Alex Kierkegaard
Steam has 20 Pathfinder games, not 2. Type "Pathfinder AP" in the search box and see. And they are all 4-6 player co-op. But you need a Game Master to run them, and that's what I do. I own all Pathfinder games and DLC on Steam, for a total cost of upwards of $2,000 (type "Pathfinder" in the search box and scroll all the way down to see them all). I run these games on Steam, and it costs $50/month to play, and the games are 10x better than the Owlcat adaptations, which, however good they may be, are in fact dumbed-down compared to the source material. If all this sounds intriguing to you, friend and message me to chat about it. And check here for my work-in-progress map of the Pathfinder world with all the games placed on it (click on each game for details): There are 33 games in all, with 2-3 new ones being released every year, and they are all being adapted to Steam with a few months' delay from the print versions, and I'll be buying and running all of them.
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None of you morans understand. This isn't "like Elite" or "like EVE". This is A NEW GENRE, and it's called First-person Grand Strategy, or FP4X for short (first-person 4X). In other words, this is FIRST-PERSON CIVILIZATION (and Alpha Centauri and Master of Magic and so on). Just look at the tech tree! None of you ever played Civ?? So this genre was started by Life is Feudal: MMO, continued by Atlas and Last Oasis, and finally taken to the stars by Starbase (Dual Universe might have done this earlier, but I still haven't tried it to make sure: it looks janky af anyway, and Starbase is its superior in every imaginable way).

Moreover, FP4X is the best videogame genre of all time. It is the ultimate genre because it is THE GENRE OF THE UNIVERSE (the universe is a FP4X game). And since it is the best videogame genre, it follows that it's also the best art genre, since videogames are the ultimate artform. All this and more you can explore further by reading my article on "The End of Videogame (and Art) Theory":

So this is the prologue of my review. Get the genre right! If you can't even get the freakin' genre right, the rest of your review will of course be snit! So Starbase is not "an online game like EverQuest", or "an MMO like WoW". That's how journalists think because they are too dense to parse mechanics! LOOK AT THE MECHANICS! Starbase copied Atlas which copied Life is Feudal: MMO, which copied Rust but made it into a giant persistent world with tens of thousands of players, and—most importantly to qualify as FP4X—territory capture mechanics. THAT is the genealogy of Starbase, and therefore forms the basis on which it must be understood, and judged.

Beyond that I don't have much to say as of now, with my paltry nine hours in the game. I need to see station-building and fleet battles before I can weigh in on how Anna Narinen and the Frozenbyte team fulfilled the—really insanely ambitious—goals of this project. All I can say for the time being is EVERYTHING LOOKS GOOD. There are no obvious letdowns or stepbacks from the advertised vision: IT'S ALL HERE TO MAKE THE TREMENDOUS VISION WORK; all the building blocks are here. My biggest worry is performance: how will the game perform when stressed in giant space battles and station sieges? It already chugs a bit in half-empty stations, so I am worried. But they've run tests before EA release, and reportedly those tests went well, so I am hopeful. Once I have more to report, I will edit this review.

P.S. Starbase wipes the floor with Space Engineers. 16-player servers lol. Enjoy your 8v8s across a freakin' star system, losers!
On Genre and the Tree of Gaming - Part I
Are genres equal? In drama, the question of whether tragedy is superior to comedy, or vice versa, has occupied art theorists and philosophers for millennia; but in our poor little field of videogames, with our sorry little collection of uneducated men-children doing the theorizing, the question of the inequality of genres has never even come up.

But it's time for it to come up, because, seen aright, this inequality is precisely what's been driving the evolution of the artform from day 1, and we can no longer ignore it if we want to understand what's going on, and what the future can and should bring. Hell, without this knowledge we can't even understand the past!

So let's start with the fundamentals. What is a genre?

A genre is a collection of conventions. In the FPS genre, for example, as I have said before, one of these conventions is the first-person perspective. Another, that there must be some kind of shooting. And so on. A game that therefore mostly adheres to these conventions is said to belong to the genre which they define. So when someone says that "All genres are equal", because "it's a matter of preference, dude, it's all subjective in the end!", what they are basically saying is that ANY COLLECTION OF CONVENTIONS IS EQUAL TO ANY OTHER.

Let the cosmic stupidity of this claim sink in for a bit. A convention can be anything. Me sitting next to your computer and flinging sh*t to your face every time you clear a stage is a convention too; could very well be a convention if I made a game that functioned that way. All that it would take to elevate this convention to the status of a genre—the sh*t-flinging genre (SFG)—would be... me making several of these games lol. I wouldn't even need anyone to follow my lead; as long as several of these games existed, regardless of who made them, that's a new genre right there that's added to our existing stable of them, and that, according to the "muh subjectivity" zombies IS EQUAL TO EVERY OTHER GENRE THAT EXISTS OR EVER WILL EXIST.

So the equality argument is so braindead it's not even an argument, and barely rises above the level of a mere insult. So we see equality being used here in the same manner as everywhere else, as merely an attempt to forestall and ultimately prevent a further examination of the field. If everything is equal, of course there's nothing to analyze here, which would be handy especially for those who lack the intelligence to conduct an analysis to any useful end. How convenient!

But such convenience is repugnant to thinking persons, and should be treated by them with nothing less than complete contempt.

Therefore: genres aren't equal, and shouldn't be treated as such, otherwise the entire history of the artform (and, at a higher level, of art itself...) makes no sense, as there would seem to be no reason why genres are born, rise in dominance for a while, and then give way and are replaced by further, above all more complex genres.

But there is a reason for this artistic Darwinism, and lo and behold, it is the same reason as that for regular Darwinism, i.e. that lifeforms aren't equal, and life is will to power.

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+rep nice profile😉
Kateryna 13 Jun, 2019 @ 3:42am 
Dear CULT|icycalm
I represent the Starni Games company.
We would like to offer you access to our new game Strategic Mind: The Pacific.
We value your opinion and would be happy if you share it with us and the rest of the Steam community.
Please, let us know if you are interested in our proposal (add me).
Looking forward to your reply,
Yours sincerely
Starni Games
cheater 6 May, 2019 @ 4:13am 
Hey, I love your reviews on GOTY. I hope you haven't been bombed a lot by this info recently. Following your recommendation I looked at PA Titans. The gameplay and graphics look great, but according to reviews it looks like recently the game ownership was transferred to some people who are less than professional towards the community. They ban people left and right from playing online (except for dedicated servers), for as much as posting a bad review. I guess paying $40, investing 100s of hours, and then getting banned - no warning, no appeal - must suck. Learning this was enough to make me rethink buying it. I'm not sure what you think about this, but it might change your mind on whether it's a GOTY. Anyways thanks for your work, just wanted to give you a heads up.
CULT|ExiledOne 7 Jun, 2017 @ 6:47pm 
Insomnia is truly a site like no other. Few sites explore the nature of videogames themselves and none do it to the depth at which Insomnia does. From 'The Stupidest Words in Gaming', to the 'Tree of Gaming' and the final resolution to the "Games as Art" 'debate', to the simulacra, to the effects and future of virtual reality -- Insomnia covers it all, and then some. If you have even a passing interest in videogame analysis, you owe it to yourself to check it out. Who knows? -- you might just learn something.
CULT|recoil 27 May, 2017 @ 11:58am 
I've been wrecking ♥♥♥♥ up in virtual worlds with icycalm for half a decade and I've been reading his work on his site, Insomnia, for close to a decade. In all that time, I can say with 100% certainty that this dude gets it. If you are a true gamer, look no further, you've found your home with Insomnia.
mentalconflux 27 May, 2017 @ 11:05am 
We're all used to getting free stuff on the net, but subscribing to Insomnia gets you access to the world's best gaming site. Nobody else could have built it. Nobody knows games like icycalm. Peerless critical insight and commitment to excellence.