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79.6 hrs on record (29.9 hrs at review time)
its like better overwatch but my teammates somehow have less braincells.
Posted 3 February.
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127.2 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've always had alot of respect for games in this genre but have found them to be rather intimidating. After seeing a thread about Elin on a Bangladeshi kite testing forum, I took the plunge and I'm glad i have. I'm a farmer. I'm a prostitute. I have a little girl as a pet. I have a big little sister that follows me around, and a fairy boy that was sent as an apostle from my God, Kumiromi of Harvest. I feel like I'm struggling with some of the base building stuff but the game is highly addictive and when I haven't been playing it I can't wait to see what happens next.
Posted 8 November, 2024. Last edited 8 November, 2024.
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12.9 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
Joined a lobby. Started fishing. Played guitar. Watched two men make love in a bush. Bought a cigarette and rainboots. Fished some more. Goofed off and fished for 5 hours straight. Now I got to go to bed.
Posted 26 October, 2024.
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17.3 hrs on record (16.4 hrs at review time)
Reminds me of the good ol' days when games were just games and were made for fun and for "the boys"

You've got 3 modes here:
The Campaign - about 10-12 hours. Doesn't overstay its welcome unlike so many modern titles. Well paced. Intense Fun. Can be played with up to 2 other people however to my understanding the host is the only one that gets progress.

The Co-op - Don't remember the actual name. This is where you have 6 re-playable stages and classes and progression and customization. Many of the stages are locked behind Campaign progress.

The PvP - Reminds me of Gears of War except without all the cover-based shenanigans.

Performance: Feel like my opinion shouldn't really matter here, but it felt adequate to me. I have a 4070, i just left the default settings and i didn't really feel any need to change them. I'm sure i had dips in FPS during intense fights, but i really didnt notice them.

The Good:
+All in all great fun. Highly recommend. I didn't like the default controls for mouse and keyboard and with the heavy melee focus of the game, I've been playing with controller as it feels more natural IMO.
+I really think Saber knocked this one out of the park, it is better than i was expecting and i felt like my expectations were high.
+Gameplay loop is fun.
+Graphics and music are great
+Makes me feel like a space marine.
+Customization gets wild. You can make ur Marine look like a total dumbass. its fantastic.

The Bad:
-BOT teammate AI during my campaign experience was hit and miss. Sometimes they killed enemies, sometimes they stood in place shooting nothing, staring into the sky. Had a few objectives they were completely worthless during.
-Feel like the audio mix is weird. Can't really pin it down, it just didn't sound right to me. Maybe im crazy. Messed with it a bit, still can't dial it in.
-I wish the Campaign was progressed for people other than the host, since alot of people purchased this game with the intent of playing with friends, i feel like this would be a welcome feature.
Posted 9 September, 2024. Last edited 9 September, 2024.
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71.3 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Over 60 hours in, and almost half way through my second playthrough. Some things to get out of the way.

*Yes, performance can be bad based on your hardware config. (i have a 5600 and a 4070, and luckily my game run fine)

*Yes, there are needless micro-transactions in a single player game, that Capcom has done for years and no one has been bothered by until now. The MTX features that caused all the twitter outrage at release are a terrible value and everything can very easily be earned in game very quickly. I have felt 0 need or want to purchase anything.

If you think any of these things might be a problem for you, and your on the fence, i would purchase the game, and refund within 2 hours if you aren't happy. that's why steam has the policy!

In my honest opinion, this will very likely be my game of the year. it has a wonderful sense of exploration. its very clearly inspired by Bethesda, (thats a good thing in this case!) there is always something over the hill, or in the valley. i think it has a nice balance of hand-holding quest design and and quest design that expects a little from the player. Even though classes (vocations in game) aren't as wonderfully and masterfully designed as say, weapons in monster hunter, the action combat is great, especially for an rpg. These vocations can be switched at a vocation trainer dude in town, so your not locked in to any one experience.

Gearing is fine and i dont really find it to be out of this world or anything. I was happy when i found better gear, although that isn't happening the second time around. HOWEVER, im very happy that "Bikini Armor" is in the game, and some of it is viable as end game gear! Coomers rejoice!

I love the pawn system, making my friend that adventures with me and picking up 2 pawns that other people have created and exploring is fantastic. The pawns have differing voice lines and behavior options to try and make them feel unique from one another.

I thought the story was kinda bland, up until some *SPOILER* *REDACTED* things happened, and things got real crazy real fast. I felt like that last 10 hours should've been like a half way point, and happened at like 30 hours into the game, and gave me another 30 hours of that experience. ultimately i don't play many games for a story that i'm going to think about for hours and hours after the fact, i play games to have fun and have new experiences!

Sound and music is fine, there are a couple stand out tracks but everything else felt pretty subdued.

Visually I think the game is stunning, and has these amazing vista like moments. HOWEVER, if u are trying to look up characters skirts and take close up images, you'll notice that characters aren't as detailed as maybe you'd hope they'd be. Personally that doesn't bother me.

Combat and Adventure should be the big take away here. Its been a lonnnnggg time since I've truly felt immersed in a game like Dragon's Dogma 2. Its been a long time since I've finished a game and IMMEDIATELY started my NEW GAME+ (I think the last time I did this was Mass Effect 2?) instead of moving on to another title.

If i take all my mental scores and combine and give each score their own value based off of what is important to me, this game is very close to a 10. Its more than what I was expecting from a sequel to the cult classic original, and I plan to at least 100% this second playthrough.

I'd love for another game to swoop in, and steal my heart from Dragon's Dogma 2, but I don't think that'll happen til Monster Hunter Wilds releases!
Posted 23 March, 2024. Last edited 29 March, 2024.
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17.9 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
In a world filled with $70 half baked games that barely run on the latest and greatest flagship hardware, we have a real game made for real gamers. functional graphics. good shoots. proximity chat. possible fps of the year. battlefield devs need to pay attention.
Posted 2 July, 2023.
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57.9 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
I was hugged by a woman and she told me she will hug me as often as I need. 10/10
Posted 25 February, 2022.
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586.3 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 13 January, 2022.
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6.6 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Great fun.
Posted 30 October, 2021.
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39.8 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
i seriously ####ing hate this server queue time bull###t. seriously this game can suck the biggest fattest c##k if there was an easy way to refund it, it'd be done. theres ####ing queue times on maldanado and NO ONE IS ####ING PLAYING ON IT. i'm sorry jeff bezos for having to work and pay bills and have passions outside of your s####y ####ing game and its piss poor indie studio level servers. I'm sorry i don't want to sit in queue like a good little boy at a third world hospital. all i wanted was to play this game with my friends and its a ####ing chore to play it at all. i hope amazon games bans me so i can find a better use of my free time, and not be mad at this s##t ####ing studio.
Posted 3 October, 2021.
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