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Recent reviews by Grimliner

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29.3 hrs on record
SONY blinked.

Posted 6 May, 2024.
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43.8 hrs on record (41.5 hrs at review time)
Diving with Dave
Posted 5 July, 2023. Last edited 24 November, 2023.
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0.4 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
really funny little game, totally worth the money

honestly speaking, if this game had some sort of map maker, it would thrive. such a cool little concept for a game. wonderful job. :^)
Posted 29 April, 2023.
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77.2 hrs on record (49.3 hrs at review time)
I don't wanna beat around the bush, so I'll cut to the chase;

Unless you're a hardcore DL fan or haven't played DL1 at ALL, then don't pick this game up. It's in a similar state as Dying Light was on release; just wait for it to go on sale, as time goes, the game will get better. (I say that, hoping they follow the same route they did for Dying Light 1.)
As I said though, if you have nothing but free time, messing around in this game is the best.

good game if you wanna ♥♥♥♥ around, but for $80 CAD/$70 USD/60€?

Not worth it at this time. Sorry, Techland, but you gotta up your game right now.
Posted 1 May, 2022.
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3.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is like a reverse touhou in touhou

You become a bullet hell, but enemies become bullets!

On a serious note, this game is a great time-waster, it's super cheap, super fun, there's still a ton to unlock, and lots of updates come out relatively quickly giving you more and more to try out and beat each run.

Good, responsive movement (I'd hope so lol), and really fun and interesting abilities for the player to try out. Each character adds their own little twist to the game that can spice it up and give it a lot of variation depending on the build path you're going.

I think my only personal gripe with the game is that there's no co-op, but honestly, it makes sense why there's no co-op, so I can't call that a valid complaint in good heart.

Game is great, if you're a fan of castlevania, I don't even think I need to mention this but, go pick it up. It's a blast, even just sitting with friends or in a call with friends and playing.
Posted 11 April, 2022.
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28.6 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
r2d2 throwin it back
Posted 6 April, 2022.
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41.3 hrs on record (31.8 hrs at review time)
i got exiled from my house because i didn't leave my room

great game

(i came from console)
Posted 31 March, 2022.
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301.2 hrs on record (158.7 hrs at review time)
I think it's important to note, that first off, I played this game on another account that I lost, but a good amount of my hours are still on PS4.
Second off, Steam seriously needs a neutral option for reviews.

Without further ado, let's get into this muck.

Alright, so, to start this off with a bang, I want to talk about the game state, and community as a whole. ESO's community is very full, packed with tons of people that have a love for the Elder Scrolls all together. People in chat are generally self-aware within the game while making jokes about how the game is bad, or how it's a garbage game, not unlike league of legends, although the latter is quite true. The community itself is generally pretty open in comparison to other bigger MMOs like WoW or BDO. This is probably due to the fact that all they care about is having fun themselves, so they don't let negativity affect them as much. Now, obviously, this could be biased. I haven't interacted with absolutely everyone on the NA megaserver, but this is a review, so I'll be as bloody biased as I want. (not really, please stay)

The game state itself isn't horrible, in comparison to what the reviews say. The game is overall an enjoyable game, that you can spend hours upon hours in without spending money. I think there are several drawbacks, however, to ZOS' current attitude towards the game. There are tons of minor bugs which, from what I've seen, have gone unfixed for years. On top of that, if you look at the Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood (Upgrade), it's essentially a scam (although the best term is misleading) for people that don't understand what it means; only 1 DLC, not the same as the collector's edition upgrade or the full $80 game. I feel if ZOS put as much effort as possible into listening to the community, this could be such an incredible MMO, even alongside giants like FFXIV, WoW, and OSRS. (even though OSRS has a pretty big glaring problem itself)

Now, we can move on to the story. There's quite honestly, not a lot to say here, as the story is pretty simple. You're a hero, one who is needed to save the realm from Molag's Balls. The things that happen within the story are pretty interesting, but the story itself as a whole is a "go forth, and kick the bad guy's ass mr. hero" type story. In my opinion, the DLC stories are much better, and are consistent throughout them. They don't exactly make you feel too special either. You're just "some dude who showed up at a pretty good time". Overall, I'd say that if you grinded early classic WoW, the story will move at lightning speed, if not, just find a pace, and try to stick with it. Once you find a pace that feels good, you can run through it feeling comfortable.

Over to the questing. This, in my opinion, is a part that could be improved upon a bit. That's mainly due to the fact that, when you're questing in the main game, you don't really feel, if that makes any sense. It feels as though you're just doing chores, and then all of a sudden, boom! A big bad appears. Now, how the hell did you get to this? Weren't you just gardening a minute ago? Or looking at that really nice house that's infinitely out of your price range because you just started a new character? I feel as though the story in the main story of ESO doesn't make you feel too attached to the people, or the world as a whole. Once again, I feel as though the DLC does this much better. Obviously, there are decisions you can make throughout the story, which I find is a great way to let people interact with the world; but if I go to some mountain, kill a guy who was "a threat to the world", only to find out that there's just a bigger "threat to the world" and that I need to go through that hell again? Come on, I think some variety would be cool. Things like missions that involve you getting involved with some of the trades in the game, encouraging people to check them out, or even quests that get you directly involved with dying. Even plain-old survival quests where you have to outlast something and you get saved. Variety in quests I think the fact that each region you go to having an independent story is good, and the overarching stories of a lot of them are amazing on the other hand. They give variation to the stories told, and you get to interact with each region, each person and learn stories about the world along the way. Too much variety can be bad, as it can skew the goal of the task, but if the a sweet spot is found, limitless possibilities open up.

Now, we can move on to marketing. This, in my opinion, is the worst part about ESO; at least, on steam. The way they have set up everything with the DLCs is incredibly misleading, and can cause people to waste tons of money without knowing. It's awfully sketchy that there is no description for the upgrade, after all. It seems as though they're trying to make as much money as possible out of players, without concern for the damage it could do to the community. Other than that, I personally think the membership DLC function is great. It gives people that have played the game before the ability to rush through the story, on, say, another platform without having to buy all the DLCs. Obviously, in the long run, it's much more costly; but if you know the game, or know the limit of time you want to spend on the game, it's not bad at all, especially for the price. Say, if you dedicate 1 month to each DLC, or even 15 days to each, you're getting your money's worth.

There's problem some stuff I left out, and some other stuff I got wrong. I might even come back to this later and change my review. As for now, I realistically don't recommend this game, but I also do. It's a situation where YMMV with your game experience. All in all, not a bad game, it's got a pretty good and pretty supportive community, and if you have free time (and money) it's worth a shot. I'd suggest waiting until a sale to get the game. Getting it as cheap as possible is obviously the best outcome anyways.

alright, have a wonderful day lads, and stay safe
Posted 10 January, 2022.
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120.7 hrs on record (93.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I can blow stuff (definitely not the word i wanted) up

on a serious note, It's a game that promotes adaptation when building; Can't build to the sides? Build up a floor, and then again, and again. Keep getting killed? Parachutes, Jetpacks, Vehicles,
There is a valid solution to essentially every problem you're faced with
(other than those pisszone clouds)
Obviously, very buggy, especially in multiplayer; but that's also half the fun. It's HILARIOUS when you're in a hypertube in the desert, and suddenly, woah, you're in timbuck-two
Wanna get somewhere fast? Drones, Cars, Trains....
Build an elongated series of hypertube entrances and railgun yourself to the far ends of the Earth (EXTREMELY INACCURATE)
This game is similar to Factorio; less about the surviving and escaping, however, and more like, well, the absolute eradication of anything not inanimate, dead, or automated
also, once again, verticality
whereas in Factorio, it is MUCH more complicated overall, and there is no vertical building, making it much more difficult, especially when you need to build outwards into danger.

Good game, probably like a 9/10 with what I've played so far; obviously things are lacking, but those things small, and don't have a major impact on gameplay. Interplanetary travel (like in astroneer) would make it a solid 11/10. Although no game is perfect, for what this is going for, it does it EXTREMELY well.
Buy it if you're a fan of slower progression and/or building.
There's LOTS of building to be done.
Posted 2 December, 2021.
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