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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 18.5 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 10 Nov, 2014 @ 1:21pm

Yes, I'd reccomend this. Really awesome one liners, fast gameplay, cool skill combinations and amazing references. And I must say that, Van Helsing's companion, Lady Katarina, is really the girl I'd like to hang out with. Dialogues are masterpiece BUT and this is a big but, near end of the game and after ending is dull. I finished the game before a high level and I used Katarina's explosion skill to deal damage rather than my pistols' low damage (yep, I was a hunter). It's like overkill, she dies quickly if I don't help her, when she dies she explodes with a gigantic area damage (It took 4 times to kill the last boss). And after the ending, no new dialogues, no 'thanks van helsing, you saved the day" not even a simple thank from any resistance member.

Apart from my little critic, I must warn you about something, this game is much, much better than the movie. Also DO NOT EAT THE FISH! If you caught a fish, don't eat it! Just search on the google and enjoy the joke :D
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