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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 35.0 小時 (評論時已進行 21.4 小時)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Review

There's little to complain about the story, it's not AMAZING, nor is it terrible. We follow the Space marine Demetrian Titus, who was the former Captain and Commander of the Ultramarines 2nd Company. Following the events of the 1st game, the Inquisition suspected him of heresy and took him into custody.

In Space Marine 2, he winds up serving Death Watch only to suffer a fatal injury at the end of the prologue mission. He survives his injury due to a critical surgery performed on him and he is inducted back into the Ultramarines, this time as a Lieutenant.

As Lieutenant, you have control of your squad, and at times you will be granted an additional squad or two who will conduct missions alongside you, albeit off screen, but they canonically affect your campaign. So while you complete a mission, a team of 3 or two teams of 3 will be simultaneously doing something else to assist in your efforts. Their assistance is always scripted and they don't really serve a purpose aside from breathing life into the story.

The Campaign offers 6 missions total, at first glance this seems small, and in some sense it is, however Space Marine 2 attempts to mitigate this by adding a separate game mode called 'Operations', and in operations you play the teams assisting Titus elsewhere in the war, where you will complete vital objectives to assist the protagonist in his Campaign.

Operations offers 6 missions as well, so in total there are 12 missions in the game, six of which are for the campaign, which you'll likely not play again, because the bulk of the game takes place in Operations.


While I personally have not played Space Marine 1, the game play in Space Marine 2 feels clunky and weird at times, but it also feels fantastic at other times when you perform a satisfying parry, or a brutal execution. Given you are a bulky space marine, taking cover isn't exactly a choice here, so to defend yourself you must familiarize yourself with how to dodge unblockable attacks which appear as an orange marker, or you must become a parry god, where you can block and parry unmarked attacks as well as blue marked attacks.

It is really easy to get swarmed in this game, and if you are playing the campaign with bots - your teammates are going to be useless for the most part, aside from picking you up. The game definitely changes once you have actual people as your teammates. The game however strangely punishes you when you play with teammates, notably in Operations mode.

At the end of an Operations mission, the game will reward players who killed the most, took the least amount of damage, discovered the most amount of items, killed the most amount of specials, etc.

While I don't mind getting XP for certain things, certain paramaters actually incentivizes the players in not playing as a coordinated team. People will rush to steal executions against enemies, even if they do not need them, because executions give you a bar of armor and aid in your survivability. So what happens often is I waste a bar, two, or sometimes three bars of armor to take down a major enemy, only for my full armor, full HP teammate to snipe the execution from me, leaving me to simply take more HP/Armor damage. While he racks up his specialist kills to get that XP reward. Unfortunately the gameplay does not compliment this particular paramater.

The next issue is 'discovering items', certain players will hog ammunition, as well as the medicae, why? Well for one, they are ♥♥♥♥♥♥ teammates, and two, players are incentivized by the experience system to do so. The other XP awards aren't as problematic as these particular two are.

The variation in enemies is minimal, and the variation in executions more so. I wish when I execute one of the Heretical Thousand Sons It's beyond just bonking him on the head and ripping his helmet off. Fortunately certain weapons like the power sword or the Thunder Hammer you get one unique execution, but its very limited. Also it would have been nice if the Thousand Sons had gorey deaths, instead of blowing up like the Grunt Birthday Party skull from the Halo Franchise, but I digress, there's probably a lore explanation for that.

The Gameplay soon becomes quite repetitive, there are plenty of classes to try out, but the main gameplay loop, within the same six missions gets boring quickly, especially when you have to sit through long loading screens. In time undoubtedly, more enemy variation will be added, more executions will be added, more weaponry, more maps and missions, etc.


The Customization in this game is actually really nice, there's a huge variety of colors, armors, and accessories, so people interested in gearing up their Space Marine, you can do so in this game, albeit you need to farm a lot of Operations to do so!


The game is extremely beautiful, there are no issues with the graphical fidelity of the game, though it may limit some people given their hardware. I personally run a 4090 with an i9-13900k. The game never gave me any issues graphic wise.


In conclusion, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 offers a mixed experience. The story, while not groundbreaking, serves its purpose by providing a reasonable narrative for the main character, Titus, and his journey through the campaign. The inclusion of the 'Operations' mode attempts to expand the campaign but doesn't quite mask the game's limited number of missions.

Gameplay can feel rewarding at times, with satisfying mechanics like parrying and executions, but it is often marred by repetitive missions, a limited variety of enemies, and a clunky team dynamic that encourages selfish play over teamwork. This is especially evident in Operations mode, where the experience system unintentionally promotes competition between teammates, creating frustrating scenarios.

On the other hand, the game excels in customization, allowing players to deeply personalize their Space Marines with various gear and colors, though it requires time investment in Operations mode to unlock these options. The game's graphics are stunning, delivering a visually immersive experience, though some players may need high-end hardware to fully enjoy the fidelity.

Overall, Space Marine 2 is a solid but flawed entry that may appeal to Warhammer fans but struggles to sustain long-term engagement with its limited content and repetitive clunky gameplay.
張貼於 2024 年 9 月 7 日。
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總時數 76.7 小時
張貼於 2024 年 5 月 4 日。 最後編輯於 2024 年 11 月 30 日。
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總時數 25.8 小時 (評論時已進行 21.3 小時)
Service guarantees citizenship.

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張貼於 2023 年 5 月 23 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 5 月 23 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 687.5 小時 (評論時已進行 12.5 小時)

I have to preface this by saying, I absolutely love the simple User Interface.
The queue menu is seriously optimised, offering both an X in the corner of the menu, as well as a cancellation button if you feel like you've been waiting in queue for too long, so its very user friendly which I have to applaud the development team for. Additionally, the number displayed on the queue menu is incredibly accurate so you know exactly what your position is within the queue.

All in all, a great game.
張貼於 2021 年 9 月 28 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 169.3 小時 (評論時已進行 55.2 小時)
Hell Let Loose, is a tactical World War II squad based FPS game where you have to work together as a collective to beat back the enemy. Currently at this stage in development you can play as Germany or the United States. At the moment there are 9 total maps to play on, all these maps are large in scale.

Every squad member has certain roles to fulfill, you can play as a medic to resuscitate your teammates and bring them back to fighting health, anti-armor infantry where your objective is to blow up enemy vehicles otherwise your team will be left completely vulnerable to enemy armor units, and there are many more other distinct roles that benefit the squad and the entire allied team.

The game is very entertaining, though can prove to be frustrating if you are being completely steamrolled, with accurate artillery, and killer armor teams messing you up, couple that with incompetency, disorganization and you're in for a rough match; however if you get a game where you have a team that knows what they are doing it can be a very fun time.

Overall I recommend this game to people who enjoy the WW2 setting, and squad based shooters with tactical elements.
張貼於 2021 年 4 月 7 日。 最後編輯於 2021 年 4 月 7 日。
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總時數 158.5 小時 (評論時已進行 109.5 小時)
This game took me approximately 100 hours to beat, and that's mainly hinging on the fact I played on very hard, and chose to utilise a more stealthier approach for the most part. I also decided to complete every activity I could see on the map before fully finishing the story line, this includes gigs and NCPD Scanner encounters. Though I can see this game being much shorter if someone decided to not really make completing the side quests a priority. There are however some major side quests that eventually tie into the story line in one way or the other, so I would not recommend ignoring them. The gigs and NCPD scanners however are not necessary, but are a fine way to keep yourself busy while they last.

I have to applaud CDPR for the great visuals, great characters, voice acting, and animations during scenes it felt so very surreal, such as sitting in the car with Dex or sitting in the club with Evelyn, you have a feeling like you are there. I love the cast, from Jackie, Johnny, Judy, Panam, Viktor, and Goro Takemura it was fun to be around them all, especially Jackie. So A+ on that.

I did have my own experience of several bugs in the game which is of course well known by now. I found after playing for a while, the textures in the game began to flicker as if it were trying to load 7 textures for one soda machine, drastically reducing my performance, though a quick save and reload promptly fixed that, though I had other bugs that were far more annoying to deal with, such as being unable to draw my weapon. The only way to fix that was to go into a safe zone such as the Afterlife bar. Other issues I ran into were, if I were to run on a certain object in a certain way, it'd fling me across the map, or I'd fall through the map (happened only once). Also had a moment where I'd be calling one person and it suddenly puts another person on top of that individual I'm calling, which was pretty weird. As for other bugs, you have the occasional T-Posed NPC, or a cut scene where the character is holding their weapon unnaturally when there's supposed to be nothing in their hand. Another issue I found with the game is the police system; its very poor for the most part, you get four stars, and you are then attacked harshly by the authorities, initially they spawn a few cops, and eventually they'll send in augmented troops in to take you out; though this experience was disappointing and makes getting wanted by the police more so of a nuisance than anything. Not to mention when they do spawn in, they'll appear behind you and in completely stupid areas. If you drive away, you're essentially safe, they wont chase you with their own vehicles or drones, its very easy to just run away. Only time I ever really got wanted by the cops is by accidentally hitting someone with my car. The wanted system can use some work. Another issue I had with the game was the racing, I noticed when I was in the lead; the cars that were racing me were shown on the minimap and I was able to see them actively teleporting behind me just to keep up with me. If i looked behind me while I was driving they wouldn't do it, but the moment I looked in-front, they'd teleport right on me again. I wouldn't say any of these bugs broke my game; more so impacted the immersive experience - but even then! I still found myself utterly immersed in this beautiful, story rich game. I really do hope CDPR is able to quickly iron out these little bugs, because both the story and the core game is fantastic.

The gameplay and progression was incredibly enjoyable, I initially was going to do a stealth build, but I began enjoying the cyberware mods and hacking a lot so I went stealth and intelligence for my build, practically neglecting body and reflexes and boy did it not disappoint. I felt like the strongest net-runner by the end of the game, able to spread a virus to a full force within mere seconds, watching them all drop, and I'd pick off any stragglers that were lucky to survive with my pistol from stealth or just hit them with another hack. Though, this build became so powerful it really made the gameplay trivial, I'd slip in, breach the enemies security, ping them all, and then spread contagion upon them like a plague - in mere moments the entire section would be wiped out. Though this build only really took shape by the time I was heavily invested in the intelligence build, and I have no doubts that other builds are just as strong if not more. The game really does well in making you feel powerful by the end of it, a true legend that surpasses all of the badasses you hear about in the game, as it should. Though some boss fights as a result become trivial as well. But the game does well in offering a plethora of options of how to approach a situation, stealth, guns-a-blazin, hacking, go in from the front door, the back door, the roof. There are a lot of options to approach a situation and I like that.

I very much enjoy the selection of vehicles you get to drive in this game, though it is a bit unfortunate that there is no vehicle customization beyond that, though perhaps it can become a feature in the future who knows. I expected something as elementary as colors, but alas that is not in. Still I very much enjoyed the driving in this game, I actually had fun driving from point to point in first person, weaving through the streets of Night City in some fine ass wheels.

Something I'd like to see in this game are more activities. As of now, I finished everything, so I don't really have anything current to do on my save, besides starting up a fresh one, which I plan to at some point. But it would be really nice to have some sort of repeatable gigs or something to do after it, additionally some other activities would be nice, like racing (something apart from the side-quest with Claire), maybe being able to play pool or net-runner activities in the club, shame there isn't a barbershop where you can't edit some of your characters aesthetics.

Finally the performance of the game, I have a 2080 TI, even with this card I have difficulties maxing out frames at a 1440 resolution with everything on max - but the one saving grace that let me run the game at max settings was DLSS which is only compatible with RTX cards I'm afraid. It made the game run very smoothly for the most part.

All in all I really enjoyed the game and I am looking forward to DLC and further optimization of this game. To those who have a high end PC, I really do recommend this game if you can run it, though if you want a experience free of bugs its best to wait a little bit before purchasing, if you don't have a high end PC I'd suggest waiting for the optimizations or until you are able to get a better rig.
張貼於 2020 年 12 月 18 日。 最後編輯於 2020 年 12 月 18 日。
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3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 171.3 小時 (評論時已進行 105.4 小時)
Eventually the scare factor gets reduced once you understand the mechanics of the game; but if you have VR... I don't see you getting used to the fear there! It is frightening as hell on VR, even after 'mastering' or becoming very knowledgable when you play without VR.

Hope to see this game evolve and get frequent updates, make the ghosts unpredictable and scarier.
張貼於 2020 年 11 月 26 日。
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總時數 380.0 小時 (評論時已進行 195.6 小時)
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is a pretty big upgrade compared to the first Vermintide, instead of having five classes in the old one, you now have 5 classes with three subclasses each that vastly change how those characters are meant to be played for the most part.

For those who are completely unfamiliar with the Vermintide series, imagine Left 4 Dead with RPG elements, items with stats and progression rpg elements, in addition there are things to pursue such as portrait cosmetics, character cosmetics such as outfits and hats, essentially pimping out your character to how you want them to look.

When you start Vermintide 2 off, your hide out, which is an area prior to starting a mission is rather plain, but as you level up your characters you can start unlocking rooms in the keep, you'll scavenge art scrolls where you can set up paintings in your hide out and upon completeing certain difficulties for certain campaigns you will start seeing banners hanging around. So you can see not just your characters progressing but your hide out as well, the progression this game offers is what keeps me playing, and it's a lot of fun decapitating scrawny rats, but this game does not only offer rats as the first game did, it features Chaos as well as an enemy, and in the DLC Winds of Magic you can even fight Beastmen. So this game has a variety of things to kill which keeps it fresh and new each time you load up a mission.

張貼於 2020 年 2 月 25 日。
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14 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 122.2 小時 (評論時已進行 121.0 小時)
The Blackout Club, initially, before purchasing this game, from watching a few videos, and streamers play, the game looked rather mediocare. But, the moment I saw the interraction that often happens between players and developers, I was amazed and almost instantly hooked and interested. This is something that other games do not do, it is a brand new unique experience.

Essentially, the setting takes place in a place called RedAcre, where really weird, supernatural things begin to happen. All the parents and adults are controlled / being used by an entity called Speak-As-One, one of the 8 or so gods/demons/deities/entities that exist in the game.

As a new child to the Blackout Club it is up to you to make a character and figure out which of the eight gods you want to support. From playing the game regularly, you can earn an item called a 'Lighter of Rebellion' and you are capable of offering it as a tribute. When you do so, you are prompted to speak into a mirror, a prayer so to speak, and this message is delivered to the gods (played by the devs, or whomevere they hired to play the gods). And there is a chance they will invade your game... and respond back to you.

There is so much left unsaid about this game, there is almost always a drive to a mystery, there's little information about the gods, so when you get that chance to actually communicate with one, BE READY to ask some important questions that can help you move to the next piece of the puzzle.

All in all, I'm very impressed with this game, and the ability it has to hook people. I look forward to seeing what else the developers add to the game. Easily worth the pricetag.
張貼於 2019 年 1 月 27 日。
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總時數 871.3 小時 (評論時已進行 478.7 小時)
I don't like anal.

Don't you have an ass?
張貼於 2018 年 11 月 21 日。
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