joshua parish   Lafayette, Indiana, United States
i am patriotic and i support my armed forces and i have nothing against other countries but the good old USA is the best there is. oh and im also a fan lotr( learn ur abbreaveations if u dont know what that stands for), command and conquer, star wars, WWE, marvel and dc comic (i mostly pay attention to the tv shows and movies comics ar hard to find in my city),and im also a boy scout(if wanna know what rank i am ask me and ill be happy to tell u)

i will however accept friends request from foriegners tho
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legion1710 2 Jan, 2012 @ 2:39pm 
no its general patton
Rogue2000AD 2 Jan, 2012 @ 2:26am 
I do believe that is Dwight Eisserhuer potrayed by an older actor whose name i can't remember, he ended up in an Iron Lung yes?.
he was also in The Dirty Dozen (Very Old movie) your dad might remember that one!. ps i'm comming stateside in April mate. (WORK)
TMtrue 11 Jul, 2011 @ 4:38am 
Hey, we havn't talked in a while. Whats up?
TMtrue 17 Dec, 2010 @ 4:56pm 
Im just talking for the steam tresure hunt
legion1710 31 Jul, 2010 @ 12:50am 
Witch King is the BEST Nazgul ther ever was