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21.2 uur in totaal (11.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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It plays like a good smooth rougelike, it holds a great deal of similarity to Hades, if that was a game you enjoy. Right now there is a great amount of base unlocks and a decent difficulty makes the game feel really good every run.

Set in medieval times, you set off to Camelot on behalf of Merlin to acquire the holy grail. 4 characters each equipped with 4 spells and 4 weapons you can choose from, each weapon having a unique strong attack and light attack makes for a great build variety, combo-ed with the modifiers you pick up each run makes each run feel fresh. Each modifier either granting you an ultimate move, a pet, or direct buffs to your weapon or class spells. Experimentation is fun, but the meta will for sure creep up given enough time.

Granted I haven't progressed too far in the game I have no room to talk about the end game, but currently I really enjoy a game that takes it's time before I start steam rolling things, and you're probably looking anywhere up to 40+ hours of engaging gameplay(speculation).

Multiplayer is it's biggest selling point in my opinion, and it is really where the game shines, if you're able to have a few friends join you, the game gets immensely more fun. Multiplayer is also its weakest point at the moment, crashes and failing to connect can sour the mood, especially when you're already very deep into a run. Your game will crash, it's basically a feature.

Honestly a bit on the steeper side when it comes to price, and the determining factor i follow is, if it gives me at least $2 per hour worth of game play, then I feel like it's worth the money.

Also remember this is an EARLY access game, what that means is the future is either bright or grim, I will be following the development closely and watching what this game will become.

A few suggestions : Have highlighted characters for multiplayer, just something that outlines your own character so it's easier to find yourself.
Change cursor size/color
Server browser, just a given
Geplaatst 12 februari. Laatst gewijzigd 13 februari.
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76.6 uur in totaal (12.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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I'm really enjoying the game so far. There's a grind sometimes, I don't know what other people expected, especially the one's that are mad about the combat reset in episode 2, it lengthens the game and is a separate skill entirely. Other then that, this game being in the state it is on release is admirable, there is ALOT of things to do, this game is a collectathon, and it scratches an itch just wanting to find everything and see what you can do with it. You have to sink time, memorize the map, discover, it's all fun before the guides come out. Have fun right now finding everything and doing the quests and searching each crevice for random things. A couple hours in and the grind starts to rear its head.

It does need some quality updates, here and there they add things based on community feedback, let's see how long that lasts and welcome it while it's in infancy. I haven't purchased membership yet, since I don't have to, it'll definitely be farther in the future, max level 500 on professions and starter areas seem like they have more than enough to do.
Geplaatst 7 november 2024. Laatst gewijzigd 8 november 2024.
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61.6 uur in totaal (55.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I do feel like the game has made it right, 100's of hours of content to come into is pretty insane, I'm glad it was never abandoned, but unfortunately the stigma of the launch still haunts it till this day.

If you can find it for cheap or if you get it for free on other platforms, it is 100% a worthwhile buy, also the community is actually pretty fantastic, a high level player will show up at your base and just give you things. Public teaming is easy for events, and honestly no one really uses proximity chat to yell cause there's not really much to f up.

Buy it, you can hate it or love it there's nothing that could go wrong.
Geplaatst 21 april 2024.
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10.6 uur in totaal
Best game you'll ever play if you enjoy platformers. Akin to csgo bhopping but with way more focus, and the maps range from baby to jesus christ
Geplaatst 18 november 2023.
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84.4 uur in totaal (50.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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$10 for this feels like a steal, if you enjoy bullet hell genre you'll love this. Keeping up with the updates this game's been receiving it's grown quite a lot, and now has a lot more content to offer and hours of replayablity only one character can give you is worth the price tag.

Updating review to say this game has GROWN, the devs are doing such an amazing job with this game, huge updates making everything insanely fun. the maps have multiple tiers to play through, the characters have multiple skill trees, sooo much customization it's baffling.
This is one of the best in the business, if you haven't played it do, $10 as of time of review is well worth it.
it's one of the only ones that almost needs skill expression to beat some of the maps, you cant just blow through, you have to plan and make sure you're actively trying to win. Try it, steam always lets you refund.
Geplaatst 19 september 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 27 juli 2024.
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68.7 uur in totaal (31.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Chillest game on the market, queue up, kill some zeds, throw dosh
Geplaatst 13 september 2023.
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37.5 uur in totaal (15.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
If you want a gameplay loop akin to throwing in $.50 in an arcade machine, and a cash shop with poop tier skins, this is for you. Go play Deep Rock Galactic or Vermintide 2, this game is no where near the polish of those two.

I have a bit of qualms with the game, but those are outweighed by the positives.
I'm fairly wet behind the ears when it comes to this developer, I did not play both Vermintides so I have no reference to build off of when it comes to borrowed qualities.

- Starting with the bad things, mostly crashing issues, and connection issues. Which I hopefully imagine are day one things..... :) right
- The crashing issues honestly come here and there, and more often rare occurrences rather than frequently encountered.
If you do crash, the issue is more than often stemming from your hardware, i can say this game isn't 100% prefect optimization, I have a i9-9900k with a 1070 and get stuttering issues ONLY if there is a horde or a quite a bit of entities being generated. I have only had 2 disconnects from steam in the same time, which don't kick me form the game but return me to the main menu.
- Now for the multiplayer issues, the first few days were a bit rough, trying to get 4 people, 3 people, whatever the amount, into a party sometimes required game restarts, or steam restarts but nothing more than that. I can say I have completely worse multiplayer experiences than this, this is MILD, compared to any other game(cough*.... COD). You can brute force into each others game, it'll take a minute.

- Gameplay
This is this games redeeming factor, holy moly is this game fun to play. Melee feels flawless, running though maps absolutely lawn-mowing enemies down, chopping heads and limbs off is sooo satisfying. Gunplay has a little quirk adding a bit of depth to each class depending on what weapon you're using. There is this suppression factor from gunplay, all it means is that it's hard to hit long shots if you're being fired upon. Lastly ammo can be a big problem once you run higher difficulties, could imagine this causing a few arguments.
- The missions sometimes get a bit confusing, like where tf do i go? Having no map will make you feel like that after a while, but once you memorize the layouts it get's much easier. The biggest offenders are scanning missions, lord help me these are sooo annoying to complete. If you lose the servo skull and the HUD icon disappears, goodluck finding that on a multi-tiered map, this can be countered by game experience, but come on. Also speaking about scanning, when you do need to scan things, the sonar or whatever you use, is almost as good as playing hot and cold with someone over a 2-way radio from walmart when he's more than 100 feet away.
- The other missions are pretty generic, hold point, or kill target, nothing much to those.
- There are modifiers on missions which add difficulty, things like endless hordes, or low visibility, which I do like because it removes a bit of tedium when running the same maps/missions CONSTANTLY.
- Items are acquired through the shop, mission completion drops, or completing quests(unlocked at trust 11), Completing quests reward you with another currency, which you can choose to buy a high tier item, or spend it on the mystery box, ooooooo. The shop is the best way to get things early, I think it just tends to be more random. Relying on mission completion drops will only lead you to disappointment, but sometimes you do get the juice. The shop has a refresh timer which is an hour i think, there's a countdown at the bottom of the store screen.
-Leveling takes a gosh darn while, with 4 classes to play leveling them all to 30(which i assume is max) is gonna take a gah dahm while. Doing a tier 2 Mission, each lasting ~20 mins, will take you about 8-9 COMPLETIONS before you hit trust 5, where you class starts to be a bit useful. The leveling doesn't get worse from there, it's gonna take a while but not an unreasonable amount of time.
- Cosmetics are looking to be $$$$ driven soon, cause the achievement ones are a bit lackluster.

- Graphics, game looks fantastic, like everything you've ever wanted from a warhammer game, the gore, the environment, the operators, all of them are nicely fledged out, with crazy unique voice lines for whatever background you choose for your operator. Which can lead to some funny moments between operatives.
- Downside to graphics, even on the lowest settings it still looks to good? If you have a bad comp there aint noway this thing runnin, on low settings the game still looks way to fantastic for my taste, I'm a person that will sacrifice quality over FPS I want this game to run as smooth as possible, but with its current settings there aint noway im getting above 100 fps.
- Almost forgot, KEEP THE MUSIC ON, once the soundtrack gets going you know somethings about to go down, there's some bangers in the soundtrack, even if you turn off the music straight from download I would suggest keeping it on for the first few missions.

Conclusion, games very fun, very smooth, and very enjoyable, if you don't like inconvenience that comes with a day one launch title, I would suggest to save your money for when the game receives a bit of love in the form of updates.
Geplaatst 20 november 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 26 december 2022.
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25.6 uur in totaal (1.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Great game, cannot wait for full release, I think I'm gonna have enough fun with the demo while waiting for the main game to release.

Geplaatst 28 augustus 2022.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
20.1 uur in totaal (9.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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This Is a hidden gem and needs more recognition.
To start off I've never played Swords and Sandals before, and the only reason this caught my eye was how it reminded me of Adventure Quest. I used to stay up all night playing Adventure Quest, and when I saw this game I thought it was destiny.

SSI is a turn based game, like its predecessors(from my knowledge), but the one thing I like about this one is the ability to make it a fast paced game, almost like a fighting game, but turn based. If you memorize what skills do and where they're at on the UI, you can hammer through fights pretty quick.
But that brings me to the biggest pitfall of the game so far, the grind. You're gonna have to get fast at fights if you want to even stay awake during some of the grind this game has.
As of now It has taken me ~8 hours to complete all the content that is out right now, but the grind is there because the lack of things to do. So give or take about 4 hours of actual "content".
Right now you can move between towns and become the regional champ of each. Every town having 5 contenders to fight then 1 current champion.
Some fights are a breeze, some are not, I've gotten smacked down a few times by a some of the bosses, but once you hit a certain point of progression they become a lot easier.
There is also a Colosseum with 7 bosses so far, max champion level being 45. These fights are quite hard early, and even later on if you have a sloppy build. They become a lot easier if you find a good build + weapon combo.
One funny thing is there is also skills in the game?? I got to level 44 without training one skill, and used power, medium and quick attack throughout the whole game, I found out at the end that there was skills I could've trained into :P

Right now I don't want to go to in depth with the review since it's still very early development, and there is still A LOT of things missing. Right now $18 is a great price if you find enjoyment in these type of games, although it was quick to complete, this is one of those games you should invest in.
Geplaatst 10 juli 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 10 juli 2022.
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1,401.5 uur in totaal (15.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
wanna get rid of your wife? play this game
Geplaatst 27 februari 2021.
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