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153 people found this review helpful
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448.7 hrs on record (251.4 hrs at review time)
Probably one of the greatest pieces of art ever created yet.

Quite buggy, but a fun I've never felt since L4D2.
Posted 11 April, 2024.
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42.4 hrs on record (14.5 hrs at review time)
I've been waiting for this one for such a long time, I don't even care playing at 12fps
Posted 22 January, 2024.
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221.1 hrs on record (110.8 hrs at review time)
Simply put, this is actually the best existing game on the market right now.

You start by mocking this Happy Wheels in Space : Watersports kind of game.

You then go on a subnautica like 100h long journey towards your own depths.

10/10, Latcher stole my shuttle with my clown in it
Posted 21 December, 2023.
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562.8 hrs on record (170.9 hrs at review time)
Bought the game at launch, played for 2 planets, and put the game down with the thought that I'd play a way better and fulfilling experience when HG irons this one out.

And I forgot about it until 2 weeks ago. Binged it to the next galaxy, 100h in, and the most amount of screenshots I've ever taken.
I hate taking pictures when I'm on vacation in general, because I feel like someone was already there before me, like I was chasing something futile.
But this game linked me back to that feeling of awe when going to a remote place of this Earth and feeling something intense you feel no one has ever felt before.
Because of that vivid landscape. Or Because of your ship piercing the clouds in the sky. Or Because riding that creature is funny. Pioneering into the experience of life. What our existence is about. And how HG managed to put it all in this beautiful poetry that is the last 16 of the Atlas.

Bravo Hello Games.

Complete journey to the end : https://imgur.com/a/UAJuYRX
Posted 17 November, 2020.
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864.2 hrs on record (84.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've clocked 80h in 20 days.

This game actually topped meth when Factorio was only topping crack.
Posted 29 June, 2020.
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4.0 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Despite its high price point for such a short life span (you could get every achievement in 2 playthroughs so 4.5h max), this game is too beautiful to pass up.

There are no words to describe how powerfully the sense of adventure along with all these beautiful emotions are conveyed here.

Perfect for closing up a hard day.
Posted 19 May, 2018.
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1,097.1 hrs on record (703.5 hrs at review time)
This is honestly the worst game I've ever played.
Posted 27 March, 2018.
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11.9 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
Finished the game in 2 playthroughs and I have to say I'm quite reluctant to play it again, simply because it is the most terrifying experience I've ever had in my life after that one time I've seen the green frog on a unicycle meme come back to life in 2016.

I mean, the first minute was on point. This world is dark, it is too real even if the "grhafux" aren't that good (Animations are just reduced to making objects slide or vibrate. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )). It is too small for me to ever feel safe. This world is disturbing. And since it is VR, I'm in this world. The immersion is total, when everything goes right. My room was missing like 20cm to fit in for the game, so it was a struggle of learning how to open real world doors to reach for virtual pills to progress from virtual rooms to virtual rooms. I had to do the first half of the game like this, until they patched in a teleport mode. Though honestly the real room scale mode made me feel way more immersed and helpless into these unknown places. I've never felt that trapped before to be honest

So then first 10 minutes, I dive into the story. This is pretty cool, a murder, mental illness, a psychiatric yard, some doctors with a broom in the ass, flashbacks, some pills to trip with... It really sets in the character of the game, and helps you identify with him quickly. English being my 2nd language, I don't really grasp the story. But all I know is that I'm screwed in the brain and some pills make me go from room to room. These rooms vary a lot. Sometimes I'M ON A BOAT, sometimes in a corridor, sometimes in a cabin in the woods... These are neat. But all these rooms are dark enough to make you feel unsafe. Every noise, would it be the perfect placing of cue music to a simple clock ticking, makes you freak out.

I spend the next hour trying to resolve the mysteries unfolding before me. It feels like a point and click game, and can become quite frustrating since it is so easy to miss objects that are key to progression. The grabbing of the objects can also be infuriating : I struggled for like 3 minutes on the first release version with the UV lamps just trying to turn it in my hand . But all in all, these puzzles are really designed in a refreshing way. And by refreshing, I mean that you drop a huge sigh of relief everytime you manage to put a key on a door, not because of the mentionned control problems, but because it took some good effort to grab that damn key in the first place. Satisfaction and fun. Overall, the progression isn't that hard, but I've had some friends getting stuck for 30 minutes in some rooms, because the clues the game gives you through notes on your hands were written in an English too hard to understand for some. Still, it doesn't hurt the enjoyment to much as you roll through the doors.

And this is when the first "jumpscare" happens. I'm here in this corridor, and... I can't describe how much manlyness I lost in the process, screaming like a little child while trying to pass through the physical wall of my play area. This is scary. These moments aren't common, but when these happen, you are in for a treat. These are not Pewdiepie level jumpscares. These are smart. As if you were put in a dark room, and a mask slowly fades in view and approches you. A game that closely reproduces this level and sensation of fear would be Fatal Frame. This is so mentally challenging I had to pause the game at one point to take a breath and regain sanity.

After 6 hours, I finished the game. The story was quite interesting, even though it is totally not as rich as a Silent Hill. But I'm glad I finally came out of this rollercoaster. Damn, what an experience, one of the best I've had in my life. And when I say this, it means it is better than sex. Not that sex gets me jumpscares... I mean, it depends on how the sex is done, and who it is done with... I mean... nevermind.
Drugs are still better nonetheless.

Overall : 9/10, not enough chairs
Posted 28 June, 2016. Last edited 29 June, 2016.
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15.1 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
This is my first review and I am absolutely proud to give it to Stress Level 0, since Hover Junkers is the game that single handedly made me buy the HTC Vive and give a shot at the current generation of VR system.

If you haven't followed the development videos on youtube (channel name : BrandonJla), I'd advise you to watch them right now. It is exactly what you expect : ducking, shooting, sweating like a shower head, while sailing through a wasteland.

First 30 minutes : I spent most of this time at the shooting range. As a non American, the only experiences I had with guns were shooting rockets at my feet in Quake 3, and getting a total make up when getting rekt in paintball. Mandatory to learn how to aim with both eyes, to understand which part of the sight to focus, but also to get the reload down. Reloading seemed quite confusing at first, but after a while, it seems like the best way between skill and immersion : tap your shotgun shells into the cannons, roll your revolver bullets into the barrel. And the most satisfying part : slap the barrels or magazines back in and go to town. Reloading becomes a crazy satisfying mechanism.

Next 10 minutes : I'm in this bar, grabbing random metal plates and sauce bottles, trying to juggle around with these. The only person with me is this slightly cute and rusty robot behind the counter. I'm fiddling with all the options, which takes me 10 seconds. Suddenly the cute robot freaks out in front of my eyes, which is kind of unsettling. Devs say it will be fixed soon.
This lobby is cool, and I have no difficulty starting a match : the browser seem natural and very simple. Like every new comer, I make the mistake to join an FFA match with 5 players in it.

Next 10 minutes : I'm in the ship. I quickly remind myself the videos I've seen about the game, and build my barricades, then proceed grabbing the gravity welder to sail aroudn the map. There was nothing to indicate me how to do it, so that might be a bit difficult to figure out how to drive the ship for those who have no clue about the game.
I start chasing an opponent. The chase in itself is pure excitment : you sail at a good speed, trying to slalom around hills with one hand, the other hand unloading bullets like it is some gangsta car rumble in a random American city.
The immersion kicks in : I completely forget about where I am in real life, and sink into the skin of an angry and focused junker. The headset is not on my head anymore : I'm in too deep.
At one point, me an my opponent get stuck in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of other ships. Due to the ships nature, it is difficult to move around when too close from another ship. So it is when the "duck n cover" part comes in.
Guns are precise, and I surprise myself dispatching 3 opponents with a fair accuracy since I never fired a gun before. The fight is frantic, as you try to move around your covers to find a good angle. The damage localisation i s great : one of my opponents was almost at point blank, and I managed to hit a bullseye, which rewarded me with an instakill.
The match goes on, and honestly, even though there is not much variety of situations to get in, every fight is exciting and frantic, and requires a lot of skill to win.

Next minute : We are back in the bar, as I scored my first victory in FFA. The lobby becomes a huge mess, with all these hands and goggles reprensting the player floating in the air. One dude is kneeled down before me, with his hands grabbing my ankles and his head noding down my groin for some reason.
Another is throwing a ketchup bottle in an improvised basket.

Next 10 minutes : I joined a TDM. We are 2 in the ship. My mate starts driving. We are able communicate through simple gestures, and proceed on a hit and run strategy. This is fast paced, and actually exhilarating.
One of the most fun I've ever had in an FPS match.

Next week : I can't stop playing this game. It is frantic, rewarding, and beyond immersive, and I can't get myself to be bored yet.

Overall : 8/10, needs a lot of polishing, more variety, even during matches, but most fun online VR game for this launch. Difficult for new comers because of the lack of tutorial.
Posted 27 May, 2016.
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