magic in nigh pointless, BUT I do think the fundamentals of a good magic system is there so I hope they try again in whatever they do next.

In Conclusion
Game is good. Great, even. Buy it now!~ and embrace your Delusions!
Finest Greetings Upon You Traveler !
I don't know why you're here but don't be shy :whiteward:

Despite what my profile might suggest, gaming is not my entire life. I'm just an enthusiast with less-than-optimal spending habits... I enjoy finding hidden gems in the store and doing my small part of giving those passion projects an extra drop of appreciation they deserve on my profile and through casual reviews.

I play just about every genre including fps, rpgs, horror, rougelites/likes, hyper-realistic, nostalgic, story-driven, soulslike, the occasional strategy and more. If a developer happens upon my profile, share your passion with me!
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harley 7 Aug, 2024 @ 10:39am 
skill issue sadly
harley 29 Jul, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
The Real Tim Shady 11 Mar, 2023 @ 9:31am 
I'm sorry, how many hours do you have on League of Legends? :awkward:
Haiky. 10 Mar, 2023 @ 4:33pm 
Also why the ♥♥♥♥ do you have 1.2k hours on L4D2
Haiky. 10 Mar, 2023 @ 4:33pm 
I hate your avatar
Haiky. 8 Apr, 2021 @ 6:30am 