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77.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game builds on what was in the first one very well. I like that they've brought back some old slimes while still giving us new ones and the way they changed the gadget system in a previous update was a HUGE improvement on the old decorations.

Development of this one has been pretty slow but it has been consistent and so far each of the major updates are adding a good chunk of content to the game. The last update added a huge chunk of content including a map that close to doubles how large the world is, which makes me optimistic for what else is coming as we're getting closer to the end of the story.

If you're not sure about getting this one in early access, I don't blame you because it's been slow but it is still worth it to keep an eye on for when it's fully released.
Posted 22 March.
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8 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record
THE GAME IS STILL IN BETA AND THAT IS NOT BEING STATED ON STEAM - Putting this in caps to make it clear. There is a lack of features and it's clearly not finished. That would be fine if they made it clear it was still in beta. The store page and the announcements in steam don't clearly mention this and you'll only know when you open the game. This game should not be a full release on Steam, it should be listed as early access because that is exactly what it is.

I wish there was a neutral option to choose here. I want to recommend the game, I've been playing in for several months before it came to steam and I enjoy it a lot. It is fun for me and it does feel like the devs listen to players based on things they've added to address complaints. But not making it clear that it's in Beta while still utilizing that reasoning for an incomplete game is deceptive and concerning. The communities on reddit and discord also promote toxic positivity that ignores the issues. There have been many comments made about the negative reviews that the game is receiving here and they are being treated more as a targeted attack even though many people are expressing the same frustrations with how this is being handled.

It is free so is still worth a try if you're interested, but you need to approach it being aware that it is not complete. The storylines are still in progress for both the main story and relationships, there are a number of bugs and some aspects of gameplay have been reworked. The style is cute, characters are fun and exaggerated. The only monetization that the game currently has is cosmetics like clothes and pets and S6 has stated that they will only monetize cosmetic options and not other rewards.

Edit: I wanted to add that there are also some things being advertised on this page that are not available in came. Specifically the rounded rooms in the animation showing the house building, those are nowhere in game and they haven't been announced as upcoming or planned either.
Posted 26 March, 2024. Last edited 26 March, 2024.
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0.7 hrs on record
This one honestly made me cry. The questions it asks get pretty deep and some of the scenarios are hard. I love the message of the game and think that this series is one that a lot of people need to play.

Secret word: Powerful
Posted 25 February, 2022.
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0.5 hrs on record
Apparently I'm not kinky enough for a fishbowl.

Secret word: Selfcare
Posted 25 February, 2022.
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0.3 hrs on record
It's a really interesting experience and even good for a few good laughs. Definitely worth it.

Secret word: Gifted
Posted 25 February, 2022.
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9 people found this review helpful
10.1 hrs on record
As someone who used to love the old Nancy Drew Games, I have to say that this one was really disappointing.

I was really excited when it finally came out and even more excited when I finally got time to play it. I was prepared with a notebook and pen, something that was almost always needed in the old games to make note of clues that would be used for puzzles. But it wasn't at all necessary in this game and that wasn't because it gave you a way to track the clues there, most of the answers were literally handed to you. In one part, you find a puzzle and there's a book just right next to it with all the answers. Another gives you everything to solve cipher in a single box. It just took a lot of the fun out of trying to find the answers and removed some of the motivation for exploring since it became clearer and clearer that the things I needed would be in pretty plain sight most of the time.
There were some optional parts that also had no point and were barely introduced in the game. They seemed to be there just for achievements while previous games that had similar mini games would usually incorporate them into the story as well.
They also decide to toss in some kind of 'moral choice' ending that makes absolutely no sense given Nancy's character.
It just felt incomplete in a way and more like a Nancy Drew knock off game than an actual Nancy Drew game. It's just really disappointing that such a fun series came to this.
Posted 9 June, 2020. Last edited 9 June, 2020.
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A developer has responded on 17 Jun, 2020 @ 5:25pm (view response)
2 people found this review helpful
189.2 hrs on record (89.1 hrs at review time)
Best way I can think to describe this is Spore meets Minecraft with better graphics. And that's not a bad thing. I know this had a lot of issues at launch but right now, it's definitely worth playing.

There are still some bugs and glitches but I haven't found anything game breaking and the exploration of this is fascinating. The planet generation is my favorite part of this and I've been scouring the galaxy looking for the perfect planets to build on.

If you never played it, give it a try. If you played it when it first launched and haven't come back to it, give it a try. They've really worked to make this a good game and they've succeeded.
Posted 27 January, 2020.
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17 people found this review helpful
15.0 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
I want to like this, I really do. I loved the first two games but there are so many problems with this.

The controls just suck. They're awful. I've had so many situations where it is impossible for me to select something that I can interact with. The boat sequence was painful because of how unreliable the controls were and for some reason, going up the stairs is something that has to be incredibly difficult most of the time.

It doesn't have the same charm as the original games and is just disappointing.
Posted 5 May, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
311.2 hrs on record
UPDATE: I felt the need to update this after it's been a while. I was considering updating the recommendation because I've lost a lot of faith in this game but I also do still enjoy aspects so I'm leaving it as recommended for now.

The developers are taking a path that I don't agree with at this point. The main story is still not complete. It has been years since the last chapter of the story was released and since then, they have focused more on the tales from the far territories DLC than they have the main game. They had stated the final chapter would be released this year, only for it to get delayed again with no launch date.

I don't think it's ridiculous to think that the main story should be the focus before the DLCs and it is just really disappointing that it has gone this route. I'm not sure how confident I am regarding more games from this IP.

Original review:

It's about time I reviewed this. I used to play this so much when it was still in early release and I loved seeing how it developed. Over 170 hours mostly just from that. I'm finally getting to play the story mode and I'm loving how they've incorporated the survival aspect with the story.

There are a lot of survival games out there but this is one of the most tense and thrilling ones I've played while at times being so peaceful and serene at the same time. I also love the art style. This feels like one of the more unique games I've seen in the genre and I don't think I can ever get tired of it.
Posted 15 November, 2018. Last edited 21 October, 2024.
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10.1 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
This game is stupid, ridiculous, disgusting and a total waste of time.

But ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is it amazing. Even if you don't normally play or like games like this, do it just to say you have. You won't regret it.
Posted 10 September, 2018.
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