:BloodThirsty:Beware - those blind with rage are by destiny ensnared. Like a corpse in a shallow grave, corruption rises to the surface... Beyond these Pillars, the defiled victim mutely screams its outrage:Molag:
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Baldur's Gate III. Druid I.Iα
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Baldur's Gate III. Druid γ
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Baldur's Gate III. Druid δ
What is darkness but lurking sun? ☀
What is wall but enslaved stone?
What is glass but tortured sand?
What is a song but a call to arms?
What is hate but jilted love?
What is life but death pending?

:Molag:🩸 Vae Victis - I was offered the chance for vengeance, and, like a fool, I jumped at this offer without considering the cost. Nothing is free. Not even...revenge 🩸:Molag:

:sealdeal: Christus vivit. Christus regnat.
Christus ab omni male te defendat.
Maledicti et Excommunicati daemonis...
Invirtute istorum factorum Dei nominum.
Mesias, Emmanuel, Sohter, Sabahot, Agios, Inchiros, Athanatos, Jehova, Adonai
I was like you once. But your God showed me another path. That's why the power of your God cannot destroy me... Because I am His chosen one!
Ubi fuerint haec nomina, et digna dei
Praecipimus vobis atque ligamus vos ut non habeatis
Utus potestatem per pesten nec per aliquod
Quodeumque maleficium nocere ei
Incantationem neque
In anima nec in corpore

:TEW2STEFANO: This is the photo that took one of my eyes, but gifted me with vision. The moment of death, captured like a fly in amber. A life ends and a flower of flesh and blood is born. I realised the beauty in destruction, I was eager to share my new work with the world. Neophytes. Philistines. Fools. They feared what they could not comprehend, were determined to stop me. Some consider this new world horrific, for me it is a world of beauty, full of pure creations that is limited only by my imagination. A world whose very fabric I can shape but, where can I go from here? She is the key, the path to ultimate power. She is the brush, blood is my paint and this world is the canvas. My name is Stefano Valentini and art is in the eye of the beholder :TEW2STEFANO:
Raphael 1 Feb @ 1:22pm 
Nukta 18 Nov, 2022 @ 6:48am 
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Conscious44 16 Jun, 2021 @ 4:05pm 
+REP great killer, even a greater man!