The Father Figure
Dad   United States
Hello Son!
Currently Offline
u suck
thepossom 24 Nov, 2015 @ 5:18pm 
omh sew 1 w4$ |1k3 pleyngi fafn n look ()|\/|G it so scray! x33 butt me n mai bf wree like w010101h n den he ♥♥♥ me hrad xDDDD. n 3 wait so how u bene? i h4v3 b0en vrey god ^.^! my bof frin n I r going 2 le concrert! zF its a entlon jonh nocert so liike itls gunno be hella gud 0.o. did u heer wat happned in paris? omg it like a nuther nine eleven. dey crash le plane into eiffel tower. 11/13 nevr baguette xd1 so sad pray 4 parsi! hop on dat bandwagon! xddd it al ov a suddne mattres when it not usa!! woa! anywa hwo buot dat new vine updat doh? wat aer doooeeez nuttsy one! gut it? cuz i le mix miz all teh vine meme in one. n e waugh by bnowa
Pleigh_boi 24 Nov, 2015 @ 1:31pm 
make syria jihadist again
The Father Figure 4 Nov, 2015 @ 6:20pm 
Selling my nudes for CSGO skins. PM me for more details.
thepossom 30 Sep, 2015 @ 11:01pm 
i got 1 quenstion 4 u. WUT R DOOOOOOOOS XDDDD 0.0 i'm only kid of course so dont git so upset!1!!1!!1 so, noa dat is boilded down to the gud stufz, do u use vine? u do? grayt! cause i wuz finking if we coudl colaberayt 2 mayk n E P I C minion vine! so it start with like u wearnig of bradn shoe an i dress as minon n sey 2 u 'i got 1 question 4 u. BEEDO DOES?" xDDD n den we can make l1ke epik flik ov teh rist n twunny won meme x3 o.O le surprisd face xdddd enny wait wif out fuhrer a do hree is le monky fake xd
thepossom 24 Sep, 2015 @ 8:22pm 
_______ I still_______________######____
____****know what u did______######____
_______last summer__________####______
The Father Figure 22 Sep, 2015 @ 6:19pm 
i leik muppet