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Recente recensies door Godimas

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Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
108.1 uur in totaal (105.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Im 105 hours into this game (and im using mods) and I think I have done 3 main story missions.
This title is a lot of fun. Install the YAML mods, and discover that you can absolutely spend an evening configuring your Dire Wolf to be just perfect, and not even feel bad about it.
Geplaatst 21 juni 2023.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
21.7 uur in totaal (7.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is a pretty cool game. However, I was not ready for how "90s shooter" it is.
If you get into it, which you should, brace for insaneo maze levels, wandering around wondering why you cant progress only to realise you missed an access card 3 floors back, endlessly re spawning enemies, etc, etc..

If you are cool with all of that, you will be right at home here. If not, then I suggest checking out someone streaming it on twitch. A lot of love went into the game, and its worth experiencing however you can!
Geplaatst 10 juni 2023.
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6 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
204.7 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Pretty awesome to see where this game was a couple of years ago and where it is now. Cant wait to see where it goes in the future!
If you are into crafting/building games and feel like playing one with a crazy amount of depth, then this is for you!
Geplaatst 1 januari 2023.
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Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
6.1 uur in totaal (5.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is a slow burn. Its got an amazing atmosphere, some fun but not insanely or repetitive challenges, and it does not over stay its welcome. I was part of the kickstarter a WAY back when, and I can happily report that this game was 100% worth the wait.
Geplaatst 23 oktober 2022.
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Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
38.0 uur in totaal (1.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Ok, so I went back and spent some more time with the game and actually wound up finding the fun.

I was trying to get through the winter area very early on - if you are doing this too, then STOP. Go find somewhere else to explore, get buffs to your sword and health and such, and then to back to the winter area. If you try and do the winter spot first, you will have a bad time.

So with that out of the way, I do think the game could have used a bit of player funneling to ensure that folks like me who just wander around all over the place looking for fun things to do and people to kill dont wind up in this situation... The game lets you go essentially everywhere. Which is nice, but leads to situations like this as well.

Now that im actually into the title and can hold my own, I am having fun. Well worth the wait from back when it was originally presented on Kickstarter. I am changing my review to a thumbs up, but ill leave the original review below all the same in case anyone cars about my original thoughts and impressions


Doing anything in this game is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. Lets get that out of the way first.

On the positive side, the art is amazing. The audio (sound FX, music, and voice overs) are top tier, and the story seems decent for that it is and for what I have experienced of it. Trouble is, I just spend the last 30 minutes trying to get past this one silly screen super early in the game, and I kept getting killed over and over and over and over... yah, im not the best at platformers, yah, i get that death is a part of these games, yah i get that you dont actually get punished all that bad for getting killed, but its just having to do the same thing over and over again to figure out the moves of the next enemy only to have the one after that beat the crap out of you...

Where I kept on getting tripped up is with the attack animation actually. You have a fairly long swing time, and you cant do anything while you are swinging. A lot can happen in that time, so you need to pick and choose when and how you swing your sword. Trouble is, you are not often given the time to be picky. Enter me getting my butt kicked by everything, and enter my frustration.

I REALLY want to experience this game. And I will come back to it, one day. But I play games to have fun... and im not having fun with this title unfortunately.
Geplaatst 12 september 2019. Laatst gewijzigd 15 september 2019.
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Een ontwikkelaar heeft op 13 sep 2019 om 2:07 gereageerd (reactie weergeven)
Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
6,421.6 uur in totaal (5,175.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Been playing since launch, and still loving it. Its free to play, so brace for that - but there is SO much trek for all across all the different seriessessses... its a good time. Play it if you are a trek fan.
Geplaatst 1 juli 2019.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
3.9 uur in totaal
Lot of potential, but having trouble recomending it at the moment.
Its creepy, and the environments and such are pretty cool to adventure though. However, there isnt much of an explination for anything, you will get lost in the dark - constantly - and have to turn up your lighting settings to be able to findyour way around. You will die - constantly - but because of the previously menhtioned lighting problems, its SUPER hard to find yourself another body to enhabit before the timer runs out.

For the record, I have not beaten the game. Im still quite early in (im stuck in The Pit, and having trouble finding a way out because I cant see anything) The actual game play unfortunately does not match the cool screenshots and video used to advertise it. If the devs would fix the lighting so that players could actually experience the world that they created, the title would be a lot more fun.

Anyways, im taking a break from it and waiting for a couple of patches to come out before continuing the playthrough.
Geplaatst 3 juni 2018.
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5 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
2 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
158.2 uur in totaal (20.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
If you like being constantly out armed, out gunned, out manned, out armored, having most of your shots miss, having most of the enemy shots hit you, having your units constantly out of action because of the previously mentioned constants, low on money, and having to deal with SUPER ANNOYING time wasting mechanics that there is just no way around - then this game is for you. I was part of the Kickstarter. I had high hopes. I am disappointed.
Geplaatst 26 april 2018.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
16.5 uur in totaal (13.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is really something special. Just get it and play it, you will understand :)
Geplaatst 3 augustus 2015.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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