Phantom Prince
United States
She smacked that smug look right off my face.

Luckily, I was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath. :squirtheh:
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Review Showcase
33 Hours played
Alright. So this game had me at the first Metal Gear Solid reference. Let's have a looks at the goods and bads, yeah?

+ Graphics: The graphics are, simply put, charming. I adore pixelated games, but then add some well drawn larger-scale character sprites in and you've got yourself a real winner. Like this game.
+ Music: The music is pretty damn swell. I find myself jamming out to it while slicing orcs in half, it's pretty neat. The library probably has my favorite music so far.
+ Voice acting: The voice acting is just 😙👌 spot on. The lines are delivered perfectly, the timing is perfect, the characters are accurately portrayed. Lovely.
+ Characters: Hoo damn. Zera. My main shadowman Zera. Love dat boi. The main character is awesome too, don't get me wrong, but I love the Shadow's snark and sass. There's other, non-main characters too that are pretty likeable and cute as well, so there's that.
+ Humor: This game has the perfect sense of humor for me. It has references, it has nerd jokes, it has d*ck jokes, it has fart jokes. Listen, I'm a man of simple humor, okay?
+ Story: I feel like this game is nerd culture in a nutshell. Your main character starts off playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons with his friends before getting trapped in a medieval castle. References to other video games and popular series are made, the forth wall is broken a couple times, it's just...fantastic.
+Secrets: Let me put something out there for y'all. I LOVE SECRETS. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DO I LOVE SECRETS. And this game? This game has so many! The only downside to them is that they don't tell you until like the third section that walls are breakable. Unless I missed that part in the tutorial somehow. Doubtful.
+ Controller compatibility: I don't use a controller, but it's nice that they give you the option.

+/- Keyboard controls: They're a little bit wonky imo. I'm used to having WASD as my movement keys and spacebar as my jump key. However, spacebar is used for attacking in this game. Idk how they could have better done it, but it's not totally my cup of tea? That being said, the controls ARE rebindable. And I literally just said I don't use a controller when I definitely could, so this is my own personal grievance.

+/- Skill points: As you level up, you're going to gain skill points to increase things like your damage with certain weapons, your potion crafting level, armor level, etc. Some of the weapons do basically the same job as another. You only get 5 skill points per level (some quests give you a couple extra) and there's...oh idk, somewhere between 10 and 15 things that you can level up? And, obvs, you can't equip weapons or armor or make potions that are beyond your skill level. I...both like and dislike this aspect. It REALLY makes you think about how you're spending your points. I personally agonize over what I'm going to do with my next level's skill points. Do I want to wield that awesome new bow? Be able to craft healing potions? Wear that sweet new armor? UsE tHaT uNiQuE dAgGeR?! WhO kNoWs, ThE pOsSiBiLiTiEs ArE eNdLeSs!! Literally. Endless.

- Uhh. <<
- Uhhhh >>;
- I can't actually think of any solid negatives.
- This game is fantastic.
- 10/10
- Why haven't you bought it yet?
- What are you waiting for??
- Go now!!!
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whiskersVT 21 Nov, 2024 @ 12:11am 
10/10 pro gamer:steamthumbsup:
Chorizo 31 Dec, 2020 @ 2:47pm 
Been a long time, i hope you've been well and have a happy new year :)
Chorizo 17 Jul, 2018 @ 8:38pm 
Tarnished SeaWeed 5 Jan, 2016 @ 7:14pm 
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:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯ TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT
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Phantom Prince 25 Dec, 2015 @ 9:13am 
Oh, he gave me Cole for Christmas, alright. It was a terrible, terrible thing.
p i n k 24 Dec, 2015 @ 9:33pm 
I hope Sansta gives you :2015coal: for Christmas.