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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
8.2 h registradas
Short, sweet and well executed with zero filler.

As the game's name suggests you swap things. Specifically yourself, between clones. The catch is that you need line of sight to switch bodies and certain colors of light block the ability to make clones and/or move between them.

Thanks to the excellent level design "ah hah!" moments abound and solving each room is satisfying. The story was pretty interesting too.

100% worth grabbing if you're in the market for something different and enjoy problem solving.
Publicada el 12 de julio de 2023.
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I got this as a preorder bonus and out of those bonuses and all the stuff that comes with the Digital Deluxe edition this is hands down the most useful thing you can buy for the game.

Why? Because it's hard to argue with having enough gunpowder to make bullets when you really need them. That's what this case does. It kinda takes the edge off the resource management so you're not stuck sitting on tons of large and small resources you can't use just because you're out of gunpowder.

Mechanically this case makes crates and enemies more likely to drop gunpowder. So instead of getting handgun bullets or some small amount of money you sometimes get gunpowder instead.
Publicada el 27 de junio de 2023.
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212.5 h registradas (181.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de Acceso anticipado
Core Keeper is a solid sandbox exploration game.

The gameplay loop is similar to that of Terraria: explore the current biome, gather the ore there, make equipment from it and kill the boss or bosses for the area. Then you repeat that process for each new area you encounter.

The base of this game is good but it needs more meat. They have done a good job filling the world with neat stuff to find but most of it isn't too interesting yet. I want to see more armor sets, weapons and usable equipment. Giving certain weapon types a charge attack was a great idea. I hope they'll give every weapon type something like that.

The game isn't perfect though. The skill tree is a cool idea, but some of the choices you have just aren't worth taking. They're either too situational or have such a low activation chance they're never worth taking over the other option. I hope once the map is done the developers will rebalance the skill tree so that all the choices are fun and interesting.

The other nitpick I have lies with how difficult it is to find the game's special one-off locations. The gameworld is very large so finding certain special places without using the wiki and/or tools the community has made is down to dumb luck. The game is kind enough to offer locators for most of the bosses so I'd like to see something similar for each biome's special locations. I like discovering cool optional stuff in games but I don't like having to play "find the needle in the giant haystack" multiple times to unlock the coolest stuff in the game.

Is the game worth $16? If you like this kind of game, definitely. The average length of a playthrough (ie killing all bosses) takes about 50 hours. Patches during early access have been substantial with the developers delivering what's promised on the road map. I am interested to see what else the developer plans to add once we reach the end of the current road map because given proper polish and additional loot to collect I can see this game becoming very good.
Publicada el 15 de junio de 2023.
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I only have this DLC because it came with the deluxe edition. I only purchased the DE of the game as a little "thank you" to Capcom for revitalizing one of my favorite games. Anyway...

Honestly just buy the maps the merchant sells instead of getting this one. The stuff on those is worth WAY more than what this map shows you. All the "treasures" on this specific map are seem to be charm tokens and a few gems here and there. This map is 100% NOT worth buying.

If you want to give Capcom some extra money buy the pistol instead.
Publicada el 17 de abril de 2023.
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0.0 h registradas
I only have this DLC because it came with the deluxe edition. I only purchased the DE of the game as a little "thank you" to Capcom for revitalizing one of my favorite games. Anyway...

This gun arguably worse than the first shotgun you get at the very start of the game. It reloads noticeably faster but has a much smaller magazine (2 shells VS 5). The coolest thing about this gun is the reload animation, pretty meh otherwise.

If you want to buy something to give Capcom some extra money get the pistol instead.
Publicada el 17 de abril de 2023.
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0.0 h registradas
I only have this DLC because it came with the deluxe edition. I only purchased the DE of the game as a little "thank you" to Capcom for remaking one of my favorite games. Anyway...

This gun is almost the same as Leon's starting pistol except with a larger magazine. Around 10 more bullets per mag is nice, but not that much of an upgrade.

Only worth buying if you want to give Capcom a little extra money.
Publicada el 17 de abril de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
64.5 h registradas (32.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game keeps everything that made the original so good but ups the ante with beautiful modern graphics, tighter controls and a QoL fixes that make the whole thing more enjoyable. Capcom also got rid of all the QTEs.

That's not all though. The game's areas and enemies have been updated in various ways that make it feel familiar but still different enough from the original that things will surprise you.

If you enjoyed the original RE4, buying this one is a no brainer. It's everything you loved about that game but cranked up a few notches. Bravo Capcom. This remake succeeds in all aspects. I can't think of a single change I didn't like. I would like to say "Thank You" in particular for making "Hardcore" difficulty available for first playthroughs. It made the entire experience very enjoyable for me.

Even if you haven't played the original I still recommend this game provided you like third person shooters. The enemies are dangerous and engaging to fight without being spongy. The way the combat encounters are designed to really encourage you to aim carefully and make use of the various different weapons the game gives you. Figuring out how to 'solve' the various combat encounters in this game by using the least amount of resources possible is very satisfying.

On top of having great gameplay RE4r also has a compelling story and great atmosphere.

It's honestly just a really great experience from beginning to end.
Publicada el 31 de marzo de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
224.3 h registradas (12.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The game is still good after ~2 months. The amount of free pulls this game hands out if you play regularly is more than sufficient. Events currently routinely hand out multiple ten pulls with some of them even guaranteeing at least one unit of top rarity. It also appears that they are making an effort to make lower units useful. So far so good. I hope the game will continue in it's current direction.

The current Refraction Railway event also deserves a special mention. I really liked the way they set up the rewards. All you had to do was clear each fight in what was essentially a boss rush style gauntlet. No grinding, no timegating. Just 'solve' each of the difficult fights once and collect your rewards at the end. However there was also a neat exclusive cosmetic reward that was offered to anyone who could clear the gauntlet in a 120 turns. It was a great way to reward the game's more hardcore players without making the other players lose out on anything important.

Launch Review
Limbus Company is a gatcha game, so if that style of monetization isn't your cup of tea this game probably isn't for you.

With that out of the way....

I am giving this game a recommendation for now but I've played enough gatcha games to know that they start out very promising, but usually end up turning into garbage after a year or so. I hope that doesn't happen to this game, but if it does my review will be updated accordingly.

This game's quality has surprised me. The story is compelling and even pretty funny at times. Picking through the aftermath of previous games from another perspective is fascinating. Admittedly I know a fair amount amount about Lobotomy Corporation, so that probably has something to do with it. Either way I love the corporate dystopian world the developers have created.

Combat is interesting. I can't claim to understand it yet but watching the moves you choose play out in real time is pretty neat. I can already tell this game has more depth than what what you see in typical turnbased hero collectors though.

The other thing I like about this game is that there are kinda two battle systems. Fighting people plays out differently than fighting monsters in this game. The dungeons also add a little rogue-lite flavor by having events with skill checks and giving you power-ups that last until you complete the dungeon. There is another type of dungeon that appears to be fully rogue-like but I haven't tried that mode yet because I just unlocked it last night.

Definitely worth a shot if you like gatcha games and turn based combat.
Publicada el 6 de marzo de 2023. Última edición: 13 de abril de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
310.3 h registradas (106.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
What is Elden Ring? It's an open world ARPG with the slow and weighty combat of Dark Souls and the "tough-but-fair" difficulty the series is known for.

To explain "Dark Souls" in more general terms it's about problem solving and pattern recognition. Except that all the "problems" in this game are angry people or monsters who want you dead and can generally end you in a few hits. The game pulls no punches and not paying attention, mashing buttons or getting greedy will generally result in your death. But that's OK because the last checkpoint is never too far away from where you died. If it feels too far away there's probably a shortcut or closer checkpoint you missed somewhere. And that's Dark Souls in a nutshell: die, learn, repeat. The gameplay loop is quite enjoyable if you don't mind learning from your mistakes.

Compared to previous entries I would say Elden Ring is the best version of the series' already excellent combat.

The mechanic of stance breaking is my favorite addition because parrying is no longer the only way to make your own openings during boss fights. A few well placed charged attacks will now stun an enemy for a few seconds allowing you some free attacks or to perform a critical hit doing significant damage. The ability to guard counter was also added so now you can perform a quick heavy attack after blocking most attacks making using a shield much more viable than it was in the last two games.

"Ash of War" is another great addition to the game and allows for much more freedom in how you can customize your weapons. You can now freely change a weapon's active skill, stat affinity and add elemental damage if you want. If you like using a weapon but it doesn't work with your build you can generally adjust enough to make it work until you find something better.

Adapting Dark Souls into an open world format sounds like a nightmare to me but Fromsoft mostly succeeded. The world is absolutely massive and has some of the most beautiful vistas I have ever seen in a game. More suprisingly there is generally something to be found everywhere. It's not always something amazing but the game will reward you with something for filling out the map.

The game's massive world did come with one price though: enemy diversity. While well designed and genuinely fun to fight it does get a little old after you've run into the same type of enemy in multiple areas. Admittedly my choice to fully explore each area probably makes this seem worse than it is.

While it would have been amazing for each area to have a completely unique set of enemies I also understand that it wouldn't really have been feasible. The world is honestly so big that creating that many unique enemies to fill it would have taken several more years of additional development time. That's really the only weak aspect of this game though: some of the enemy types are reused a too frequently.

If you've enjoyed any of the other Dark Souls games there's no reason you shouldn't buy this one too. It really is just open world Dark Souls.

Even if you haven't played any of the games in the Souls series before Elden Ring is honestly a pretty good place to start. Being able to summon spirits to help you during difficult encounters makes a lot of the game more forgiving.
Publicada el 4 de enero de 2023.
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125.1 h registradas (109.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I should have reviewed this game a long time ago but I never did despite Remnant ending up being one of my favorite games in a long time. Even revisiting it 3 years later the game is still great.

A "souls-like 3rd person shooter with procedurally generated levels" sounds like it would be a mess but Remnant actually manages tie all it's different systems together into something unique and amazing.

At it's core this game is a challenging and difficult 3rd person shooter. Combat in Remnant is a slower affair that rewards caution and precision. Like in other souls-like games running around like a headless chicken and not paying attention will get you killed. Bonfires do exist though so if you die you just start the current area over.

The combat in this game is really good. The enemies are varied and engaging to fight. You have the standard souls-like dodge roll so all damage is avoidable with proper timing. Most enemies also have weak points. All of this together with each region having very different level layouts makes the combat very satisfying.

The boss fights in this game tend to get some flack because most of them summon weak monsters during the fight. I initially hated that aspect of the fights but now I see it as just another boss mechanic. The adds themselves have very low HP and are very easily dealt with if your aim is decent. It does seem cheap the first few times but the game will always tell when they're coming somehow.

Honestly the audio in this game deserves it's own special mention because of how much information Remnant packs into the different sound effects. Audio cues are used to great effect in this game for all sorts of things. Like you can easily can tell what enemies you're fighting before you see them because they all sound very different.

The other very cool thing this game does is that it actually has good RPG systems. Between traits, weapon mods, armor set bonuses, accessories and the actual guns themselves there are alot of ways you can build a character. Weapon mods aren't what you'd think either. Rather than being something like a scope weapon mods are how you pick your character's active abilities. Some mods do traditional things like let you shoot grenades but others let you buff your character or summon minions to help you in combat.

Lastly this game has a huge amount of replayability thanks to the game scrambling the area layout every time you revisit a a region. It also employs random events and multiple bosses for each region. The level generation in this game has enough parts and different ways to connect them that you probably won't notice things are getting reused until you've been playing for a while. The level layouts in this game are honestly good enough that it's hard to tell the game is making them on the fly.

I recommend purchasing this game on sale or otherwise. I know of no other game that manages to successfully blend excellent shooting with the "tough, but fair" challenge and interesting RPG systems of a souls-like. I am eagerly awaiting the recently announced Remnant 2 because souls-like shooters are rare and Remnant is the best one someone's ever made.
Publicada el 14 de diciembre de 2022.
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