Cruel Fan.
Masterless Knight
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Don't look at my hours in-game, I have beat vtmb on pirate version after I bought it on the steam (steam version didn't work on my computer with official patch) (+/- the game takes me 20 hours or even more)

Okay, so first of all - actually, in my opinion, it's the best RPG-dark fantasy game. The whole universe "world of darkness" is awesome! I haven't noticed such a good atmosphere in any game.

Technically Vampire the masquerade bloodlines is built on source engine, so combat with guns or melee weapons are decent and simple. But the main roles are played by the plot and choices. Do you want beat the game like a badass and arguing with everyone? Of course you can! Or you prefer persuading and manipulating everyone and taking profits from this? No problem! Or you just want to be ultra sneaky and moving on through serwer? Oh, it's possible too!

My favorite pros is that each quest could be done with different paths - the best example: One guy has been attacked and lost money while he trading with bandits. So you can just kill'em all... or be sneaky, go into robbers house and steal money and the item, that the guy wants to... or just talking with them and persuade the leader of the gang to give that item and bully him to give back the money.

I could write a lot about VTMB, but I prefer to make a list of pros and cons:

  • Plot, choices matter,
  • Different weapons, melee and ranged,
  • Decent choice of the vampire clans (two of them changing the gameplay a lot!)
  • Quests could be done in different ways,
  • Character development (Vampire the masquerade ED 2 board game, just cool and unique character sheet)
  • Dark atmosphere kicks hard, the graphics are still acceptable
  • Awesome characters,
  • GREAT soundtrack

  • Bugs, that could crash your game,
  • Some quest could be bugged if you didn't do them in "correct way" (once situation but still)
  • Vanilla is unplayable, You have to install an unofficial patch
So just buy this game and have fun, 9+/10
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Adalbert 9 hours ago 
O tak się dźga w baterie srubstakiem
feneqohombre 16 hours ago 
dziekuje moj imieniniku spelniles moje marzenie posiadania alternatywki :happy_cats::fhog3_flag:
Cruel Fan. 18 hours ago 
Czytanie własnych komentarzy napisanych po alkoholu to jest całkiem spirytualne doświadczenie
Cruel Fan. 28 Jun @ 7:32pm 
Ją Bartosz mogę zostać twojo alternqttqkon fenequhombre czy jak tam sie zwierz ale tylkoc gdy jestem jabejba t najebany
feneqohombre 28 Jun @ 3:59pm 
hej alternatywko wypelnisz pustke w moim sercu i zostaniemy bsf? :fhog3_flag::happy_cats:
Adalbert 23 Jun @ 2:56am 
+rep bo dobre memy o morasie robi