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TL DR: It's like Diner Dash - if you liked Diner Dash, you'll like this game.

I really enjoyed Among the Heavens. It's very similar to Diner Dash but lacks the restuarant renovation aspect. You can upgrade things as you go along and every few levels you get a new tavern but it's not quite the same as decorating one yourself. Other than that it was actually awesome and really filled that gap I've had for this type of game - done well - on Steam especially because the Diner Dash port is basically a ♥♥♥♥ explosion. Among the Heavens also has genuine difficullty. I was playing on an easier mode and was still for some levels struggling to get 3 stars. Perhaps as I am aging my reflexes aren't as good and now I am more similar to a flipper handed freak child than a gamer but whatever - it was fun!

Skrevet: 3. december 2017.
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15.3 timer registreret i alt
I would buy Figment again. It's not a perfect game but it's good and worth the money. You can see a lot of time and love went into making it. Sometimes I really enjoy playing these bite size games where you can experience the whole thing in just a couple of hours. It's a nice break compared to larger more grindy games. I think there is this pressure to create really in depth and complex gaming experiences and yeah there is a market for it but also maybe I just want to complete a game on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

So yeah... to me that's what Figment is. A lazy Sunday afternoon game. If that's what you're feeling like go for it. If you want something a bit more in depth that you'll play for many hours well then this isn't the right fit.
Skrevet: 3. december 2017.
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12 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
5.9 timer registreret i alt
I wish I could properly express to whoever reading this how hard Dropsy hit me. I wasn't expecting much, in fact I got it in a humble bundle AGES ago and it sat in my library unplayed for a long time but one weekend I thought 'meh, why not'. I was totally blown away to the point that I'll go as far to say it's one of the best games I've played this year.

Dropsy is a fantastic Indie gaming experience and a phenomenal point and click adventure. I laughed, I cried, I was challenged and loved it so much that I completed it in a single sitting.

If you like point and click adventures or story driven games - get it. It is well worth paying even full price for.
Skrevet: 24. november 2017.
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9 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.4 timer registreret i alt
I make a point of only reviewing games that I have 100% completed - I feel this gives me enough information to judge a game fairly. Please keep this in mind as your go through my review for Slap Village, a game which I unfortunately cannot fully recommend BUT I do think you should buy it so that this company can generate enough income to carry on making games and improve themselves for upcoming chapters. From what I saw MonkeyToons is a smaller company that has not made many games for the PC so lets try to be constructive.

1. Voice Acting and Translation
When I started my game up everything was in Spanish which is odd as I'm purchasing the game in Africa. With the exception of Equatorial Guinea Spanish is not spoken pretty much anywhere on the continent. Generally it's standard for Steam games I purchase to start up in English. I thought well perhaps this game was developed in Spanish originally and was later translated to English. As I played through the game I found I was right with several examples of bad translation to English and voice acting where accents resulted in mispronounced words. Is this a bad thing? Not really but it is noticeable and would bother some people. For me personally, I enjoyed the voice acting but would recommend to the developers having more variations of certain lines. For example, when your lead character says 'Goodbye, have a nice day' perhaps have it that sometimes she says, 'Cheers, was nice seeing you.' or 'Bye, thanks for the chat.' or whatever. Several lines were repeated over and over which was a bit frustrating but because this game is short, it didn't impact my gameplay too much. If this was a longer game, it would have been a problem for me.

2. Puzzles
Most of these puzzles are good and some resulted in little cut scenes which I enjoyed. Some puzzles are however illogical and/or pedantic. I can't think of many PNC that only have great puzzles but I don't often come across ones that lack logic. This didn't happen all the time but there were about 3 puzzles where I genuinely didn't understand why my actions resulted in any change. Perhaps it was lost in translation? Some puzzles can be finicky with where you must click on the screen as if you are a surgeon of PNC's and being even 1cm away would result in catastrophic death.

3. Comedy
This game made me chuckle a few times and had a combination of random humour, racial stereotypes, fart jokes and pop culture references. Some of it was funny, some of it wasn't but humour is very subjective. If you watch the trailer and think it looks funny, it probably will be funny to you.

4. Story and Characters
One thing Slap Village got right is characters. All characters a distinguishable and have their own identity. This does not necessarily mean that they are great characters but they do what they need to do to tell the basic story. Overall the storyline did not leave me wanting more in fact parts of it I had very little attachment to. You can also see this when you look at the global achievement stats. As the bulk are story based it's interesting to see that at the start of the game 78% of people had unlocked the first achievement but only 38% had unlocked the last. Many people lost interest and stopped playing and I feel it was mostly due to the story. It's also important to remember this is not a long game - it would take 2 - 3 hours to finish. There is however opportunity in future parts to tell a well rounded story with these characters.

5. Achievements and Collectables
This was really on point - well done! Achievements are unlocked through the story with a few easter egg like achievements and some around a mini game where you race on a pig to catch a train. As you complete a minigame in the story, it unlocks in an arcade you can access on the starting menu. You'll also unlock a cutscene gallery as well as a figurine gallery where new characters are unlocked as you progress. The extra's for this are actually amongst the best I've seen in the Indie PNC genre and it was considerate of the developers to put this in. One thing though is that there are no Steam Trading Cards.

6. Animation and Design
The Animation is quite good. I love the thick outlines and the overall look of the characters. It makes me think of 90s Cartoon Network which I would have an attachment to as I grew up with it. It's not as good as any of those but it certainly draws inspiration from it which I appreciate. One particular cutscene was beautifully animated and I could see that there were talented people behind it.

7. Replayability
This game has no replay value BUT this is standard for PNC's. The only PNC's I make a point of going back and replaying every few years are amongst the best in the genre.

So yes, it's not the best PNC you'll ever play but there is potential for these developers and it's only $10. Give a try, you'll spend one lazy afternoon going through this world and just maybe chapter 2 will redeem the series.
Skrevet: 21. oktober 2017.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3.8 timer registreret i alt
If a game is being published by Sekai Project, I will always give it a shot. I have yet to find anything from them that I didn't enjoy. I really liked Karakara and would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of these types of visual novels. The story was interesting, the characters were loveable and the world itself was so intriguing that I can't wait to explore it further in Karakara 2. Now that being said, this is very short (finished in about 3 hours) but it's warm and sweet. This isn't an epic like World End Economica or what have you - Karakara is light, simple and happy. This game also doesn't rely on nudity or x-rated scenes but focuses more on the characters. This is something I prefer as there have been a few games I've played in this genre that could have been waaay better if there wasn't such a heavy focus on trying to oversexualise certain parts of the story.
Skrevet: 24. september 2017. Sidst redigeret: 24. september 2017.
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13.2 timer registreret i alt
The Herbalist is a great game and I really enjoyed my time with it. I found that there was a steep learning curve and that the tutorial could use some work but overall would recommend it. I wound up writing some guides for the game as I would love more English players to give this a look (most of the guide are currently in Russian). Other than that I do want to stress that going in I expected something that was a bit heavier on the story than The Herbalist is. A tag used for this game is 'visual novel' which I don't personally agree with. There is a story for sure but I would not call this a visual novel. It's more like a crafting game built around short story to motivate you to keep going. This isn't a bad thing, it's just that if you're specifically looking for a visual novel I would check out something else.
Skrevet: 24. september 2017.
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4.9 timer registreret i alt
I, Zombie is a short but sweet puzzle game where the goal is to turn everyone into zombies! The levels get harder as you progress and the achievements offer some nice challenges that you'll need to work for but aren't unrealistically difficult. A definite recommend from me.
Skrevet: 11. september 2017.
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6.5 timer registreret i alt (6.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
When you think of amazing point and click puzzle games names like 'Day of the Tentacle', 'Another World' or others may come to mind. I don't say this lightly by putting Machinarium up there with the greats in this genre. This is a game that you can come back to time and time again. It's short, engaging and honestly a classic!
Skrevet: 5. august 2017.
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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
2.6 timer registreret i alt
You may not be familiar with this title if you're younger but Another World is one of those games that everyone should play at least once in their life. Developed by Atari ST and Amiga, Another World came out in 1991 and was really special as a cinematic platformer, setting a high standard for future games in the genre. You may wonder looking at it so many years later what made it special, it's tough to explain as there are lots of things about it I really appreciate. The buddy that helps you along your jounrney (literally named Buddy) is a perfect example of a sidekick, someone that is not constantly offering you hints or interupting the game but rather a small motivator that helps you out of sticky situations, the artstyle is great and even today passes, clever level design and puzzle solving and finally genuine difficulty! As this is an older game, it will most likely feel more difficult and frustrating to younger players but offers a great feeling of satisfaction when you push yourself to complete it. Truly, it is nothing short of a classic and an essential game for any collection.
Skrevet: 22. juli 2017.
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1.4 timer registreret i alt
Hook is a puzzle game that most people could get through in an hour or two. I like the mechanics of the game and the simplistic look about it. If you're feeling bored and looking for a game to test your puzzle skills, Hook is one of the better options in this price range.
Skrevet: 11. juli 2017.
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