fat otaku vtuber   Bermuda
:Observation: #1 bleach chugger :bleach:
ah, im sleepy
about me

a dumb shut-in who just draws and plays games all day. literally all i do. i have no sense of self outside of these. i do not exist. i cannot die but i'm already dead. :fukoclannad:
if you want to chat, i may respond slow!
:GhostLoveEyes:twitter :GhostFlowerHappy:twitch [] :CryingGhost:website []

fave games
elona + elin
rune factory
:steamthumbsup: action rpg, simulators, dark denpa, moe denpa, rpg roguelikes, obscure + strange, stat-raising sims, endless/open-ended, psychological horror, anime-style, procedural-generation and high levels of randomness potential
:steamthumbsdown: puzzle, sidescroller, menu turn-based combat, platformer, strategy/tactical, survivor-rougelike, card
muda's pillbedbugs - 公開群組
welcome to unreality
總時數 2.6 小時
最後執行於 2 月 14 日
總時數 4,251 小時
最後執行於 2 月 14 日
總時數 4,932 小時
最後執行於 2 月 14 日
etsers 2024 年 9 月 14 日 上午 6:17 
Jadeum 2024 年 6 月 28 日 下午 1:23 
you play like a god 🔥🔥 add me
etsers 2024 年 3 月 31 日 下午 5:51 
Omg hai bermuda ^ I’m anon-san and I absolutely luuuv tokyo ghoul anime <3 and my fav is hide!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband hide!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ___________________________________
When I walked onto Tokyo street =____=I looked up and saw…HIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII HIDE-SAMA!!!!!
etsers 2024 年 3 月 31 日 下午 5:46 
i just realized. Imagine you meet Rick Astley and he has a DVD of Up the pixar movie. You ask for the DVD, but he said that he will never give you up. if he doesnt give it to you, though, he will let you down, so he cant do that either. he cant just walk away, because he said he's never gonna say goodbye and desert you. he couldnt kill you to prevent doing any of the other 3, either, because he said that he can never hurt you. he cant just tell you that he doesnt have the Up DVD because he can never tell a lie. And he cant deny the paradox, because he knows the rules, and so do i. This is the Rick Astley paradox.
etsers 2024 年 1 月 27 日 下午 7:27 
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Tokyo Ghoul. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Kaneki's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Franz Kafka literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Tokyo Ghoul truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kaneki's existential catchphrase "It's Ghouling Time," which itself is a cryptic reference to Dazai's Japanese epic The Setting Sun.
TheeSupavillain 2024 年 1 月 15 日 上午 9:30 
Beware this feral goofy goober. He will eat all your food and delete your Spotify playlists.