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16.6 timer totalt (11.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a shame this game had performance problems at launch. That seems to have turned a lot of people off from it permanently. For my system (11700K and RX 6800) it generally ran well, with some occasional stuttering. One area towards the end was a standout for significant frame drops, but overall it didn't sour my opinion of the game.

As far as the actual game, it is a good action survival horror game. If you liked Dead Space, you ought like this. Story is simple, but decent world building. Environments/music are great. Good voice acting.
Two main complaints:
1) Only one melee weapon in a game with significant melee emphasis. For what it's worth the stun baton has a lot of weight to it and feels good to use, but some more variety would be nice. You do get multiple guns, although they aren't as interesting as the guns from Dead Space were. Some more creativity would go a long way.
2) They re-use the same mini boss FOUR times. Re-using once with a slight twist is reasonable. Three times is excessive. Four is kind of ridiculous. Makes me think they were pressed for time.
In spite of these complaints, the gameplay was still varied enough to be enjoyable. I think it was worthwhile at a 20% discount. Even more so when they inevitably drop it lower in a few months. It's not common to get a big new release in this genre, so I think it's worth supporting instead of just buying endless remakes. Hopefully they get a second chance to do better with a full sequel.
Publisert 18. januar 2023.
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18 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.5 timer totalt (0.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Nvidia marketing material.
From what I've seen they even knee capped their own 20 series cards to get you to buy their new cards. So much for "future proofing" with 20 series hardware ray tracing.
Publisert 8. desember 2022. Sist endret 8. desember 2022.
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0.0 timer totalt
Worth it just to punch everything to death with Chris in Mercenaries.

The Rose part feels in line with past after game stories like Separate Ways and 4th Survivor. Those were free in their respective games though, and like others say I don't think it warrants $20 just for it. The 3rd person mode option is also a nice option, but again probably didn't take that much effort to add.
I think the Mercenaries content is the main reason to buy, new stages plus new characters you can use on the existing stages. Can easily spend many hours if you want to get good ranks.
Publisert 28. oktober 2022. Sist endret 31. oktober 2022.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
4.6 timer totalt
Already has hackers.
Will have a paid battlepass.
Should've made a coop game mode instead.
Publisert 25. oktober 2022.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
44.0 timer totalt (2.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Low time on steam, but I played the switch version on release. This game is so much better than World. It takes more art design elements from the older games, so while the textures don't look as polished as World, the game still looks significantly better to me.
Palicos and wirebugs help make up for the removal of load zones; traversing the map is much better than World as a result. Although I still think they could just bring load zones back.

This is a good introduction to the series I think, much more so than World.
Publisert 6. oktober 2022. Sist endret 6. oktober 2022.
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16.8 timer totalt (15.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
REmake aged very well. The visuals, at least at native 1080p, still look great. The backtracking and item management comes from a time when games needed more padding for their length, but I don't think it is "overkill". In fact, there were benefits to those limitations in design: all the unique, random little interactions and details you see in this game that you don't quite get in newer titles. And of course the static camera, which I think really does add to the games horror aesthetic much like the fog in Silent Hill.

With little to no help one can pretty easily play through the whole game; I only checked a guide a couple times. "Limited saves" is mostly a gimmick at least on normal; I had plenty left over by the end. It is a bit annoying to deal with all the items (including those ink ribbons) until you get the box. You just need to be careful about what you pick up until you find your way to the first safe room.
Publisert 27. september 2022.
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14.0 timer totalt
Item management in this game is a nightmare. How this game made it through play testers without demands for adding the item box is beyond me.
It's not too bad at first, but over the course of the game it results in ludicrous amounts of backtracking to ferry items around. To add insult to injury, the devs spawn enemies back on the way to or in areas you already cleared, knowing that you pooled items somewhere previously you want to get.
There are other minor complaints (the stupid instant kill RNG frogs for instance) but those would not be enough to warrant this negative review if they put the damn item box in this game.
It could still be worth playing if you want another game like REmake. The visuals hold up very well in 1080p, and you can properly set refresh rate in full screen for up to 120 fps (unlike in REmake). Just be prepared for frustration.
Publisert 22. september 2022.
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17.6 timer totalt
Good shooter with cute characters.
Two complaints:
Normal and Elite are fine, Nightmare mode is the typical "pump up the enemy stats to a ludicrous degree". Takes the mask off of the skinner box game elements. Not fun.
Shoehorned platforming secret areas. They're annoying, but easy enough on the lower difficulties. Stupidly hard to do on Nightmare, which just compounds the stupidity of that mode, as you are more punished for skipping extra occult scrolls. Stay in your lane developers; if I wanted a platformer I'd play a platformer.

I'd still recommend the game, it's good for what it is.
Publisert 13. mai 2022.
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2.4 timer totalt
Quick time event combat, wow so fun!
Comparisons to Monster Hunter I've seen do a disservice to that series, which I've been a fan of since I played Tri on the Wii. If this is an indicator of the typical "souls" games, then it's a series with bad MH gameplay. You have no fluidity in how combat plays out, you MUST wait to parry enemies, or for the bigger enemies to attack leaving a 2 second opening to hit once or twice. Rinse and repeat because every boss is a damage sponge. Make one small mistake and you die, forcing you to start over again.
If you want a 3rd person action rpg where you fight strong bosses, check out Monster Hunter: Rise. I think World is the worst in the series, but I'd recommend even that game over this one.
Publisert 3. mai 2022.
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271.4 timer totalt (113.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Best gun play of any FPS, period. Makes up for the bugs that will unfortunately never be patched, as antimatter has moved onto their next game.
Publisert 23. april 2022.
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