Billy of Dunwich
Life is just a series of events between grilly cheese.
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Billy of Dunwich 31. říj. 2018 v 12.01 
Dont mind the Yog talk below. We ignore yog most of the time. :)
Billy of Dunwich 6. zář. 2016 v 19.22 
T̀he̢re ̡a p̨a҉ín͘les͢s ̸dea̕t͟h aẃaít̢s ḩim͏ ͝who̕ ca̡n͞ ͢n͞o ̛l͜onger bea̸r̷ ̶the so͏rro҉wş ̴of̸ t̕h̴is li̧fe. I͝f̧ de͡at̴h is͞ węl̢c͠om̷e l͟et ҉him͡ se͘e͝k̕ it͢ ̢th̸er͞e.
Billy of Dunwich 6. zář. 2016 v 19.22 
I c͘aǹǹo̷t fo͟r̢g̴et C̷ar͜co͢sa ͜w͞here ͏b̀la̸ck ̡st͝ars҉ ҉h͠an̢g͟ ́in ͏th̀e͝ ̛he̵a҉ve̴ns;̛ ͝where ̧th͏e͠ ͠sha͢d͢oẃs̷ ́of̷ m͢e͜n̛'͟s th̢òu͢ght͢s͞ ͞l̀eņgt̀h̢e͜n͏ ͏i̴n̵ ̸th͠e̢ àfte͢r͝n҉oon, ͠whe͜n the ͝t̸w̛in͡ ͟su̧n͜s͞ ̶sínk̀ ͡i͢nt҉ơ ţhe̕ ̢la̡k͝e̵ ̀ơf ̢H̀a҉li;̕ ̴án͘d̸ my͟ ̢m͢i͘nd ̨wi͡ll beàr͏ ̛f̷o͟r̕ èveŕ ͠th̷e mem͟o̶r҉y of t̸hȩ Palli͝d Ma͜sk.
Billy of Dunwich 6. zář. 2016 v 19.22 
I ́sa̧w҉ the lak͞e̡ o̶f̕ H͟al͟i, t̕h͠i̢n̴ ͞a̛ńd ̛bl̕a̴nk̀,́ ̵w҉ithou̡t a ͜rip̕ple ̕or̢ w̵i͘nd t͏o͏ s̀t͝ir̨ i̸t, ҉a͝n̷d ̛I̵ s͜a̶w ́t͡h̵e͞ ͞t͜o̵we͢rs o͜f C̀a̢r̴co̸s͠a behi̶nd͝ t̕h͜e ̵m̷o͟o͜n̷.̷ A͢l̵de͜ba͝ŗan, ҉t͜h͢e Hy̢a͘dés,̕ Aląr,̵ H̢a̶s̶tur̷,̛ gl̷i̴ded t̴hro̡u̕gh ̶t̨h͠e c͜l̴oưd-r͠i͠f̷ts ̶w͜hi͏c͟h fl̡utt͞e̸r͢ed ͢a͝ǹd fla̵ppe͡d ̡a̸s͟ ̸th̶ey pa̕ssed ͡lìk͝e͜ ̡ţh͜e s͘c͘oļlope͜d̢ ͘tatt͝er̵s ͞òf the K̡in̡g i̴n͢ Ye̷llo͟w.
Billy of Dunwich 6. zář. 2016 v 19.20 
Şơnģ o͞f ̕m͜y s̀o̢u͡l͟, my voice i͡s d͟e͞a͜d,͢
Di̧e ̸t́h̷o̡u͞gh̸,͝ ̢uņs͞u̢n҉g͘, a̸s t̛e҉a̧rs̶ unshe҉d̛
͝Sh̶all͡ dry ̴a̕nd die͞ ̀in
͝L̶o͡s͜t ̸C̕arc͜o̴sa͟
Billy of Dunwich 6. zář. 2016 v 19.20 
S̀t͞ra̕ng͞ę i̶s͜ ̢t͠h͏e ̸ni̡gh̛t ̷w̨he҉re b̨la͡c̛k s̢tars ̡rise,
a̕n̶d̡ ̵str̶a͘n͟g͏e moon͏s c̶i͜rcl̶e t͡hroug̢h ҉t͟h̀e ski̴e̷s̀,͏
͠bu͜t̀ s͟tra͏n͠ger ͡stil͜l is͜
ļost̨ ͏C̵a̷rcosa̶.