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goat milk 28 Feb, 2021 @ 3:01pm 
can't run apex lol asf
Daisuki 19 Feb, 2021 @ 3:04am 
오늘 불타는금요일이다!! ^^:praisesun::stars:
(It's a burning Friday today!! ^^)

1주일동안 수고많으셨어요~:cactuar::gearthumbsup:
(Thank you for your hard work for the past week~)

저는 가족과 함께 2박3일 통영여행 잘 다녀왔습니다!! 내 프로필 아트워크에 여행사진 있어요:lunar2019coolpig:
(I had a good trip to Tongyeong for 2 nights and 3 days with my family. I have travel photos on my profile artwork)

요즘 날씨 너무 추워요!! 옷 따뜻하게 입고 감기 조심하세요 덜덜:lunar2019piginablanket::lunar2020ratinablanket::lunar2019shockedpig:
(The weather is so cold these days! Dress warmly and be careful not to catch a cold)

즐거운주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( > ㅅ ㅎ ) _ _b:cupup::necroheart::gearthumbsup:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 5 Feb, 2021 @ 5:08am 
오늘 2월5일 금요일입니다!! 1주일동안 수고많으셨어요~ ^^:cupup:
(Today is Friday, February 5th! Thank you for your hard work for the past week~^^)

2월 11일부터 15일까지 스팀 이벤트 설날세일날입니다!! 잊지마세요 :D :chocola2::stars:
(From February 11th to 15th, the Steam event is on New Year's Day! Don't forget :D )

다음주 곧 설날이네요~ 미리 여러분들도 새해 복 많이 받으세요~!!:cupup::necroheart::gearthumbsup:
(It's New Year's Day next week. I wish you a happy new year in advance~!!)

"몬스터헌터"영화 기대돼요~ 오랜만 영화관에 가고싶어요:cactuar::gearthumbsup:
(D-5 It's left! I'm looking forward to the movie "Monster Hunter" I want to go to the cinema after a long time)

감기조심하세요!! 행복한주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ^ ∀ ^ ) _ _b:heart8::NekoHappy:
(Be careful not to catch a cold! Have a happy weekend~)
Daisuki 27 Mar, 2020 @ 8:47am 
오늘 금요일 일을 끝났습니다~:cupup::steamhappy:
(I finished work today Friday~)

드디어 내일 주말이다 ^^:chocola2::stars::cupup:
(Finally, tomorrow is the weekend ^^)

주말동안 집에만 계시고 낮잠,게임,애니 행복해요 :):lunar2020hearteyesrabbit::cinnamon2:
(Stay home for the weekend and take a nap, play games, and Annie are happy :) )

코로나 조심하세요!! 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요! 건강하세요:60sFirstAid::lunar2019piginablanket::re7med:
(Watch out for Corona!! Wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Take care of yourself)

즐거운주말 보내세요^^:Neko::thecatpaw::vanilla2::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend^^)
Daisuki 20 Mar, 2020 @ 10:06am 
내일 벌써 주말 시작됐어요:cupup:
(The weekend is already starting tomorrow.)

근데 코로나 치료제 개발하는거 어떻게 되어가나요?.. :( :steamsad:
(By the way, how's it going with the Corona cure? .. :( )

여름되면 잠잠할까요? 싱가포르는 완전 여름인데도 코로나 무더기로 감염되었던데..미치겠다
(Will it be quiet in summer? Singapore was infected with a pile of corona even in summer...It's making me crazy.)

아 빨리 코로나 치료제개발 성공 했으면 좋겠어요..!!:eagletear:
(Oh, I hope I can develop a coronal cure soon..!! )

손 자주 씻고 외출뗀 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요 :60sFirstAid::60sFirstAid::re7med:
(Make sure to wash your hands often and pack your mask when you're out! Be careful.)

즐거운주말 보내세요^^:cupup::cuphead::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend.^^)
Daisuki 13 Mar, 2020 @ 9:48am 
오늘 벌써 금요일입니다:47_thumb_up:
(Today is already Friday)

금요일만 매일 주말인사댓글 보냈습니다^^:cupup::cuphead:
(On Friday, I sent a weekend greeting every day^^)

내일 토요일,일요일 좋은주말입니다 :):chocola2:
(Tomorrow Saturday, Sunday is a good weekend. :) )

하지만..코로나바이러스 때문에 심각하다 :(:steamsad:
(But ... it's serious because of the coronavirus :( )

손 자주 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 다니시는게 좋습니다:60sFirstAid::re7med::cupup:
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go outside)

(Look out!!)

:praisesun:좋은주말 보내세요^^:praisesun:
(Have a good weekend ^^)