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Análises recentes de Deiniels*

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6.4 horas registradas (5.0 horas no momento da análise)
Another amazing game from Kingdom Series! <3
I understand this time its a bit different, the game has a storyline, cutscenes, objectives in each level.
I guess thats why some people didnt like it, as its a bit different than other kingdom games.
Still, the game really stands out!
It has an amazing art style, cool new mechanics, the archer towers are different now and have variatons!
There mounts are not the same this time around, of course there are few reskins like "fire" mount and unicorn.
And this time u can do wheelies with bycicles, which is a cool new way to go around the map as u do it all the time ;D
I've played the game twice, first time on hard on my steam deck and 2nd time on cursed on pc. I completed the game on hard in about 9 hours, which didnt register, as i started to play on steam deck. I guess people are upset, cause u can rush the game in like 5 hours or so, thats why there are some bad reviews, i mean, just wait for a discount or buy the game on allkeyshop, if u are not satisfed with a game, that you will complete in about 5-9 hours per playthrough.
But besides the that, i really anjoyed the game itself, it had so many music tracks, unique sound on each map when the day started, which was funny each time, as i didnt expect them to make so much new details.
If u like kingdom games, i recomend to play through this one as well, its shorter, but the game itself feels nice!
Publicada em 1 de setembro.
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5 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
20.0 horas registradas
Damn.. a really good sequel to the first game!
The story, setting and overall gameplay was really amazing and enjoyable!
Looking at other reviews, i can agree that one weird thing was that Amicia suddenly forgets all the alchemy tricks she learnt before in the first game.. ;D But other than that, the story and the plots are pretty good. :)
The first game got a cool boss fight in the end and this one got more emotional in the end, maybe thats why some people wrote bad reviews about this one, lol.. U still get plenty action in this game.
And people complaining about too many chapters with sneaking around enemies, bruuh. That evasive gameplay is the core of the Plague tale, well maybe more in the first one, cause in this game after u get the "reinforcedd bolts" upgrade, u can go all in Kamikaze mode on those soldiers, lol, cause u can get ur bolts back from the dead soldiers. So i would say that is the one "con" in this game i found, which destroys the silent sneaky gameplay a bit, of course, if u are going for the achievements then u still would rather prefer the sneaky gameplay without much killing.
But still, a must play game, more so if u played the first game as well :)
Publicada em 7 de julho.
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20.1 horas registradas (10.7 horas no momento da análise)
Amazing game! <3
Has a similar feeling to Until Dawn.
Feels bad to work hard to keep ur characters alive just to miss one stupid quick time thing and kill them near the end.. but hey, happens, life is life.. xd
Publicada em 4 de abril.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
45.8 horas registradas (11.3 horas no momento da análise)
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Horror + Comedy + Coop is an amazing combo! <3 You get plenty hilarious and scary moments fomr this game! Lots of fun! <3
Publicada em 24 de novembro de 2023.
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18.5 horas registradas (11.2 horas no momento da análise)
Pretty good game to play together with friends!
Story mode is the best part of this game, every chapter was fun to play.
The haters will say that this game is an endless maze in which you just go around in circles for hours and cant find the way out, but you they just dont think with their head and dont mark the places they have been to. Its not hard if you use your head wisely :D
Case files are kinda the same, once you play the same map, i agree that they need to work on that more.
Need more cosmetics as well, but they just got out of early access, so its fine to give them time to make more of those.
Publicada em 21 de agosto de 2023.
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1.5 horas registradas
The idea is great, sadly at the moment there is not much to do.. You can only play Quick mode, there is no point of teams, the first racer to finish wins it all for his team.. no points, no standings, no nothing... :(
Publicada em 14 de janeiro de 2023.
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Um desenvolvedor respondeu em 31/jan./2023 às 19:17 (ver resposta)
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0.0 horas registradas
Must have!
Publicada em 5 de dezembro de 2022.
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0.0 horas registradas
Amazing DLC!!
Must have!
Visually stunning af and gameplay wise you get lots of new enemies which are harder than the base game ones!
Of course, after you adapt its fine, but it was nice to finally get a tougher challenge.
If u hate bright colours and seeing rainbows all the time, u will like the change of scenery after getting to the depressive underworld for a bit ;D
Publicada em 5 de dezembro de 2022.
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0.0 horas registradas
Story wise its pretty good, even gets a bit emotional.
Gameplay wise there are not lots of new things that stand out like new mechanics etc, but still pretty good untill the very end. ;)
Publicada em 5 de dezembro de 2022.
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165.0 horas registradas
Amazing game with a good story line. Graphically stunning - whenever you are tired of quests just enjoy the scenery! Also if the game gets stale - you can always change ur playstyle with different wepons/ abilites/armor engravings etc.!
Publicada em 5 de dezembro de 2022.
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