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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 14
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144.2 Std. insgesamt (131.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
You can pet the bnnuy 10/10
Verfasst am 19. Juni.
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17 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
16.6 Std. insgesamt
I'd hardly call this a horror game, the AI is atrocious and combat is always the same. You'll spend most of your time running up and down the map doing menial tasks and running from enemies who easily give up aggro. I tried to hang in there and finish the game but I just got so bored that I went back and played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. again instead.
Verfasst am 18. April 2020.
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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
7.8 Std. insgesamt
Buggy, unplayable mess, I sunk some hours in until I got softlocked by my villagers refusing to pick up or acknowledge the existence of materials. Many eventually died of starvation despite plenty of food around.
Verfasst am 1. Oktober 2019.
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32 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
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19.9 Std. insgesamt (18.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I really want to recommend this game, but I can't quite bring myself to do so. I have 18 hours but it feels like more because the gameplay feels so slow. Necropolis is a randomly generated dungeon crawler where you carefully descend each level against enemies that increasingly scale in difficulty. It's in a pretty grey area for the definition between a roguelike and a roguelite in the sense that in each run you can do favors to earn tokens from the Brazen head which you can spend on pretty, but useless color schemes for your characters, or books which have varying effects on your character, but don't ultimately change your playstyle.

The Lore : It's not really there, what is there is a bunch of useless babbling that doesn't give any insight into the world or the lore, it seems more like a poor attempt at some kind of humor. As far as I can tell, you're in another dimension run by the Brazen Head, a kind of fallen god who lures adventurers in to die and clean up some messes for him, and that's about as far as they got. You can find heiroglyphs on the walls depicting characters but you'll have to decode it to make any meaning of it, and even then with no world building to reference these characters off of the purpose of it all falls flat in the end.

The Combat : It feels slow, repetitive, and sometimes downright unresponsive once you start an animation and if you're not careful you can get yourself into some rough situations because of this. Enemies have an aggro range, sometimes they ignore you other times when your in an area for a bit they naturally start to drift towards you. Enemies on a stage frequently spawn out of thin air, I've seen them pop into existence a few times, this can cause enemies to flank you without you noticing when you thought you've cleared an area but these enemies are generally lower level. You have light attacks, heavy attacks, and charged attacks which drain alot of stamina. You'll usually find yourself using light attacks because heavy and charged leave you open for so long that you'll be punished for even trying.

The Items : The game likes to leave you guessing on what you're getting, not just for unlabeled potions or scrolls, but everything. Flavor text is generally more useless uninspired babble, those books you worked so hard to unlock for the bonuses, the game doesn't give you much to go off of, some books people still haven't figured out what they even do. Luckily some players have made some helpful guides for this issue. Weapons and Armor, they also have their bonuses but you're left guessing exactly what it is, some are minimal damage bonuses, or special heavy attacks, or maybe you do just slightly more ranged damage.

The Layout : The tile sets don't feel super varied, you can make multiple runs and never run into the other variants of levels that there are. Level secrets aren't very well hidden once you know the very few tile sets you'll always recognize "Oh, there's a secret room here." which are clearly marked. Your player speed mixed with the size of the levels and occasional scarcity of enemies or bundles of enemies can make levels really drag on as you scrounge for as much material or items as you can to get a step up on the next level. As for the design sure the game is pretty, but it still feels relatively empty, the only real interesting stuff to look at is outside the level floating around in the sky.

The Ending : Don't expect much It's disappointing, you've spent a good hour or two, or even three trudging through these repetitive levels, fought the end boss, and all for a useless bauble. It's lackluster and you never feel like you've accomplished anything other than being deceived and wasting your time, a little like buying this game.

All in all the game is about a 5/10, it feels like they had a great idea but they just couldn't execute it well enough to make something truly unique.
Verfasst am 3. Juli 2019. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 6. August.
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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4.6 Std. insgesamt (3.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I personally enjoyed this game for a short time, problem is it's extremely easy, very short, and there is no incentive to play.
I bought this game way back in early 2015 in the hopes that this would progress into a good game,, but this game was abandoned rather quickly by the devs.
Verfasst am 3. Juli 2017.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
7.3 Std. insgesamt (4.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game has a ways to go but it's on the right track, the odds never feel like they are in your favor though when trying to progress through the game.
Verfasst am 3. Juli 2017.
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31 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
13.5 Std. insgesamt (13.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I come back every now and then to mourn this game, it could've been amazing. This game is dead, it couldn't be any more dead. The game is back to what it as in beta I believe, there is no reason to buy this game, even at $5.
Verfasst am 18. Juni 2017.
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16.1 Std. insgesamt (11.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I bought all the DLC a few months ago, then went on a break. Come back and now I only have half of the DLC that I used to have, seems my cosmetics and other perks have been ripped away from me as they change their DLC into "Collectors edition" I have many more hours in this than shown, I've been with this game since early access, and to be honest I'm very dissapointed. This game was fun, it had a high point for a while,and it's still kind of fun but in small doses. The game is always changing though and it seems for the worse, it's all DLC, and I might have even gone for it but the devs have lost my trust seeing as how half the content I used to have has been taken from me so they can charge an extra $20 to recover the crap I used to have.
Verfasst am 4. Oktober 2016.
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37.3 Std. insgesamt (14.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game is quite amazing and unique, also hilarious if you know what to do.
You start off fumbling like an idiot until you learn the weird somewhat complicated controls, you spend a few hours getting pissed as you flail your your little noodly arms at all the zombie people, giving them hugs as they slide their weapons into your flesh.

After a while you start to learn how to use your legs, you're able to keep a safe distance now but still manage to keep yourself within range of the enemy for you to rush in and attack, but oh no, all your blows are being blocked, you must learn how to use those puny limp little arms of yours. You rush in and do an overhead swing, they block and try to swing, you back away. You use your small metal spike and do an alt attack while rushing, you get them in the gut right as they get ready to swing again, there blow is stopped by the side of your jiggly body as you press your spike in. You freak out as they continue to try and swing, your limbs are entangled now, it almost looks sensual as the enemy writhes about between your legs, eventually they are on the floor unable to get up for a moment, you manage to step away and remember the game has a crouch function, you crouch over him and repeatedly stab him in the eye with your spike.
You have just sodomized and brutally killed a man carrying a bedpan, congrats.
You steal his clothes and equip his bedpan, and continue on.

Next you see a person with their back to you, they are carrying a two handed sword that can obviously ruin your day.
Next to that man you see a bucket, you remember you can move things around so you pick up the bucket and adjust it so it falls on his head. He doesn't care, you move past him and get startled as he begins to move, instead of attacking he instead bugs out as the bucket falls through him, removing his hair and trapping his arms, he starts flying around the room with the bucket wrapped around his waist, his sword still in hand, he flys by and kicks you in the head, knocking you down. Amused and terrified you try to get up and leave, but no, the bucket decides that you aren't going anywhere and it throws itself at you, slamming you into the door, your hand gets jammed in the door but you take no damage.
The bucket finally stops flinging the man around, instead spinning him on the ground behind you, getting closer, the blade still in the mans hand knicks your leg, you realise you're absolutely screwed, watch in horror as a spinning man with a bucket around him slashes at your legs until you bleed to death.

Fun game, extremely unique, get it in Early Access while you can still turn into a breakdancer using a bucket.
It's a rare glitch but it works, just drop a bucket on your head.

Verfasst am 3. April 2016.
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86.4 Std. insgesamt (38.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I have nothing bad to say about this game. Period.
It's a fun permadeath game, I've been playing it non-stop and I've been slowly losing my mind because it takes a lot of dying to learn what to do in certain situations. I'm too lazy to think of a list of pros and cons so I'm just going to describe my experience.

My first Dungeonmans was an Archer, not a very versatile class to begin with but easy to use. Anytime I'd get stuck in a corner I'd just hop over one of the enemies and fire an arrow into there skull as I flew over. It was going smoothly, I started getting confident and that was my downfall, started running through dungeons, was working well for me until I walked into a room with a mage and a Pangolin Champion. The mage set me on fire and pushed me around, and the pangolin kept juggling me from one side of the room to the other. The archer relies on evasion, but you learn later on that it's a poor choice when you start meeting the new enemies.

Next dungeonmans was a Wizard. If you want to play wizard, make sure to activate light shield whenever you get into a fight with enemies at your level or higher, the wizard can be a real tank if used right. Anyways, go to a dungeon, usual enemies, then again, new enemies. Cryomansers and Necromansers, get frozen, get poisened to death by a deathly fog because my light shield wore off.

Bannerman was next, who is so far my favorite class other than Necromanser. Both mentioned classes are highly versatile, Necromanser even more so. My bannerman was my strongest dungeonman of all, but died when I encountered my first Tower at level Nine. It was a breeze, all the Necromansers kinda pissed me off with the toxic clouds but Fervor helps a lot. Get to the top, and now I'm in what seems to be my first real boss fight. My bannerman was a beast, but the boss happened to be even more so. I was at 60 out of 240 health and I needed to heal so I combat blinked away, but I didn't know this boss could charge in a straight/diagonal line across the arena. He slammed into me and one shot me, I died a little inside at that moment.

Many more of my characters died, the graveyard has grown a few tiles.
With each death comes more proofs of Stremf, which makes stronger dungeonmans.

Death is unavoidable, and I have to say, no game has challenged me this much in a while, I actually have to think and learn every aspect of the game to thrive.
Verfasst am 3. Juni 2015.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 14