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2.5 hrs on record
It's a very good story, a very good scenario, based on the (horrible) vanilla Skyrim LE ("Oldrim") engine.
Meaning, even if the developing (small) team made AMAZING JOB, even if they have build-in an ENB, even if they have a lot tweaks and improvements, the game is... "Oldrim", Skyrim LE. What I saw:

1) The first thing I notice in the AMAZING LOOKING landscape/wilderness, is the... "Oldrim" EMPTY WORLD! I was walking for 15 minutes and I didn't cross A SINGLE SOUL (except some decorative "hawks" & "birds" flying over you). From the point I've started walking on the beach till I find an abandoned warehouse and a dam, I crossed... 3-4 (TOPS) wolves & another (very hard) creature.

Seriously, like I remember "Oldrim" (vanilla, without mods), the place is almost empty. In our times, we have (most of us) quite good machines. I think they can afford to handle 3X more spawned numbers of creatures. And more encounter zones/places.

2) The game starts with you VERY weak and UNARMED to face VERY FEW... but VERY POWERFUL enemies. In the beginning, as you trying to find a way to escape, you facing something like Troll which is WAY TOO POWERFUL to kill it with... a Pick Axe and a weak bow! Even afterwards, these few 3-4 wolves you ONLY face for a long time of walk, they still are very powerful to face them. Or some skeletons afterwards; they are very strong comparing to you. Perhaps the developer team made the enemies VERY powerful to "match" the SMALL NUMBER of spawning. But that's not a good balance option...

3) There are navmesh issues. I mean, I used to CLIMBING MOUNTAINS and finding shorter routes of my trips. I tried to climb the mountains and suddenly I WAS STOPPED! I had open space to move forward on the mountain's edge but I COULDN'T MOVE forwards. And one time, I fell into a "hole" (bad rock meshes) and I had one way to move and get out... but it wasn't nav-free to go, so I stacked in there and I had to re-load a save game!

4) They did quite good job with the graphics, but still they are... "Oldrim" (Skyrim LE). I'm coming from a very heavy modded SSE build (2k-4k ONLY graphics) and I simply couldn't stand the... 512-1k textures of the game. So, I unzipped the bsa files and I'm trying to... replace THE ENTIRE GAME's graphics with better ones.

5) The soundtrack is very good, but could be MUCH MORE EPIC. Not talking about the quality of the music tracks, but their lack of EPIC EMOTIONS.

...Generally, even if I wrote quite negative stuff, I still believe is an AMAZING EFFORT! I mean... seriously, is BEYOND "BRUMA" DLC! Much much better! It's an ENTIRE NEW GAME, not "just" a new DLC.

But... it suffers from the (many) "Oldrim" things we had - before start modding it.
Posted 4 December, 2019.
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0.8 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
It's a good game, but in single player shouldn't acting like a "survivor" game but as a ...game (like Skyrim).
Since I'm playing against NPCs, why not have saving slots or when my phone is ringing and I need to answer and I'm exiting to main menu... the game continues and I'm killed?

It's not that fun game; is for lunatic gamers that don't getting up from their chairs and keep playing for ever.
Posted 8 April, 2019.
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2.1 hrs on record
Well... the game reminds you "good-old-days". Looks, feels and smelts like old-fashion (in the good way) RPG. (I played all the intro till the time you need to flee from the village)...

It's a pure Medieval realistic RPG. You won't fight Trolls, nor Giants or Dragons (like in my "drug"-game Skyrim). You'll live a realistic Medieval life - which is remarkable.

The game is VERY HARD, as... realistic would be a Medieval life. I mean, the combat system is very difficult, odd, the developers tried to make it realistic - but they forgot the fact that this is A GAME and not... REAL LIFE to proper swing a real sword as you should. Also, you're a dead meat instantly - I mean, you wounding your enemies but they KILLING YOU like a chicken with one-two hits.

Also, what I didn't like much are the MANY (some times endless) video scenes, the continues/repeated animations during dialogues (which I didn't like them much, the animations looks silly sometimes); I didn't like some (small) clipping issues and the default/vanilla "ENB" the game has (which I changed it to a more dramatic one).

Finally, I had a CTD after 2-3 hrs of game (during a horse chasing with a lot characters around me, in the middle of a battle, with lot particles etc) - I have very powerful PC btw... So, that means bugs (lots of them) - which is NORMAL for a so huge title an SO NEW one.

...Still, is a FANTASTIC game and... Jesus, they already started modding it (I took some mods already)!

Posted 16 February, 2018. Last edited 16 February, 2018.
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511.2 hrs on record (182.1 hrs at review time)
The game released in 2011. I purchased and installed it 2 weeks ago (!!!) and... I've lost my sleep, I'm starting the game around 21:30 and I'm going to bed around... 04:30, every single day!!!!

...In the name of God... in which... cave I was living before and haven't played Skyrim, before now?????

The game is ABSOLUTELY "GEM"!... I'm fanatic gamer since the ages of SpectrumZX, of Amiga, Amstrad etc. I'm playing all kind of games, but I'm fanatic "Fantasy RPG" gamer (since I grown up with pen 'n paper "Dungeons & Dragons" board/card games). So, I played many-many RPGs, incredible "gems" like Baldur's Gate, NeverWinter Nights, KoToR series, etc...

...All they were amazing, but as far as I can recall, none of them made me... lost my sleep so much, as Skyrim!
Why, you may ask, since they are (now) quite some far more modern similar games, like Witcher 3... Simply one word, I'll reply: "FREEDOM"! Skyrim is "The Ultimate DO YOUR OWN STORY open world game"!!!...

In Skyrim, you can follow the main quest (you'll finish it after 3-5 hours focused gaming), there are 3 official DLC quest (about the same hrs to finish each one of them; maybe a bit more with "Dragonborn" DLC) and... "this is it"? NOOOOO...! There are MILLIONS (I think so!) side quest, that "pops-up" almost every 10 minutes, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY RPG games! You need to EXPLORING NON-STOP every inch of the land, you need to TALK TO EVERYBODY (anyone you'll cross), to DISCOVER EVERYTHING on the land, etc!!! Obviously, you need to forget the "Fast Travel" button/option (only if you need to fast get your benefit from a mission, for a reason). ALWAYS TRAVEL BY FOOT (or... horse, to be accurate)! ALWAYS CHECK ANYTHING (there are many hidden things in Skyrim, including loot - I discover over 3 "hidden chests", invisible ones, and got great stuff from them)...

...Yes, the game is quite old (5 years). Yes, the developers did wrong and used the same "build" for every platform, meaning in PC version you don't gaining much of graphics or other things - the "build" was set-up for PlayStation, so all things were downgraded & optimized to be perfect for the console.
Obviously that was wrong from the developers, they missed the chance to make AN AMAZING GAME for the PC version; but, no worries, here is where THE THOUSAND OF USERS' MODS are coming!!!! There are thousand mods, for everything, you actually changing the game to a MODERN (like Witcher 3) ONE, completely new, with million of new features, including... making your own Guild or army (!), become governor or king of a city-state (!!!), communicating and... riding (and fighting on them) Dragons, etc...!

Truly... a NON-ENDING fantasy OPEN WORLD & "MAKE YOUR OWN LIFE" game!!!
(I know people now, that they purchased the game in 2011 and STILL are playing it, because even if you finish all the quests... still poping-up new ones!)


You SHOULD buy it now, that very moment you reading this last line!
Posted 15 November, 2016.
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1,427.7 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
I purchased the Legendary Edition 5-6 years ago; and I took also the SSE edition from the moment was released... About the game, what can I say? It's my "drug", my "heroin". But about the SSE edition, is completelly another story.

Do I recommending SSE? After 3 (at least) years of dealing with it, after SO MANY TIMES I re-install SSE, I have to say this: the problem in LE was the memory issue. They "solved" it by making the VERY SAME build (Legendary) to 64bit and named it... "Special Editon". There is NOTHING "SPECIAL" with it, except they made the old version (LE) to 64bit and they updated the graphics to using modern formats, better graphics, much better compression - just like Fall Out 4 has.
...AND NOTHING ELSE. Nothing else "Special" about it.

So, if you have the Legendary version (and I'm pretty sure you have heavy modded it), you don't need AT ALL to move to the "Special Edition". There is nothing SERIOUS "Special" about it, just few things and nothing else.

But you NEED to play this game, is THE MYTH of all RPGs.
Posted 14 November, 2016. Last edited 30 May, 2020.
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